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04-30-2012, 10:36 PM

GothiComp 2012

Following are the rules for GothiComp 2012, feedback appreciated:

Rules GothiComp 2012.

This is the eight annual GothiComp, and will be run in a similar way to last years event. A very slight alteration of the categories has been made.

The Goal
The general aim of this competition is simply to encourage players to get painting and show off what they can do. I encourage people to enter no matter how good or bad their painting and converting skills are.

The Deadline
This competition will open Tuesday may 1, 2012, and the deadline for submissions is Tuesday 31st July 2012, 4pm (CET time).

The Categories

General note: we encourage new ships not been shown in a previous edition of GothiComp. Of course vessels that have been completely repainted are allowed again.

The Single Ship/Squadron entry
Each separate entry should consist of a single miniature (being capital ships) to be used for Battlefleet Gothic (however, note that conversions, scratch builds and even vessels from outside manufacturers are welcome). The only exception to this is:

- If the vessel is a light cruiser or equivalent, one or two vessels may be submitted as a single entry in the same photograph. Space Marine Strike Cruisers can be treated as light cruisers.

Aside from this stipulation, the entry is largely down to the participant.

The community will vote on the entries as usual.

One-Hit Category
This category consists of all 1 hit-point structures & vessels in the game of Battlefleet Gothic. Entries may consist from 1 to 6 models.

The community will vote on the entries as usual.

In addition, there will be a 'conversion prize' chosen from single ship & one hit category. This will be a token prize for one entry based on the skill and style of any conversion work which has gone into the vessel, in an effort to encourage creativity in modelling as well as painting. This will be judged by a select panel. All entries are automatically submitted into both competitions simultaneously. The judges for the conversion prize are myself, Warmaster Nice and Cybershadow.

The fleet category
Each separate entry should consist of a fleet worth at least 500 and a maximum of 2000 points following the standard BFG list or equivalent (the 2010 drafts are allowed even if GW has not uploaded them by then) .

The community will vote on the entries as usual.

The Prizes

Single Ship Category:
1x Zeus Light Cruiser [mangozac]

One hit Category
4x Zeus Destroyers [mangozac]

Conversion Category:
2x Strike cruiser conversion kits [mangozac]

Fleet Category:
cold navy [fracas]

The Pictures
You should submit a single picture per entry, no more. Each photograph should be no more than 3 megabytes large. The pixel width should not exceed 1024 x 768.

The Submission
To submit a picture of your vessel to this competition, you simply mail it at: [email protected]

Make sure the header of the email contains the following: ship name / class name

Note that you do not have to be a member of the http://www.tacticalwargames.net boards to enter this competition but in order to vote you will have to sign up.

We will compile a gallery of the entrants which will be available online. This gallery will remain as a permanent fixture to the site, and so you will be able to browse the pictures in the future. Please note, I am sure that there will be a rush in the last 24 hours before the end of this competition, therefore please don't wait until the last few hours if you can avoid it.

The Voting
Voting will take place at the specialist games GothiComp subforum: http://sg.tacticalwargames.net/forum/index.php?board=57.0. Entries will be split into heats. The winner of each heat will go through to the next round until a winner is determined. Please note that entries will be placed into heats in the order in which they are submitted here. Note: having multiple entries from one participant will be spread.

The voting period lasts 7 days.

The voting results will be shown after the poll ends.

Possible tiebreakers depend upon number of entries.

Note that the ship and/or class name will be shown, anomynous upon request otherwise name will be shown.

Additional Rules
All decisions are final, any prizes are non-negotiable and the competition organizers reserve the right to remove competition entries or request that they are resubmitted or altered. We will hopefully never need this stuff, but just in case...

That is it. Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have. Now, what are you doing still reading this? Get painting!

Have fun!


06-01-2012, 11:54 PM
Two months left to enter!

07-20-2012, 03:02 AM

all, read this:

This means the specialist games forum & site will be down from july 24 into july 26 if all goes well.

The new website will be:

This site will host the GothiComp gallery (and more).

This site movement does not hinder Submissions in anyway.

best regards,

08-12-2012, 10:03 PM

Galleries and voting!

Polls are here:

Gallery: http://www.specialist-arms.com/bfg/gothicomp/gothicomp12/index.html

Remember: you vote for painting, judges for conversion!

7 days to vote!


08-19-2012, 09:37 PM

Round one is over!

Tiebreaker for ship category is on!

Vote on the best painted runner up from the heats to see if it stands a chance in the glorious final!
Two days to vote.

As a test:
* 2 votes per user
* visible after voting.

Let me know what you think on this.

08-21-2012, 09:48 PM
The GRAND FINAL has begon!

Vote on the best painted entries of this year!

08-26-2012, 09:33 PM
Two days left to vote!

(If you were an early voter: the ship category got a reset after three hours, make sure your vote has been done, thanks).

08-30-2012, 01:39 PM
Hello everyone,

With the, mighty tense, voting over we have our GothiComp 2012 winners:

Fleet category
IE. Space Wolves fleet by Svyatoslav Karyagin / Spellscape

One-hit category
CA. Imperial Defense Platforms by Dan Gleason / afterimagedan

Singe ship category
2B. Space Marine Strike Cruisers by Aaron Dickey / Vaaish

And the conversion jury made up their minds (a few days ago):
Conversion category
1A. Dark Eldar Mortalis by Dan Gleason / afterimagedan

Congratulations to all the winners!