View Full Version : Buying from Hoard O' Bits

04-28-2012, 02:46 AM
I was absolutely shocked when I found it: A well stocked bits site? Blasphemy.
I discovered the guy through ebay, but when I went to his site, I found the prices were slightly cheaper, and their was more items in stock.
Unfortunately, I've encountered a problem. I can't figure out how to order. I click on an item and press "Add Items to Order", but when I check out Order History or Checkout I find an empty shopping list.
I live in Ireland, and the site is american, could that be a problem? I actually bought an item from them on ebay, and had no trouble.
Has anyone else had this problem? What do I do?
Thanks in advance.

04-28-2012, 09:46 AM
Their website is shocking, just use the Ebay store.

04-28-2012, 06:19 PM
Did you create an account on their site? It's very basic and simple compared to many others out there. but I think you have to be signed in, and it will retain your shopping cart for a while. I've bought from them many times with no problems.

04-29-2012, 08:15 AM
Hadn't heard of that site before, but looking at it they have decent stock.

I'm still awaiting response to an email for some more information about payment methods and shipping and all, since their website doesn't state anything or I just can't find it.

Maybe someone on this board can tell me;

Do they accept paypal, and how is their shipping calculated? Is it per item? Or a flatrate for whatever you want?

Don't want to end up having high shipping over a few items, especially since I'm from europe thus international shipping and all.

04-29-2012, 05:44 PM
It's a flat rate plus an "additional" rate per item. Not sure what the int'l rate is though. They only accept paypal from my experience. Create an account and then put stuff in your shopping cart and it will add it up for you. Some items which are heavier or weird have an "additional" additional cost but it makes sense.