View Full Version : Drop Pod Question - Clarification

04-27-2012, 02:52 PM
So I thought I had everything kosher on Drop Pods but it turns out I really don't know how to answer this question. Normally you can choose to send a Drop Pod down empty and have the contents walk onto the field. You can also bring down a Drop Pod and combat squad a unit of Marines inside as long as they exit from different sides (i.e. distinguish which marines are with with squad).


Can you combat squad *BEFORE* the game starts and send only half the squad down? I know this is probably suicide as it drops the number of guys in the unit in half and arguably gives away a free kill point, but is it a valid tactic? I don't have my codex near by so I can't read it and I can't recall the FAQ addressing the issue either.

04-27-2012, 02:59 PM
About the closest thing I can find is this:

Q: When a unit of 10 Space Marines with the Combat Squad special rule arrives from reserve as two combat squads, can they move on from, or Deep Strike onto, two different locations? (p51)
A: Yes
Which to me would imply that yes, one can arrive via Drop Pod. But the other unit might in theory not be in reserve. I guess the real question is when Combat Squadding, can one Combat Squad be placed in Reserve while the other deploys normally?

Hrmmm...but yet then there is this:

Q: Can you take a Drop Pod with a 10 man squad and then put a combat squad in it, deploying the other combat squad on the table, or leave it in reserve but not in the Drop Pod? (p69)
A: No, because squads that are place din reserve may not break down into combat squads.
That seems to contradict being able to Combat Squad once a unit arrives from Reserve.

04-27-2012, 03:10 PM
I think the general verdict is they combat squad once they hit the table, so whilst they can come out of drop pod and then combat squad, you can't combat squad them and put half in the pod and half not.

04-27-2012, 03:51 PM
The first FAQ question is in regards to a unit coming on from board edge or DSing without the aid of a drop pod. So for example, combat-squadding assault marines can be put into deep strike, and they will deep strike as one team but in two different locations (one roll, two deployments). Or putting half your tactical squad into a Razorback, for example, and having it roll onto the table when the tactical squad is rolled for.

In the case of the drop pod above, the unit needs to be deployed into the pod as the unit's models are ALL being placed into deep strike, and a model in deep strike MUST deep strike. So you can't have half the squad deep strike and half the squad walk.

04-27-2012, 03:56 PM
That seems to contradict being able to Combat Squad once a unit arrives from Reserve.

That's because you can't Combat Squad in reserve, but rather you have to do it when you deploy.

If you were putting half in the pod and half not, they would be broken down into combat squads already while in reserve.

That's why they can split when the pod lands, but not before.

Basically what Wildeybeast and cactusman said.

04-27-2012, 10:57 PM
I admit I was reading an old FAQ and simply went to the GW site as I hit Post. But thanks. I guess it's as simple as you combat squad when you deploy, not in reserve.

I know that it seems to be in the novels that marines "combat squad" on the fly, so it makes sense that they are given the order to do so once the Drop Pod hits.

Thanks for all the clarifications.

04-28-2012, 04:51 AM
No worries glad we could help.

04-28-2012, 11:30 PM
"No, because squads that are place din reserve may not break down into combat squads."

at first this looks a little twitchy and some read it wrong and think you can combat squad once placed into reserve. That is not what it says it only says that you can not combat squad while in reserve ie when not in the act of deploying.

When in the act of deploying you may combat squad, since this means you have your whole squad in the drop pod the squad can't combat squad untill the pod hits the table.

You can combat squad the unit deploying via a rino/ razorback at the time of deployment. You can also deep strike the units seperatly or have one half walk on and one half deep strike via a basic deep strike ability. You can not however deploy half the squad and not the other since the unit must deploy at the same time.

Also you can place the unit and hold the pod so you can have units on the table and use the pods as deep strike weapons platforms.

Keep in mind however that each vehicle counts as a troop choice for missions that only alow you to deploy X number of units.

It is a good idea to ask questions when you are not sure, even if some people give you a fairly nasty answer. You can usually get several good helping answers. The rules are a bit wacky since GW doesn't have the tightest rules set. Asking and checking helps you play better, and learn rules you may not have known. I like to preform well in my games, but I only like to win when I follow the rules.

Happy gaming!