View Full Version : Heavily mixed Inquisitorial GK, doable?

04-27-2012, 01:07 PM
So curiosity striking.

I play admech IG, but inquisitorial GK really attract me, I like the idea of all these different units with different loudouts, but am at an impasse.

I only get 6 squads, and no matter how I build the list, it always turns into razorback spam (lol) If I balloon out the squads, for example taking an argo-flag in each one so if the squad gets a cover save, putting a wound w/ fnp on him to reduce casualties, the squads just seem plain bad, with monkeys the squads quickly become more expensive than strike squads, and they have no armor!

There are virtually no options outside of those 6 slots that really make sense for the army, I'm thinking with some conversion magic I can make other things work, but the ramshackle band of conscripts thing kind of gets lost when you have stormravens and land raiders thundering around.

So anyways, I was hoping for some ideas/pics/lists/inspiration to get this idea moving.

04-27-2012, 01:19 PM
Acolytes are good for cheap scoring and special weapons, and Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders are good as an assault unit. That's basically it. You can throw in a Jokero or two in for fun, and you can take Servitors if you happen to have a Inquisitor laying around except there are better things to use Inquisitors for, but basically everything else is of no real worth.

04-27-2012, 01:34 PM
Thats about as far as I got with it as well, maybe it is just that the rest of the codex is so "good" that they pale in comparison, but if the warrior armor options were cheaper, I could make it work.

But I keep cutting everything down and ending up with the same sort of list, lol One example of such is below, back when I thought orbital relays would be effected by servo skulls.

Inquisitor Croteaz
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor w/ Psyocculum

Techmarine, Orbital relay, 3 servo skulls
Techmarine, Orbital relay, 3 servo skulls
Venerable Dread, Assault Cannon, Autocannon, Psybolt

Henchmen: 3 Warriors, Melta---- Razorback, Heavy bolters, psybolt, dozer, truesilver armor
Henchmen: 3 Warriors, Melta---- Razorback, Heavy bolters, psybolt, dozer, truesilver armor
Henchmen: 3 Warriors, Melta---- Razorback, Heavy bolters, psybolt, dozer, truesilver armor
Henchmen: 3 Warriors, Melta---- Razorback, Heavy bolters, psybolt, dozer, truesilver armor
Henchmen: 3 servitors w/ Plasma cannons, --- Chimera
Henchmen: 3 servitors w/ plasma cannons, --- Chimera

Fast Attack:
10 Interceptors, psybolt ammo, 2 psycannons
10 Interceptors, psybolt ammo, 2 psycannons
5 interceptors, incinerator

Heavy Support:
Dreadnaught, Autocannon,Autocannon, Psybolt
Dreadnaught, Autocannon,Autocannon, Psybolt
Dreadnaught, Autocannon,Autocannon, Psybolt

04-27-2012, 03:45 PM
Jokaero can (unreliably) make some of the unit options VERY good at shooting, with Plasma Rifles and Meltaguns becoming extra-powerful and cheapo stuff like storm bolters becoming as good as any space marine gear. And of course, there's also the handful of defensive options they grant too.

05-04-2012, 09:36 AM
Maybe get some units of psykers? 60pts for a S8 ap 1 large blast is pretty nasty, specially in a chimera. They do kill themselves every so often though...