View Full Version : Rare Models in your Collection?

04-26-2012, 05:39 AM
Was browsing eBay, looking for bargains as I do occasionally

Stumbled across this pair




Two Female Eldar Farseers/Warlocks. Now I don't know if these are genuine GW....but they're going for £70 and £80 a piece.

Have to say if she wasn't £80 pound with 12 hours to go I'd want that one...shed make a great model to include. (Whats your bid Eldargal? :p) EDIT - Sold for £82 and £92. WHO SPENDS £92 ON ONE SODDING MODEL!
Do you have any staggeringly rare, hideously expensive old models in your collections?

04-26-2012, 06:25 AM
Was browsing eBay, looking for bargains as I do occasionally

Stumbled across this pair




Two Female Eldar Farseers/Warlocks. Now I don't know if these are genuine GW....but they're going for £70 and £80 a piece.

Have to say if she wasn't £80 pound with 12 hours to go I'd want that one...shed make a great model to include. (Whats your bid Eldargal? :p)

Do you have any staggeringly rare, hideously expensive old models in your collections?
My friend, yes I do, I got from Rogue Era Dreads to characters mostly Imperial do, for some reason I have seen this too, UK having some different models than US. I worked GW in the US for a while and I believe that not all the molds make it to the US.
It's hard to say.

Brother G
"The Emperor Protects"
* Remember Rynns*

04-26-2012, 07:11 AM
I still have the Space Marine Iwo Jima diorama that was only given out as a reward for mail order. It still around for sale on line,but it's rather uncommon

04-26-2012, 07:19 AM
I managed to snag this guy (http://www.solegends.com/citle/citle2000/armyboxes/37damaster/abDarkAngelCompanyMaster.jpg) a few years ago, and have always meant to use him as the Aurora Chapter (http://aurorachapter.com)'s Chief Librarian, but have never got around to doing the proper conversion. Been considering re-making him from plastic/Finecast models, and selling off the original.

04-26-2012, 08:30 AM
I still have some harlequin jetbikes laying around in need of some simplegreen. Everytime I break out the cowlings I get Ooohs and Aaahs even though they're not that rare.

04-26-2012, 09:33 AM
I have the female Commissar and the Necromunda Spire Special character.

It seems like if they make a lady version of something, it typically resells for a quite a bit after it's gone out of print. I don't know why GW won't make more lady models.

04-26-2012, 09:41 AM
Cos until the recent DE line, GW couldn't do women well. They all looked like men...

04-26-2012, 01:02 PM
I still have all my old RT Eldar, including the musicians, harlie jetbikes, and original dreads.

Some are still unpainted/unprimed.

04-26-2012, 05:57 PM
I have the original unreleased versions of "Rocket girl" and "grease monkey" from Schaefer's Last Chancers

04-26-2012, 07:05 PM
I've got an Eldar Bonesinger and all of the classic Harlequins leading my craftworld atm.

04-26-2012, 07:10 PM
I ended up with a lot of skulls when they did the 10 for 1 (or more) program as they phased it out. I have the Adeptus Mech unit, the Bret General, the Ultramarines Standard Bearer (Ancient Helvectus?) and more. Although the coolest HTF model I have is the Kroot Master Shaper from Games Day. No idea how I ended up with it, but he's sweet.

04-27-2012, 03:54 AM
i include quite a few rare models through my armies as they have all been a labour of love to paint (i must admit that most of them are WHFB not 40k but anyways...)

Eldar Army includes Bonesinger
Space Marines includes Games Day Model w/ Thunderhamer, Mail Order reward model with powerfist and the Games Day '03 Wolf Priest
Orks- FW Skwadron Kommander and the Runtbot

they are the ones i can think of right now


04-27-2012, 03:55 AM
I have the Bonesinger...spent more than I care to admit on that one...

BUT! Not as much as....

Those 2 Female Farseers in the first post sold for £82 and £92.


04-27-2012, 04:30 AM
Having recently spent £82 and £92 on a pair of female farseers....

lol not really,
Don't really know how limited some of these are but heres a small selection

Iwo Jima diorama
3x blisters of cadians at ease
3x inquisitor lorr (i think, the witch hunter with the plasma gun and hat)
2x archaon on foot (WH)
2x exalted chaos champion (WH)
3x harry the hammer
3x crimson fist diorama
1x wd sub space marine vet sgt
1x black orc champion (WH)

That's just off the top of my head while at work. All are unpainted, most are unassembled/opened.

04-27-2012, 04:34 AM
Pictures? anyone?

Show off your goods!

04-30-2012, 08:34 AM
I have 2 bonesingers still in the package. Man if they sell that well, maybe I should ebay them!

04-30-2012, 08:44 AM
Bonesingers go for about £20 -£30.

I just bought the Gamesday special Kroot Shaper for £15

04-30-2012, 09:31 AM
I have a topless Witch Elf and the unreleased Iyanna Arienal female farseer, which was actually given to me. For which I am grateful as the sculpt quality isn't that great, I wouldn't pay eight pounds for it.

04-30-2012, 09:34 AM
here's a small list of models that I can think of,

2 original rogue trade dreads
10 man marines from RT
bloodthirster which is same size as a nowadays term
5 original plastic libarian terms still on sprues from space hulk add on (deathwing)
2 wood dragons
1 large dragon
dwarf bludgen cannon and crew

yes I'm old and some of these come from the eighties, will try to get pics

04-30-2012, 10:44 AM
I have the female Commissar and the Necromunda Spire Special character.

It seems like if they make a lady version of something, it typically resells for a quite a bit after it's gone out of print. I don't know why GW won't make more lady models.


I'd like to see some female Imperial Guard models. I'd buy those up right quick.

04-30-2012, 11:05 AM

I'd like to see some female Imperial Guard models. I'd buy those up right quick.

But there *are* female Imperial Guard models! The first and third models on this page: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1490651&prodId=prod1150013

Or there's the good old House Escher...

Although yeah, would be nice to see a few models. If ForgeWorld did a female Guard regiment it'd make many people very happy...

05-04-2012, 05:31 AM
Pre-slotta base Nippon Samurai


Recently found his hammer toting mate in this pic


Oh, and the Citadel toilet


05-04-2012, 10:41 AM
I just recently came across an entire Skullz Adeptus Mechanicus set. I use them as my BT Command Squad.

Cpt Codpiece
05-05-2012, 10:15 PM
i have two of the ultra marines standard (helevectus) sadly i tink one is a recast.... but my brother has chopped him up to make his own standard now anyway :)
i also have the 30th anniversary dwarf set (no big deal i know), the tau etherial from the big box and the autarch from the big box and a few sets of those limited ed fanatics they did when skulls pass came out.

my friend has a centurius (LOTD vet srg) stiill with blister (its open but he has the blister still) and he has one of the first run chaplain cassius with the wrong gun :) (git) i'll not mention the box of RTBo1 he has in his loft still in box with only one guy removed from sprue (still in box, just off sprue) did i mention he's a git

06-27-2012, 02:45 AM
The very first space marine model that was cast back in the rouge trader era.. its a one piece with backpack and all... toting a bayonet... yup.

06-30-2012, 08:23 PM
I still have what i think was my first ever Eldar Farseer model; mr "What's that over there? (points)" with the bug eyes. Just stripped the paint off all my Farseers to give them a proper unified paint scheme (painted them when i was younger and they were all different (sigh)) and he looks perfect, still.

Not sure how rare/special he is, but I loves it like it was my first ever model...oh wait...

07-01-2012, 03:25 AM
My rare collection:
* 3 boxes of rogue trader (2 of them sealed)
* metal thunderhawk (with crate and certificate)
* All gamesday exlusive models (in blisters)
* Emperors champion model
* Staff only space marine (got it as a present actually)
* Bombers over the sulphur river (my favorite!!)

07-01-2012, 01:42 PM
I have this 2nd edition furioso but mine has a assault cannon. still use it as a normal dread now.


07-01-2012, 11:56 PM
I use Anghor Prok in my Tau army.


Brass Scorpion
07-02-2012, 12:02 AM
I've been at the GW hobby for two decades and have many limited edition and rare models including the Bonesinger, Sgt. Centurius and many Rogue Trader era models.

I also own the Skullz Program Space Marine Flag Raising diorama. I finally painted it two years ago and GW featured it on their What's New Today blog post:



My Bonesinger:


http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/10/10/57780_md-Bonesinger%2C%20Character%2C%20Eldar%2C%20Farseer% 2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000%2C%20Warlock.jpg

Limited Edition Inquisitor:


http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/3/28/202705_md-Character%2C%20Grey%20Knights%2C%20Inquisitor%2C%2 0Painting%2C%20Skull%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.jpg

07-02-2012, 12:03 AM
I've always liked that piece, ought to paint mine one day.

07-02-2012, 01:29 AM
* metal thunderhawk (with crate and certificate)

This is what I wish I had the most...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-02-2012, 01:32 AM
I would pay many moneys for a Bonesinger.

07-02-2012, 01:43 AM
They are a nightmare to assemble, most of my brothers bought one back in 1998, even back then the eldest pair had over ten years experience with metal models and they hated assembling them. They are also smaller and stubbier than the FW ones. Even with the ageing moulds the FW version is still vastly superior, according to my brothers.

This is what I wish I had the most...

07-02-2012, 01:44 AM
I'd need two to assemble one...

Brass Scorpion
07-02-2012, 11:27 AM
This is what I wish I had the most... A friend of mine has one he'd like to sell still new in crate. If you're interested I might be able to hook you up.

I would pay many moneys for a Bonesinger.I have one new in blister left to sell. I'll probably be putting it on eBay next Sunday night. Check the seller name "zigra". You can see all my auctions at this link:

07-03-2012, 01:52 AM
Thanks, but I as much as I'd love one, I can't justify the cost, considering they were £400 new, I'd imagine he'd want at least 50% more now...

lol, You did tempt though...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-03-2012, 02:01 AM
I hate ebay....
I also cannot get onto it. :(

07-08-2012, 04:55 PM
Crawling out of the corner again...

One of the hazards/boons of having been in 40K since v2 (and having the attention span for projects of a two-year old - look a butterfly!...) is that I've managed to accumulate a rather extensive collection of things that weren't rare when they came out but now sadly are. I've also managed to latch onto some of the goodies that were always meant to be rare. Centurius, the LE Inquisitor, House Escher "cone brassiere girl" and female Commissar are in this latter category. Space Elves, original Harlequins, the RT marines (both metal and plastic), zoats, and the RT tyranids are in the latter category. The Armorcast Tyranid creatures and IG & Eldar vehicles are in between these two categories as they were never meant to be rare but GW decided to make sure that they were.

While the quality of some of these minis is rather poor, I love them. All of my armies have selections of these old gems included alongside their newer compadres. I love getting looks from other old-timers who remember these jewels that they let get away from them years ago.

07-09-2012, 08:17 PM
These are what I have.

Lots of old Rogue Trader Eldar back from the late 1980's and early 1990's


http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/2/25/85443_sm-Alaitoc,%20Eldar,%20Guardians,%20Old,%20Oops,%20Ro gue%20Trader,%20Warhammer%2040,000.jpg


Yes every single model is OOP and are all metal. Though some do have the plastic arms.

I have also around 40+ of the old Space Orks as well. To include several of the old Weird Boyz and Ork Nobs.

I did not get any of the old Mad Boyz though.

Peter Bannister
07-15-2015, 05:57 PM

Hey, I am looking for any the unreleased Wood Elves! If any of you have any for sale, let me know! Thanks! :D

07-16-2015, 10:45 AM
Hmm - probably more a post for the trading forums, but hey. Have you tried the Oldhammer Trading Community on Facebook?

07-16-2015, 11:59 AM
I have an old "Female in Power Armour w/ Sword and Boltgun", from the old 40k Adventurers set. Been looking for a "Female in Power Armour w/ Hammer and Boltgun" for almost two decades, now, and still have yet to acquire one. Ol' Babs has a Psyker symbol on her shoulder, and I love using her as an Inquisitor, along with my Female Commisar w/ Laspistol model.


07-16-2015, 09:08 PM
I still have one of these that I picked up years ago for $5 unassembled and unpainted. 15119

The Girl
07-17-2015, 12:39 AM
Not the best photo, but this is the Bonesinger from my collection:


07-17-2015, 05:28 AM
OH I love the bone singer, I really wish I'd grabbed one.

Arkhan Land
07-17-2015, 08:37 AM

heres a few of my weirdys that i have pics handy of, although I play pretty often about half of all the crap I own is definetly in the collector realm but sometimes you can find decent existing models/rules to fit them, like a Cannon or Cauldron of Khorne becomes a Possesed Vindicator or Predator, or a Vampire-Class Spirit warrior is bit-upgraded to a Wraithseer, so in order, Upgraded Wraithseer, Rogue Trader/3rd Ed Daemons Versus Eldar (all kinds of metal and Armorcast in there), My Ultramarines Armoury RT style (cept of course for Bikes and Speeders), closeup of my 89 alternate Termies (Ive gotten another since, which Ive converted to have an AC), and my Collosus and Techmarine while they were work in progress.

07-17-2015, 08:39 AM

heres a few of my weirdys that i have pics handy of, although I play pretty often about half of all the crap I own is definetly in the collector realm but sometimes you can find decent existing models/rules to fit them, like a Cannon or Cauldron of Khorne becomes a Possesed Vindicator or Predator, or a Vampire-Class Spirit warrior is bit-upgraded to a Wraithseer, so in order, Upgraded Wraithseer, Rogue Trader/3rd Ed Daemons Versus Eldar (all kinds of metal and Armorcast in there), My Ultramarines Armoury RT style (cept of course for Bikes and Speeders), closeup of my 89 alternate Termies (Ive gotten another since, which Ive converted to have an AC), and my Collosus and Techmarine while they were work in progress.

Your Marines brought a huge smile my face, long may they continue to bring your gaming pleasure.

Erik Setzer
07-17-2015, 09:03 AM
I have the female Commissar and the Necromunda Spire Special character.

I have Commissar Corset in my collection, too (along with a few other choice limited models). I feel like she does a good job of showing the problem with GW making female models sometimes.

- - - Updated - - -

I still have one of these that I picked up years ago for $5 unassembled and unpainted. 15119

Isn't that one of the Epicast or Armorcast models? I still have a couple Armorcast Battlewagons, but I'm not sure what happened to my Epicast Gobsmasha.

Benjamin Griffiths
07-17-2015, 09:48 AM

Dunno about rare, but I think this guy would be fairly old, if he had ever actually existed of course....

07-17-2015, 12:16 PM

Love the Skullz, I used to also have the Magi with the dwarfed servitor on a lead but that one has been lost to the sands of time. Games Day 94, Mark Gibbons signed his pencil drawing of the Avatar in my copy of the 2nd Ed Eldar codex, feels like a lifetime ago because it was...



At 14 I was really into drawing and that picture blew my tiny mind when I saw it.

07-17-2015, 03:19 PM

My Bonesinger... Farseer Pssyche.