View Full Version : deathmark question

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 06:34 PM
When do you choose which unit is marked? It says when they are deployed, what if they are reserved, do you chose what enemy unit is marked when they come in? And if so, can they choose the unit after they are done seepstriking, because that in my mind is when they are officially deployed .

04-24-2012, 07:12 PM
When a unit deep strikes, you are deploying them, so they can mark their targets at that time. :)

Moving in from the table edge as a reserve is not deploying a unit, however. So if they walk onto the board, sadly, they can't mark anything...not that I can imagine wanting to walk them in.

04-24-2012, 07:35 PM
Amusingly, we have here a rules question in the tactics forum and down below we have a tactics question (the one about why nobody uses the standard land raider) in the rules forum.

And yeah, if it says to do something at deployment, then you do so when the model first attempts to set down on the table and not before.

Also, kawauso, models walking onto the board from reserves IS deployment, they deploy from reserves as opposed to deep strike reserves or outflank reserves, which are special. At the worst case, they are deployed into reserve and would choose any effects then. And in this case, there is an excellent reason to walk them on: they can take a Cryptek with a Veil and combine his flamer template with their wound-on-2+ shenanigans.

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 07:44 PM
Can I get a mod to the appropriate section

04-24-2012, 08:40 PM
When a unit deep strikes, you are deploying them, so they can mark their targets at that time. :)

Moving in from the table edge as a reserve is not deploying a unit, however. So if they walk onto the board, sadly, they can't mark anything...not that I can imagine wanting to walk them in.

Incorrect on the second point- any time a unit arrives from reserves, you are deploying it to the table, regardless of method (Deep Strike, board edge, or some other method.)

Deathmarks will place their "mark" on a unit effectively as soon as they enter the battle, however they do so. Note, however, that if you are going first and deploy them on the table, there are no enemy units in play to be chosen and thus their ability is wasted.

04-24-2012, 08:43 PM
Damn, I thought I did due diligence in double-checking the rules on that one...anyone got the page I missed?

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 09:32 PM
Incorrect on the second point- any time a unit arrives from reserves, you are deploying it to the table, regardless of method (Deep Strike, board edge, or some other method.)

Deathmarks will place their "mark" on a unit effectively as soon as they enter the battle, however they do so. Note, however, that if you are going first and deploy them on the table, there are no enemy units in play to be chosen and thus their ability is wasted.

Another question is do you choose after the scatter role?

04-24-2012, 10:33 PM
I believe you choose before the scatter, but I'm not sure. If they mishap and go back into reserve or get rearranged by the enemy, they don't get to just select a new target.

planet psyrum
04-25-2012, 01:20 AM
Quick question if this is legal, again can i get a mod to move this to rules. I drop a veiltek and an abyssaltek into a deathmark squad of 5. They deap strike turn 3 and hit there Target. I then position the two abyssal staves and hit my marked unit of ard boys, with 12 hits. I roll three ones, and have nine wounds. Then shoot the deathmarks at rapid fire range and kill 3 more wounds.

My opponent still has 4 boyz, a nob, and warboss there, and passes morale check. He charged and wiped my unit out. Part 2 of my question. Both crypteks got back up and abyssal staffed the same unit again, killing them all this time.

Is this all possible and legal?

04-25-2012, 06:01 AM
from my understanding, crypteks and characters joining a unit of deathmarks do not gain their "Marked" ability as they themselves are not deathmarks.

04-25-2012, 09:11 AM
Quick question if this is legal, again can i get a mod to move this to rules. I drop a veiltek and an abyssaltek into a deathmark squad of 5. They deap strike turn 3 and hit there Target. I then position the two abyssal staves and hit my marked unit of ard boys, with 12 hits. I roll three ones, and have nine wounds. Then shoot the deathmarks at rapid fire range and kill 3 more wounds.

My opponent still has 4 boyz, a nob, and warboss there, and passes morale check. He charged and wiped my unit out. Part 2 of my question. Both crypteks got back up and abyssal staffed the same unit again, killing them all this time.

Is this all possible and legal?

Well, two things: First, yes, that is all possible, with the caveat that your unit never enters deep strike reserves. They must teleport with the veil only, as neither Cryptek has the Deep Strike special rule, though they can do this from normal reserves (which means they can also walk onto the board on your table edge). The Crypteks are still part of the unit of Deathmarks even if the Deathmarks have been destroyed.

from my understanding, crypteks and characters joining a unit of deathmarks do not gain their "Marked" ability as they themselves are not deathmarks.
Partially correct. Royal Court models that join a squad become part of that squad and gain any rules that specifically affect the unit as a whole, including things like the Deathmarks Marked for Death ability. They do not gain any USRs or wargear abilities that the unit had, such as Stealth, Deep Strike, Fearless etc. unless those items specifically apply to the unit as a whole. Independent Characters are functionally separate units that are joined to each other, and do not benefit from those abilities at all. This is clarified in the GW Necron FAQ.

This also means that if, for example, an enemy unit of Deathmarks marked your Deathmarks w/ cryptek unit for Death, then they could continue to wound your crypteks on 2+ even if all the actual Deathmark models were killed.