View Full Version : Zahndrekh Synergies

Colonel Kreitz
04-24-2012, 10:34 AM
Since we have a Zahndrekh model on the way, this seems to be a pretty ideal to bring up a topic on what units synergize best with Zahndrekh's tactical abilities (adding USRs to your units).

Interestingly, the first two that come to mind are two units that I do not normally like: Heavy Destroyers and Doomsday Arks. I think both are somewhat overpriced (the Doomsday Ark especially so). However, with the ability to grant Tank-Hunters, both are effectively S10. That's 3 S10 shots from the Heavy Destroyers or a S10 AP1 template from the Ark (which would be very handy against parking lots). The other obvious combo is Tank Hunters with an Annihilation Barge. 4 twin linked S8 Tesla shots are pretty awesome, though the AP - means that to a large degree, it's still a suppression weapon.

Furious charge seems like it could have some general utility with Lychguards. I prefer mine with the sword/shield combo (the 4++ is awfully handy), but if you're rolling with warscythes, the S8 on the charge can be nice against MCs or as a means of knocking out T4, multiwound models. There's also some utility against vehicles, though S7 + 2d6 seems like it would normally be more than adequate.

Acute senses has some general utility in Dawn of War, though if things are really desperate, Solar Pulses are available. Hit and Run can be used to extricate units from desperate assaults on a case by case basis, but I would think that its use would be rarer.

What ideas do you guys have? What pairs well with Zahndrekh's abilities and in what situations?

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 12:15 PM
I mostly use zahndreks special rules for two things.

1. Give tank hunters to a unit of immortals who either veiled behind heavy tanks, or to shoot at av 11 transports. 6-10 strength 5+1 shots from 24" away can be surprising to opponents.

2. Warscythes on a furious charge against orks, +1 to initiative helps out a lot.

But also removing acute senses from long fangs during dow or solar pulse is handy.

04-24-2012, 12:33 PM
I have used him successfully (well, successful that turn) with Scarabs and C'tan with furious charge. The Str on Scarabs is nice if you roll bad on Entropic strike and making the C'tan hit before marines is also handy and making the C'tan Str 8.

As a last ditch effort or having nothing else to do I have used counter attack on some warriors about to be charged.

Stealth is pretty awesome on a command barge going flat-out and getting a 3+. Bring the bromancer (obryon) and have him jump in Zandrekh's barge.

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 02:45 PM
Wait, what do you mean have obyron jump in zahndreks barge? I do not understand how that is possible.

planet psyrum
04-24-2012, 02:59 PM
Ok I get it. can zahndrek disembark , and obyron embark and then move the command barge? Sorry, if this is a noob question, I am a noob and i read the transport entry in the rulebook, but it wasnt clear

04-24-2012, 03:20 PM
Ok I get it. can zahndrek disembark , and obyron embark and then move the command barge? Sorry, if this is a noob question, I am a noob and i read the transport entry in the rulebook, but it wasnt clear

Yes. You buy the transport with Zahndrekh, and deploy Obyron on the board outside of it, and them embark him on turn 1. Command Barge says it can transport one Infantry Independent Character, and Obyron meets those criteria.

Colonel Kreitz
04-25-2012, 12:21 AM
I mostly use zahndreks special rules for two things.

1. Give tank hunters to a unit of immortals who either veiled behind heavy tanks, or to shoot at av 11 transports. 6-10 strength 5+1 shots from 24" away can be surprising to opponents.

2. Warscythes on a furious charge against orks, +1 to initiative helps out a lot.

But also removing acute senses from long fangs during dow or solar pulse is handy.

It seems extremely risky, but I rather like the Veil/Immortal/Tank-Hunter combo. I think it'd be imprudent in a lot of cases, but for busting up midfield assault tanks/dreadnoughts/transports, it seems like it could be effective and extremely unexpected. Could also work with a Monolith portal, depending on circumstances.

I have used him successfully (well, successful that turn) with Scarabs and C'tan with furious charge. The Str on Scarabs is nice if you roll bad on Entropic strike and making the C'tan hit before marines is also handy and making the C'tan Str 8.

As a last ditch effort or having nothing else to do I have used counter attack on some warriors about to be charged.

Stealth is pretty awesome on a command barge going flat-out and getting a 3+. Bring the bromancer (obryon) and have him jump in Zandrekh's barge.

I thought about the C'tan as well. It almost seems excessive, but in certain circumstances, the S8 instakill seems worth it. Moreover, you're right, I5 could be extremely important in some situations.

As for stealth with the command barge...that's just mean, but I like the idea a lot.

planet psyrum
04-25-2012, 01:03 AM
It seems extremely risky, but I rather like the Veil/Immortal/Tank-Hunter combo. I think it'd be imprudent in a lot of cases, but for busting up midfield assault tanks/dreadnoughts/transports, it seems like it could be effective and extremely unexpected. Could also work with a Monolith portal, depending on circumstances.

The risk is worth it if you are going to blow up a leman russ, vindicators, or bask preds. A unit of 5 + veil is like 145, and most russ's are running at 185. But for other tanks it is worth it because now they are shooting at this unit instead of your wraiths and the like. Plus if you are lucky, you may be able to veil out of that bad position(even if it is just the veiltek. Another option is bringing an eldrich lance with you for insurance, however that can be too pricey for the risk

Colonel Kreitz
04-25-2012, 09:35 AM
The risk is worth it if you are going to blow up a leman russ, vindicators, or bask preds. A unit of 5 + veil is like 145, and most russ's are running at 185. But for other tanks it is worth it because now they are shooting at this unit instead of your wraiths and the like. Plus if you are lucky, you may be able to veil out of that bad position(even if it is just the veiltek. Another option is bringing an eldrich lance with you for insurance, however that can be too pricey for the risk

I think I'll give this one a try. As you note, the chance to bust a tank is great, but the midfield (or backfield) threat from those Immortals can really push an opponent off balance.

04-25-2012, 10:11 AM
Remember that you don't need LOS to the friendly unit you're giving rules to. I've seen people forget that.

04-25-2012, 10:17 AM
I have tried Zahndrekh, as far as I am concerned he just isn't worth 185 points. Being able to give some rules to one squad and take away some from one enemy squad is not worth it. His combat capabilities are below average, his other special rule(phased reinforcements) is not all that usefull. To top it all off, he is a liability if you also bring Obyron.

I think you are always better suited bringing Imotekh and/or Overlord on CCB.

Colonel Kreitz
04-25-2012, 10:28 AM
I have tried Zahndrekh, as far as I am concerned he just isn't worth 185 points. Being able to give some rules to one squad and take away some from one enemy squad is not worth it. His combat capabilities are below average, his other special rule(phased reinforcements) is not all that usefull. To top it all off, he is a liability if you also bring Obyron.

I think you are always better suited bringing Imotekh and/or Overlord on CCB.

Eh. You may very well be right (I've never tried taking Imotekh or vanilla Overlods), but I like Zahndrekh for the same reason I like Trazyn: their fluff is just freaking cool.

What I'm saying is, Zahndrekh may not be the best HQ choice in the book, but if you do use him, how do you maximize his utility?

I should add, while he may not be the best, I really don't think he's bad by any stretch, and I suspect he is exponentially better when your list is oriented around his special ability rules, hence the synergy question.

04-25-2012, 11:59 AM
I've seen Zanderekh in action, he's pretty mean and does some useful things. Obyron is the real beast, though. Take Zanderekh to boost Obyron's unit a bit and unlock royal court models. There's a reason Dave Key came in second at Slaughter in Space this year with Imhotek, Obyron AND Zanderekh all in one squad, despite conventional net wisdom saying this shouldn't have been possible. Just that extra independent character alone can help take the heat off of a critical unit.

planet psyrum
04-25-2012, 01:26 PM
Yeah, zahndrek is pretty awesome. His special power is why I think he is the best hq choice, and maybe a must take. Giving someone stealth is nothing to sneeze at also. I drop 5 warriors, 2 crypteks with lightning field, and zahndrek himself on an objective in cover. Turns 4 and on I give them stealth. 3+ invul save with everliving on 4+, good luck shooting them off that objective. Charge them you say? Have fun with 2d6 strength 8 AP 5 hits, first.

planet psyrum
04-25-2012, 01:34 PM
I've seen Zanderekh in action, he's pretty mean and does some useful things. Obyron is the real beast, though. Take Zanderekh to boost Obyron's unit a bit and unlock royal court models. There's a reason Dave Key came in second at Slaughter in Space this year with Imhotek, Obyron AND Zanderekh all in one squad, despite conventional net wisdom saying this shouldn't have been possible. Just that extra independent character alone can help take the heat off of a critical unit.

I take vanilla overlord, zahndrek, obryon, 2 lords, and 5 immortals in one squad. The unit is an absolute beast. I recently failed 8 straight 4+ ever living rolls, and still had 2 charcters in place to contest an objective. however, I failed another reanimation roll, and failed to get a far enough run to contest and win. i ended up tying

planet psyrum
04-25-2012, 01:39 PM
I have tried Zahndrekh, as far as I am concerned he just isn't worth 185 points. Being able to give some rules to one squad and take away some from one enemy squad is not worth it. His combat capabilities are below average, his other special rule(phased reinforcements) is not all that usefull. To top it all off, he is a liability if you also bring Obyron.

I think you are always better suited bringing Imotekh and/or Overlord on CCB.

Overlord+sempimental weave+res orb+ phase shifter=180. 5 more points and you get his tactics and unlock obryon. Yeah seems pretty worth his points.

04-25-2012, 11:21 PM
You don't "unlock" Obyron, you can take Obyron without filling an HQ slot if you take Zandrekh. Otherwise, he's a standard HQ selection.

planet psyrum
04-26-2012, 01:03 AM
By unlock I mean take him and still be able to take an additional overlord for two royal courts. Also, I don't think anyone would take him without zahndrek. Obryon can't get a ccb, has no invul save, and no shooting phase. Also, doesn't allow for second royal court and a veiltek is much cheaper. Add in that necrons hate cc, i really believe no one would take him by himself. That's what I mean by unlock

Colonel Kreitz
04-26-2012, 09:47 AM
By unlock I mean take him and still be able to take an additional overlord for two royal courts. Also, I don't think anyone would take him without zahndrek. Obryon can't get a ccb, has no invul save, and no shooting phase. Also, doesn't allow for second royal court and a veiltek is much cheaper. Add in that necrons hate cc, i really believe no one would take him by himself. That's what I mean by unlock

I'm actually rather skeptical of Obyron, myself. It seems like he doesn't have much of a place in a Zahndrekh list unless you put him in a squad of Lychguard or on Zahndrekh's Catacomb Command Barge. He punches hard, but the lack of an invul is a pretty severe issue.

This said, I'll probably take him, just to be fluffy.

planet psyrum
04-26-2012, 01:52 PM
I'm actually rather skeptical of Obyron, myself. It seems like he doesn't have much of a place in a Zahndrekh list unless you put him in a squad of Lychguard or on Zahndrekh's Catacomb Command Barge. He punches hard, but the lack of an invul is a pretty severe issue.

This said, I'll probably take him, just to be fluffy.

I couldnt agree more. If you take him you have to either protect him or hide him. He could always babysit a unit warriors on an objective. I like to use him just for an extra veil. If you could position him against a nondedicated cc unit, he can do wonders. Just hide him from plasma krak and lascannons.