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View Full Version : Daughters of the Emperor(SOB) @ Tower of Games RTT 3Rnds

04-24-2012, 08:59 AM
A couple battle reports from the past weekend. First of I want to apologize for not having everyone’s list that I played against so I’ll try and get as close as possible.

My list consisted of

St. Celestine

Seraphim Squad (10) hand flamers x2 VSS Eviscerator Bolt pistol

Dominion Squad (5) 2melta gun DVS Combi melta
Immolator DB MM

Dominion Squad (5)2melta gun DVS Combi melta
Immolator DB MM

Penitence Engine X3

Retributor Squad (5) 3 HB, MM VRS Storm bolter

Retributor Squad (5) 3 HB, MM VRS Storm bolter

Repentia Squad (8)

Repentia Squad (8)

Battle Sister Squad (10) Storm bolter, Melta gun VBS Storm bolter
Rhino SL, DB, SB, HK

Battle Sister Squad (10) Storm bolter, Melta gun VBS Storm bolter
Rhino SL, DB, SB, HK

Battle Sister Squad (10) Storm bolter, Melta gun VBS Storm bolter
Rhino SL, DB, SB

Round 1 VS Nids

List was roughly

3 hive guard

2 venomthropes

A tervigon

A tyrgon prime

Tyranid prime 4 warriors 1 with barb strangler the rest with bone swords

Hive tyrant w/ venom cannon bone sword and hive guard

A large stealer block with a broodlord in it

A spore with 3 zoeies

A spore with 20 termegauts with devourers

Mission 5 Objectives NOVA format, Spearhead deployment. Nids win the initiative and I do not attempt to steal.

By the bottom of turn 1 his Hive tyrant only has 1 wound thanks to a long scot move that allowed me to draw a bead on him with the whole squad of dominions and he only has 1 hive guard left again to a great round of shooting.

Bottom of 2 the Trygon prime decided to eat my immolator but took a wound from some heavy bolter action. The Repentia then decided to make him into a giant bug salad hitting 15 times leaving him with only 1 wound which he then failed his fearless saves and died. His Hive tyrant dropped after taking a Hunter Killer to the face. Celestine and Seraphim jump over a piece of terrain to lay 5 flamer templates on the warriors in the backfield. With only 1of those surviving the ensuing melee the squad were set up to clean off the objective.

Bottom of 3 Zoeies come down and Tervigon come on my right flank behind my Retributor squad and they get eaten by some gaunts…. Zoeies manage to blow both stombolters of a rhino then propmly got assaulted by a squad of Repentia that once again turned them into a pile of goo along with the spore that they came down in. Repentia 1 squad finishes of the hive guard and start moving towards the stealers that have come on from the other side of the board. Seraphim and Celestine finishes off the last venomthrope.
Turn 4 This is was were I made my first mistake of the game. I decided to break Celestine off from the seraphim to go beat on some stealers. And help the Repentia hopefully . Well the Repentia get eaten. And Celestine stands there as the stealers charge forward. She got to swing 5 times in 3 rnds of combat… however she did make 20 some saves

Turn 5 having killed off the the Tervigon and the remaining threats to the right side objectives I make a late dash to snatch the last objective on the field. Here is mistake 2 which didn’t cost me the game but cost me the win. I didn’t disembark the squad. I missed capturing the center objective by a quarter of an inch…. Meanwhile Celestine decides she wants to fall over dead and the last pod came down dropping all but on my seraphim’s heads. They then are totally blown off the objective. Giving him 1 to 2 in his shooting phase and at the bottom of my combat I lost the second one in my melee phase as he consolidated off of Celestine biting it back onto his objective.
Time is up and he now has 2 and I have 2… If the game goes on I win and he couldn’t do anything about it. So I have to settle for a tie that I cause.

Game 2 vs NIDS AGAIN.....

Mission modified C and C with 3 objectives standard Deployment

This list is more based around warrors and a par of trygon primes being the front line hard hitters. With only 2 Zoes In it I know I have to take them out to make this a game. I focus all fire on them killing them Turn 1 followed by me meltaing the big guys in the front on turn 2

I have placed my Repentia and PEs, Celestine and Seraphim in reserve because of a Doom being in a pod. Luck has it Doom decides to go flying off the table and get destroyed because of mishap. Im like yes.. oh wait Celestine want to deep-strike into his back field… 7 inch scatter into one of his unites back to reserve they go.

I continue to back off from center letting him come to me 1 squad of Repentia come flying on from the tables edge moving 17 inches to take his one prime after he failed to make an assault with one of my Immolators.

Heavy weapons fire was able to whittle down a squad of outflanking stealers that thought it was cool to walk across the board. This was rinse and repeat on turn 3 and 4 as his big hitters fell to the Repentia and heavy weapons fire. Celestine and the seraphim decided the want to try and play again… no not so scattered 5 inches into a squad and this time the wont be coming back as a roll a 1 for the mishap.

Turn 5 and 6 I was able to tank shock the nids back off the center objective and multi assault a Warrior Prime warrior squad and his back side Gaunt squad that was holding his objective. They did 2 wounds to me. I hit 12 times across the 2 squads and did 9 wounds. This ended up killing the prim the warrior squad and 6 more gaunts. That then consolidated towards me and off of his objective. The game ended at the bottom of 5 on a roll. Sister win 2-0 this being a major win has put me a table 2

Game 3 VS NIDS… no Im kidding but it’s just as bad IG

The list runs along the lines of

3 vendettas w vet squads and demo charges

2 Leman Russ HBx2 Battle Cannons

50man blob block

4 heavy weapon teams with auto cannons

Command squad and the guy named Rambo.

Mission DOW KP… ohhh joy.

Initial Deployment went to the IG player. And right off the bat I’m looking at the 50man block 4 heavy weapons teams and command squad… yeah that’s not broken.

He then places his Vendettas in outflank, and Rambo in reserve meaning he will drive on the Leman Russes at the start of Turn 1.

To counter this I place Celestine 18 inches away from his blob squad and run everything on my turn. I’m able to set up a 3 wide smoked boxes with the battle sisters rhino popping smoke and driving the immolators behind the smoke Rhinos I then placed the Retributors on either flank about 20 inches in so I could cover any sneaky flyer stuff. Beside each one of them I ran the Repentia , Engines and Seraphim center board. Celestine then jumps forward flamers 5 guys’ dead, charges and kills 4 more. Off to a great start…

Turn 2 Rambo shows up… drop his charge right on my seraphim’s head catching a Repentia squad in the blast also. I end up losing 4 Seraphim and 2 Repentia do to some incredible Invul saving. Well Rambo doesn’t make it out of the next hand to hand Phase as the Engines and Repentia squad beat his head in.

I was able to make it out of his turn 2 shooting phase with 1 immobilized BSS rhino. After that the BSS squads and Retributors started laying into the heavy weapon squads and I was able to make 1 squad break and run and was able to take 2 more models off of two other weapons teams’ really gimping his anti-armor. The Engines and Repentia then smash Rambo consolidating towards the Blob squad. With the seraphim charging the blob squad at the bottom of 2 to help Celestine in her solo hand to hand nightmare. He throws all of his attacks against Celestine and I was able to kill off 5 more, none actually from Celestine because she decided to hit twice and roll 2 ones, however she was able to name 11 saves which was really starting to frustrate my opponent. After the brief hand to hand with Rambo both Repentia squads and the PEs are now within striking distance of the blob squad.

Top of 3 the first Vendetta shows up. He places it on left side but way back on his side of the table??? Ok not sure why he did this but I was able to get cover for all of my vehicle as my PEs were jammed inside a Ruin that was blocking LOS to two of them he then fired 3 Las cannons at my Retributors and only ended up wounding 1 of them which I then shield of faithed off. I was able then to do kill off one of the heavy weapons teams with Storm bolter fire from the BSS squads and did one more wound to the second team. The fourth team was entrenched inside the building and I was unable to do any real damage to them.

At the top of Rnd 3 melee went bad for the Seraphim and the VSS was the only one left after they split attacks. So I decided to have her hit and run which she did and she went flying over the heavy weapons team to face down a Lemon Russ Celestine was able to put 3 wounds on the squad and the squad did 4 more before most of the bit it. Celestine made 8 more saves. At the bottom of turn 3 and to hand both Repentia Squads and the PEs hit the Blob Squad. When the dust settles there are 3 guardsmen standing, and they make their leadership… sometimes suborn really sucks, this is not one of those times. The SVS whiffs against the Leman Russ.

Top of 4 a second Vendetta comes on, this time on the other side about midfield. It shoots and does nothing. And the first one shots and does.. Nothing. The blob Squad dies in hand to hand and everyone consolidates at the top of 4. The PEs consolidate towards a lone heavy weapons team that is now going well within charge range, and one of the Leman Russes has driven up behind it to get away from my sister with the Eviscerator.

I have faith to spend so I burn it on rending Retributors. The first shot of the turn 4 was a 6 to hit 6 to pen 6 to damage from and immolator on midfield vendetta which then wounded 9 of the 10 inside from the explosion. Half the squad was gone with it hit the ground. The second shots were Retributors firing on the back side Vendetta once again 9 dice,5 hits, one 6 to pen one 6 to Rend and a 6 on the damage 4 dead after it hits the ground.

Charges come, and the PEs multi assault the heavy weapons team and a Leman Russ. One squad of Repentia Assault the second Leman Russ, Celestine Assaults the heavy weapon team that decided it wanted to rally 2 inches from the board edge.

Both Russes are smoking hulks and the teams are gone.

Turn 5 the last vendetta comes on this time very close to my right side of tanks and the vets come out and demo charge a rhino that a BSS squad was in. The heavy weapons team takes out one of the immolators. And the other squad of Vets melta gun the lone seraphim..

Return fire ends up being the hot shot immolator turns and fires on Vendetta, and yes it happens again, 6 to hit, 6 to punch, and 4 to damage. The Vendetta bricks out of the sky and my I have a twin-linked Dominion squad and BSS that are rerolling 1s and a rending Retributor squad all shoot at the vets on the ground. None survive and time is called. Sisters 8 - IG3

After Action Report...

With the major victory I was able to get second. As for my post game… well Celestine is coming out of my lists. Out of 20 plus games I have played with her she is great on paper but just doesn’t seem to cut it with my play style. Dual Repentia Squads totally rock and were the MVPs of all 3 games. Game 1 PEs acted as a midfield deterrent not really doing much but it scared the Nid player to surrendering the center. It was my poor tactics that lost that game. Game 2 they came in late but ate a gene stealer squad that was charging my backfield objective so they worked. As for game 3 they rocked out picking up 3 KPs and killing 30 percent of the blob squad in 1 Rnd of combat. BTW I rolled two 2s and a 1 on the initial charge they still managed to do 15 wounds though.

I will say that I am liking the 2 Dom melta squads and the hand flamer Seraphim they really are nasty. For anyone of you guys that run the Meched up BSS you need to just try they Kited out Storm bolter versions of the squads the amount of fire coming from them is downright annoying to any Xeno or guard army. The 10 pnt hunter killers worked out also I was able to use them on the MCs of the Nids and they couldn’t do anything about it. Uriah will probably be making it back into my list but all and all there wasn’t any time in the 3 games where I said, man I needed more faith. I might even go with a small Celestian squad and out Kyrinov in it just to run around on the front lines or something. Who knows I’m just glad I have so many builds now to play with.