View Full Version : Basic guide to building with FoamCore

04-23-2012, 05:44 PM

if any one is interested in some good solid basic techniques to using foam core board for making terrain i just added a guide to my blog


04-24-2012, 09:04 AM
Four lines of text......three of which contains you blogs web-address.

No other content in post. Well done.

*slow claps*

04-24-2012, 09:30 AM
Four lines of text......three of which contains you blogs web-address.

No other content in post. Well done.

*slow claps*

LOL Hilarity ensues.

Morgan Darkstar
04-24-2012, 10:12 AM
Four lines of text......three of which contains you blogs web-address.

No other content in post. Well done.

*slow claps*

someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning :D

04-24-2012, 10:34 AM
Well, at least it's not a bad blog he links to. Only two posts, though... I think I see a pattern here :D.

In the future, friend, put a link in your signature and trust in your wit and expertise to draw us in, rather than simply announce yourself. The basic principle of promoting yourself on the web is this: shout about yourself, and you will be boring and ignored - talk about other people's cool stuff, and people will investigate you, wanting to know more.

04-24-2012, 10:38 AM
ladies please, im all for self promotion but the nice chaps at bols would prefer a image or two befor we click on links.


04-24-2012, 02:38 PM
i am sorry if you don't like how i posted that and yes at least the 2ed link in the post was a bit to much.So i am honestly sorry about that. but at the same time blogger is telling me that quite a few people came over and read what i put up. and that was the point. in fact the people taking office to how i posted/ what i posted kept this post close to the top and got more people to see it. i don't plan on that happening again but i cant say people being a bit upset has been an overly negative thing as for as getting people to read what i posted. i just hope some one finds what i put up help full.

04-24-2012, 03:55 PM
ladies please, im all for self promotion but the nice chaps at bols would prefer a image or two befor we click on links.


Really? They seem quite content for Black Blow Fly to post Tyranid Battle Reports on the home page (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/03/tyranids-vs-grey-knights-batrep.html) with practically no pics whatsoever and expect people to click on the links.

I'm not sure what the problem is, turiya64 has been sharing his WIPs for months and as soon as he mentions his fledgling blog where he can share more people are on his case? What about all the posts about 'I'm going to start this really kewl project, I've written fluff and everything, no pics it's not started' and then you never see them again.

The guy has shared plenty of his work and now he's sharing his blog about modelling and painting. He's gone to the trouble of creating a basic guide for using foamboard, he's not selling anything, just offering free advice. If the problem is self-promotion aren't all of these threads self-promotion - 'Look at what I painted/modelled/ have WIP'? I've offered free .pdf templates to build your own 40k terrain is that shameless self-promotion? Please enlighten me cos if so I'll take them down. G.O.D. forbid folk feel I'm inflicting my free stuff on them for my own self gratification.

04-25-2012, 12:21 AM
I just read a small bit of turiya64's blog and actually the artical is quite good :D (and those impreial fists are quite nice too!)

04-29-2012, 08:34 AM
This blog is actually pretty nice and has some great info.the author is obviously a caring person,who has a passion for this hobby.kudos. The only comment I have it that there are a few spelling errors that could be cleaned up to polish the blog a bit.aside from that it's great. Thanks