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04-23-2012, 01:53 PM
Thanks go to Crystalseer at Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?338887-BoW-Necron-2nd-wave-release-date/page8) who posted these:

04-23-2012, 02:02 PM
Lovin these guys. I'm going for a load of Tomb blades,

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-23-2012, 02:08 PM
I hate Games Workshop. Breaking my bank account like that! :p

Really love it all!

Stalker is exactly what I expected and I will definitly buy one.

The new Wraiths are great, I still like the old ones - the new ones just have a different feel - I will probably end up buying six boxes of them, they look a bit more cyber-cthulhoid which is good.

Spyder is a huge improvement over the old one, doubt ill buy one but very nice regardless.

Tomb Blades are a surprise - didnt think I'd care for them - but they have a cool almost "pod" feel to them, and look a bit weirder which is always a good thing.

Can't wait to see the special characters, I'm greedy.

04-23-2012, 02:11 PM
my mate will so want that triach starker it looks awesome.

planet psyrum
04-23-2012, 02:19 PM
I love the wraiths, but three in a box means $$$. I'm thinking in the park of $54.50. Two boxes of those, and im done for a couple months. Question, what size base are the wraiths on. they look like the small ones.

04-23-2012, 02:22 PM
Makes me almost want to start playing Crons.

Cpt Codpiece
04-23-2012, 02:23 PM
om nom nom nom.

damn those look really nice...... 6 month late but nice.

sadly with baby on the way, gotta focus on 1 army at a time so its blood angels all the way for now

04-23-2012, 02:40 PM
I love the wraiths, but three in a box means $$$. I'm thinking in the park of $54.50. Two boxes of those, and im done for a couple months. Question, what size base are the wraiths on. they look like the small ones.

Wraiths look to be 40mm bases, so doubtful they are $54. I'd guess closer to the $33-35 mark. Maybe the $42.50 one. They are very tall, but rather slender.

04-23-2012, 02:44 PM
I like the models (except the puny whip coils), boo on 1 spyder per box.

04-23-2012, 03:14 PM
I like that they are putting 3 blades and 3 wraiths to a box.

04-23-2012, 03:21 PM
Happy Cinco de Mayo!! Gonna need to put some sombreros on those bad boys.

All I need is the Spyders and the Stalkers and I'm a happy robot.

I'm also immensely glad they got rid of the ridiculous Egyptian party hat on the Stalker pilot. Save me from having to shave/sand it off.

04-23-2012, 03:24 PM
AMAZING miniatures, undoubtly!!

I think my Space Wolves and Ultramarines sure will have to share the shelf with the Triach Stalker!

KrewL RaiN
04-23-2012, 03:35 PM
Oh man... those robo bug models make me want to make an insectoid necron force... making them all look more bug then robot man.

04-23-2012, 03:40 PM
So, an army of nothing but Canoptek Spider and Wraiths?

Finally I can build it.

04-23-2012, 03:59 PM
Thank god for the Thunder Cavalry or the Triarch Stalker would be the dumbest GW model ever made.

The sculptor made no effort whatsoever to fit the style of the army. Instead of being a creepy machine, like the wraiths or the spyder, it is a man riding a rather docile looking robotic arachnid.

Absolutely terrible.

I just looked at it again. I knew I shouldn't have. The driver, when taken in the torpid context of the entire model, is well past robotic calm and appears to be bored to tears. Perhaps he is browsing his favorite online catalog.

04-23-2012, 04:16 PM
Just curious rapture, what would you do to make the stalker better and more menacing. Also how would you go about making the emotionless Android pilot not look bored.

04-23-2012, 04:26 PM
I like the models (except the puny whip coils) ....

I agree with your assessment of the whip coils. I would have envisioned them more as a writhing mass of coils coming out the tip of the Wraith's tail (ala this (http://www.griffingrove.com.au/images/uploads/GamesWorkshop/GW-Necrons/Necron%20-%20Wraith%20Front.jpg)) - like a living mass of ensnaring barbed wire. Having them actually be whips seems a bit too literal, somewhat uninspired and a little contrary to the fluff.

04-23-2012, 04:27 PM
Has anyone seen flying bases like those before? They seem much taller than the current tall flying base.

04-23-2012, 04:29 PM
So, an army of nothing but Canoptek Spider and Wraiths?

Finally I can build it.

I'm waiting for a Forge World special character that makes scarabs troops and scoring... only then, will the Canoptek army truly rise...

04-23-2012, 04:32 PM
Wraiths look to be 40mm bases, so doubtful they are $54. I'd guess closer to the $33-35 mark. Maybe the $42.50 one. They are very tall, but rather slender.

I hope that's right re: 40mm bases - to me they look like 25mm and regardless seem very top heavy compared to, say the tomb king sepulchral stalkers which are on the wider bases. If by chance the wraiths were on 25mm bases, I'm gonna be honest and say I'm likely to put them on 40mm just for stability.

04-23-2012, 04:33 PM
Preyty sure the Wraiths are on 28mm bases.
As far as the Stalker looking boring, it's midway between Necron mechanical insect and Necron vehicle, so I guess it's fine.

04-23-2012, 04:36 PM
They look like 40s to me.

Morgan Darkstar
04-23-2012, 04:46 PM
Thank god for the Thunder Cavalry or the Triarch Stalker would be the dumbest GW model ever made.

The sculptor made no effort whatsoever to fit the style of the army. Instead of being a creepy machine, like the wraiths or the spyder, it is a man riding a rather docile looking robotic arachnid.

Absolutely terrible.

I just looked at it again. I knew I shouldn't have. The driver, when taken in the torpid context of the entire model, is well past robotic calm and appears to be bored to tears. Perhaps he is browsing his favorite online catalog.

Really :confused:

Are we looking at the same model now?

04-23-2012, 04:47 PM
They would be on 40mm bases, otherwise they are going to be tiny. Pick up a 25mm base and imagine all that detail... no way is it anything but 40mm.

I am more curious about the Stalker and if it has a base. I am not sure if I want it to have a base or not...

04-23-2012, 04:50 PM
looks like 40mm bases to me as well.
However, I'm a bit surprised they put the spyder on what looks to me like the small flying base. Not really convenient to measure distances.

04-23-2012, 04:51 PM
Stalker is gettin thrown into my ork army. Dunno how or why, but I'll make it work.

04-23-2012, 04:52 PM
I didn't even notice the bases of the Spyders. I had picked out some awesome 60mm bases awhile ago that I was going to use... looks like that won't happen.

04-23-2012, 05:16 PM
I hope that's right re: 40mm bases - to me they look like 25mm and regardless seem very top heavy compared to, say the tomb king sepulchral stalkers which are on the wider bases. If by chance the wraiths were on 25mm bases, I'm gonna be honest and say I'm likely to put them on 40mm just for stability.

They are 40mm bases. There is a picture of three of them among some scarab swarms and they have the same size bases. The Wraiths are also much taller than the old metal ones. Going by the picture, I'd say about 1.5 to 2 times the height.

Stalker is gettin thrown into my ork army. Dunno how or why, but I'll make it work.

Easy. Take off the two pairs of small legs, mount the body on a set of legs from a SM dreadnought, make the front legs into claws, put an ork in the driver seat, add in another two CCWs or shooty weapons and you have a nice DeffDred.
Theheat ray gun would also make a nice Shokk Attack gun for a big mek. It doesn't look identical, but it does look close.

04-23-2012, 05:21 PM
Can't wait, super excited! Those models look awesome!

04-23-2012, 05:35 PM
Damn these are all nice. I already have a unit of Wraiths painted and will stick with those, but will definitely upgrade to the new Spyders!

04-23-2012, 07:19 PM
They all look sufficiently Necron ... but no special characters? I remember the last rumor post on what would be in Wave 2 had a few listed, but no pics from the latest WD makes me wonder if they're going to be out at all.

"Good News ... tracked down the pics on the warseer thread ... BoW has some shots of them up" ... and finecast or not I REALLY like those character models :)

04-23-2012, 07:25 PM
Someone posted a pic of the 3 ICs. You have to click on the original link and it is a page or two later. They look pretty neat.

04-23-2012, 07:56 PM
They all look sufficiently Necron ... but no special characters?

See Beasts Of War (http://www.beastsofwar.com/warhammer-40k/necrons-may-5th/). Of course if they're "FineCast" ... good luck finding one that's not a mangled mess.

04-23-2012, 08:27 PM
even though i'm not a 'Crons player... i HAD hoped that the tomb blades would have more of a cylon raider feel to them, instead of a t-800 in a hamsterball... maybe it's just cos he looks like he's about to fall out of it

new spyder and wraiths look amazing, though i think the triarch stalker might look better without a 'pilot'

04-23-2012, 08:31 PM
See Beasts Of War (http://www.beastsofwar.com/warhammer-40k/necrons-may-5th/). Of course if they're "FineCast" ... good luck finding one that's not a mangled mess.

Don't need luck, I have an awesome system:

Go to GW
Buy model

04-23-2012, 08:42 PM
So, uh, no Night/Doom Scythe. That... is kinda sucky, because unlike the Canoptek stuff and the Stalker, they're kinda hard to convert.

Nice models and all, but not really the choice of kits I would've liked to see.

04-23-2012, 09:53 PM
the wraiths is awesome

Black Hydra
04-23-2012, 10:12 PM
I love the wraiths, but three in a box means $$$. I'm thinking in the park of $54.50. Two boxes of those, and im done for a couple months. Question, what size base are the wraiths on. they look like the small ones.

Seems about right for a box of 3. I really like them, but I don't regret buying from Puppetswar. Honestly they look almost as good and just need a little fixing since it's resin. I paid 52 dollars for 6. The only thing I'm wondering is what the base size is. 40mm? I need to buy them separately unfortunately. Other than pricing, it's a strong release. I really want to buy the new HQ's and Triarch Stalker.

04-23-2012, 11:31 PM
Meh, now that the enthusiasm of having Necrons thate are actually interesting (and not in a 'I'll project what I want them to be onto the empty void that is their background' way) I find I still actually don't like the look of them.

Not a criticism, just sure Necrons aren't for me. Having said that I'm not sure how anyone could argue the Triarch Stalker doesn't fit the army aesthetic. It does.

04-24-2012, 12:25 AM
am i the only one who hates the new necron's riding things? i have no problem with them being merged into the machine (destroyer) orif its a transport (the barge) but the things that look like hamster balls are really awful ....;

Spectral Dragon
04-24-2012, 12:44 AM
I need all of it, and the unreleased flyers. Nothing here I don't like.

04-24-2012, 01:25 AM
i love to stalker its alot bigger than i thought it was gonna be defo buying one or two or three lol :D

Emerald Rose Widow
04-24-2012, 01:28 AM
Meh, now that the enthusiasm of having Necrons thate are actually interesting (and not in a 'I'll project what I want them to be onto the empty void that is their background' way) I find I still actually don't like the look of them.

Not a criticism, just sure Necrons aren't for me. Having said that I'm not sure how anyone could argue the Triarch Stalker doesn't fit the army aesthetic. It does.

It is because you are eldar -giggles- they are your mortal enemies, lol jk hon.

I really like the new necron stuff and cannot wait to get my army started, it will be glorious. I am still looking forward to those necron fliers, those I am the most excited about, I cannot wait.

04-24-2012, 02:31 AM
For those too lazy to flick over to BoW; the IC's

Am I the only one who thinks the Zahndrekh model looks really really boring compared to the rest of the line? I know they're all robots....but he doesn't really have anything that distinct compared to other models in the range


04-24-2012, 03:17 AM
For those too lazy to flick over to BoW; the IC's

Am I the only one who thinks the Zahndrekh model looks really really boring compared to the rest of the line? I know they're all robots....but he doesn't really have anything that distinct compared to other models in the range

I can see what you mean, he does look pretty similar to the existing non-IC HQ choices. Although he does look like he's about to break into song... perhaps he could be the Necron Lord of the Dance? You could paint him with a technicolour dream-cloak...

04-24-2012, 04:15 AM
Ooooooooh! Color me excited to see these models released! Boo to my local GW store that told me no new Necrons were coming for at least 6 more months!

04-24-2012, 05:53 AM
Just curious rapture, what would you do to make the stalker better and more menacing. Also how would you go about making the emotionless Android pilot not look bored.

Menacing? It needs movement. The model as a whole would make a boring statue, nevermind war machine. The spyder looks like it is about shred something, the wraith looks like a can of violence, and this thing looks like it is waiting in line.

The pilot is just awful. He looks like he is sitting down to take the SAT or perhaps wistfully taking a dump. A change is position, angle, or the way he interacts with the controls (or a change in anything, really) might make him look like he is actually participating in a life and death battle. I know he is a robot, but it is just too much. They could have at least positioned him lower. He looks like Karamazov, but less involved. He is just sitting there with his hand on his knee. I have the same pose when I randomly flick through the internet on my laptop.

Unlike other machines of death in the necron range, the tomb stalker is a great (FW) example, this things just looks silly and stagnant. It makes me think of an ant sitting on top hermit crab with no claws.

04-24-2012, 06:12 AM
Is illuminor szeras on a terminator sized base? Have been wondering that for awhile..

04-24-2012, 07:20 AM
Szeras is either on a 40mm (Terminator) base or is absolutely tiny. Actually... I kinda hope it's the latter, I would love to see a Necron that was half the height of a Marine but perfectly to scale. I think he would talk in the hilarious cartoony "helium voice."

MINICRON: beware, mortals, for this planet now belongs to the armies of the necrontyr!


MINICRON: you smirk at the herald of your doom? behold, our technology which has endured since the beginning of time!

[A tiny green ray springs out from his staff, vaporizing an entire bastion in a single, adorable blast.]

GUARDSMAN: Awwww, look at it! Is he pwanning universal domination? Is he? Yes he is! Yes he IS! D'awwwww.

MINICRON: [seething in fury]

04-24-2012, 07:47 AM
Szeras is damn cool. Will be buying one of them to convert to AdMech!

04-24-2012, 07:57 AM
Dr loveless ( Wild wild west!) would be impressed with the Stalker.

04-24-2012, 08:13 AM
Dr loveless ( Wild wild west!) would be impressed with the Stalker.

Thanks. I had managed to supress that film from my memory entirely. Bugger

04-24-2012, 09:38 AM
Szeras is either on a 40mm (Terminator) base or is absolutely tiny.

He's obviously on a 40mm base,

04-24-2012, 10:24 AM
Szeras reminds me of a Geth, personally.

Forgotten Heretic
04-24-2012, 10:37 AM
i like Szeras's model but Zahndrekh just looks like a regular IC with a cloak on, bit disappointed there. not sure what i think about Obyron yet. I like the other stuff and want it all, the whip coils look a bit puny but otherwise the wraiths look great

04-24-2012, 01:06 PM
Behold Zahnderkh's Massive Staff, with green glow all over it. Oh wait, its just a staff of light...carry on.

04-24-2012, 05:06 PM
I wonder how much inspiration GW sculptors borrow from the internet. I'm wondering, because Szeras holding that head reminded me thematically of a Destroy figure I'd customized and posted to various galleries (including BoLS's) more than a year ago. Granted, not too terribly unique of an idea, but I'd never seen done prior to my doing it.

Limey El'Jonson
04-24-2012, 06:26 PM
I hate Games Workshop. Breaking my bank account like that! :p

Yeah - for that reason I'm crapping myself for the DA update... ironic, huh?:rolleyes:

04-24-2012, 06:47 PM
Obyron looks cool. I like that implaccable look. Might have to use him as my new Overlord.

Scarabs and Spyders look cool. Disappointed they didnt include Scarabs in the Spyder box. I REALLY dont need Warriors in my army and i dont wanna have to buy Anything upto 6 boxes of them just to get the Scarabs i need.

Major let down that the fliers arent in here. Theyre what im really looking forward to.

04-24-2012, 08:53 PM
I love the wraiths, but three in a box means $$$. I'm thinking in the park of $54.50. Two boxes of those, and im done for a couple months. Question, what size base are the wraiths on. they look like the small ones.

If you look at one pic they show scarabs infront of the wraiths and they use the same size bases.

04-25-2012, 07:54 AM
Obyron looks cool. I like that implaccable look. Might have to use him as my new Overlord.

Scarabs and Spyders look cool. Disappointed they didnt include Scarabs in the Spyder box. I REALLY dont need Warriors in my army and i dont wanna have to buy Anything upto 6 boxes of them just to get the Scarabs i need.

Major let down that the fliers arent in here. Theyre what im really looking forward to.

If you can find tthem on Ebay, the old metal scarabs are cool. I bought 20 for $20, and then used 2 per base to boost up my scarab farm to 25 models.

04-25-2012, 09:12 AM
I'm resisting the urge to purchase a couple models just to paint.

KrewL RaiN
04-25-2012, 09:55 AM
I'm resisting the urge to purchase a couple models just to paint.

Same here! GW has been upping the sexiness on their new releases these days :<!

04-25-2012, 10:11 AM
Man these models are freakin awesome

04-25-2012, 01:16 PM
If you can find tthem on Ebay, the old metal scarabs are cool. I bought 20 for $20, and then used 2 per base to boost up my scarab farm to 25 models.

You can also get the FW version:


A little pricey though.

04-25-2012, 01:38 PM
Disappointed they didnt include Scarabs in the Spyder box. I REALLY dont need Warriors in my army and i dont wanna have to buy Anything upto 6 boxes of them just to get the Scarabs i need.

In addition to the suggestions already given, you could also buy PuppetsWar's Cyber Beetles ($6.60 for 10). They're not too detailed, but then again neither are GW's.
