View Full Version : Slaaneshi Chaos Space Marine warband project log.

04-20-2012, 02:35 AM
Hey there guys! This is my first post on the BOLS forum, so I thought I'd post up and show you the army I'm working on at the moment.

The force was initially intended as a speed build for a 750pts tournament on Sunday, but I plan to expand it some more after the tournament since I've had so much fun painting the first batch up that I decided that I'd continue with it until I plain ran out of ideas.

First off, here's a shot of my Chaos Lord. He's kitbashed from a variety of sources, mainly possessed and the standard Chaos Attackl Squad box. Ignore the power fist, he has a daemon weapon, the power fist was merely the only pointy hand I could find.

This is my first squad of Noise Marines, one of two identical squads.

04-20-2012, 02:36 AM
This is my aspiring champion and icon bearer from my standard CSM squad. Obviously they have the icon of Slaanesh, it'd be rude not to. The champion has a "power whip" stolen from a Warmachine Satyxis Raider.

And heres a shot of everything i have done so far. Have 6 more Noise Marines to finish before Sunday, wish me luck ;)

Finally, I picked up these babies from a local jumble sale, I plan on doing a squad of OOP Chaos Marines, just to see how well they fit with the newer stuff. If anyone has any and can help me out send me a PM and we'll discuss payment etc.

C+C would be appreciated! Cheers, Joe.

04-20-2012, 03:02 AM
Great start mate. I'd be tempted to suggest a smoother gradient on your purples, but it is still more than adequate. Love the green flame contrast as well.

The Lord doesn't seem big and scary enough to me. Maybe consider putting something under his base, just to raise him up a millimeter or so, just to make him more imposing? I like the bitzbox raiding and kit bashing for him though, along with all ther rest of the models in the army. Is that an old DE head on the middle noise marine in the first pic?

Lookig forward to seeing this army expand :)

04-20-2012, 05:58 AM

I suggest drillin' out the barrels of your guns. just looks better, and easy to do.

04-20-2012, 06:16 AM

I suggest drillin' out the barrels of your guns. just looks better, and easy to do.

Not the Sonic Blasters though ;)

04-20-2012, 07:55 AM
oh yeah, not the sonic blasters!

04-20-2012, 09:18 AM
lol - The Blastmaster has a smiley face on his shoulder pad

04-20-2012, 09:48 AM
Cool marines, I'm really like the shade of purple and gold/yellow you've got there.

04-21-2012, 02:38 AM
@SotonShades and Tynskel
These are both things I'm gonna do after the tournament, it just needed to be done quickly :')
As for the Lord, that was kinda the idea, in my eyes stature and bulk isn't a key attribute for warriors of Slaanesh, I prefer to think he's lighter, more agile, and easier to underestimate ;)

Yes! My other one has a "dead" cross eyes face on it, gonna keep the theme going.

Cheers for the kind words!

Tourney day is tomorrow so I'll run an update tonight once I've got everything done. Wish me luck ;)