View Full Version : Senior Exhibition Showcase - The Battle of Kalnosus Hive (Display Table)

04-19-2012, 07:35 PM
Gentlemen, I present to you my senior graduating project: a buttload o' warhammer.

(And if you're too lazy to read what I have to say and just want to look at pretty pictures, check out the link here: http://s193.photobucket.com/albums/z77/mountaincycle661/Senior%20Project/ )

Having spent the last 5 years of my life languishing at a less-than-optimal university as an art student, I FINALLY got to work on a project where the sky was the limit and there were truly no parameters. Some art majors concentrate in photography or ceramics. Others focus on fibers or graphic design.

I focus on warhammer.

Having somehow convinced my superiors to allow me to pursue this project, I went all out over the next several months. Some of the figures were previously painted, like the thousand sons and demons. Others were painted specifically for this project (like the entire Imperial force present). All the terrain was created and painted for the exhibition as well. The castle/table/cathedral was also purpose built as a kick-*** display for the game board. 17" plexiglass was secured around the perimeter to discourage punk kids from stealing my $hit.

When all was said and done, over 200 models were present for the project. It was on display for 3 weeks in the savannah mall (in savannah GA, in case you were wondering). It made me proud to put my craft up there with the likes of *ahem*..."traditional" art. It was quite a hit with the gallery folks, certainly shook things up a bit and offered something totally different.

The link above will send you to my photobucket page where you can check out the display in its full glory....over a 100 pictures. And trust me, theres a LOT to see. But, for those of us with cripplingly short attention spans, a few teasers:





04-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Thats awesome lol what did you get for a grade?

KrewL RaiN
04-19-2012, 07:59 PM
Dang that's quite the labour of love there! I too am curious on what grade you got for this massive project.

That's awesome that they would let you display that in an art gallery. There is a lot of artistic elements in this hobby.

04-19-2012, 08:35 PM
Nice work frenchman.

I look forward to defenestrating it all this weekend :P Specifically Big Bird. I've got a special treat for that beardy git :D

When does "biggus dickus" get displayed for the masses?

04-20-2012, 01:52 AM
Excellent! And that's just with reading the blurb and looking at these few photos. Now off to photobucket!

...and after seeing all those photos I am speechless! Seriously well done on the whole thing!

I was wondering did you stick to the force list? I.E. are the armies all "legal" armies you can pick up and play with or did you just choose the most kick-*** models available?

Again well done on the project, hope you got the grade it justly deserves!

04-20-2012, 02:46 AM
Excellent! And that's just with reading the blurb and looking at these few photos. Now off to photobucket!

...and after seeing all those photos I am speechless! Seriously well done on the whole thing!

I was wondering did you stick to the force list? I.E. are the armies all "legal" armies you can pick up and play with or did you just choose the most kick-*** models available?

Again well done on the project, hope you got the grade it justly deserves!

Thanks everyone!

As far as a grade is concerned, because its a senior project, its really just a pass/fail system. There's no letter grade associated with it. But hey, I feel like +A material...I can say that much! Haha!

The ultramarines and grey knights are both 2000pt legal lists. Everything else is mostly legal and fits into a FOC....except for Super Thunder Chicken, my greater demon of tzeentch. Hes apoc only, obviously but....well, you get the point.

Also, credit where credit is due: My girlfriend did the water feature (sewer feature?). She did a fantastic job on that. She mixed wood glue with paints and pigments and it came out awesome. WAAAAY better than just painting the foam and coating it with resin. It looks deep, murky and opaque. Word of advice to any who plan on pursuing the same technique though - it takes a LOOONG time to cure all the way through. Like....a week or two, depending on how much glue you're using.

04-20-2012, 09:55 AM
Ahahaha, brilliant! Dude! You've got me grinning from ear to ear. I studied Graphic- and Advertisement Design at an arts college as well (12 years ago already, jeez...), and the mention of miniatures or even science-fiction in general was met with quite a few raised eyebrows as well. It's great too see you pushed it through and it's even better that it got so well received. Sincere congratulations, mate, that's quite the achievement! :D:D:D

04-21-2012, 12:39 AM
Bravo Sir!

04-23-2012, 06:57 AM
So late friday night we broke down the display in the gallery and used it for a small game of 40k. 4k per side, Necrons vs a combined mountaincycle661's Ultramarines and My BA. We took 13 dreadnoughts total which was a big mistake but what the hell, it was a fun little game. The "Uncle" game went 7 turns and at the end all that was left were a 7 Ultramarines, 8 death company, an immobilized death company dread, the Stormlord, a Cyptek and that Nemisor ******* - all of which had already been killed once already :P Halfway through the game, around turn 3, it looked like the Marines were going to get routed- but then the Death company on both flanks just ran through the necron lines like the plague through a Calcutta slum.

Here are some pics of our game we played on it:

06-22-2012, 02:55 AM
I had the privilege of seeing this is person at the gallery in Savannah! I was totally blown away by this! It was, quite literally, the most amazing piece of 40k art I have ever seen. Nice work amigo!