View Full Version : Charlotte, NC area

04-19-2012, 11:13 AM
Anyone in the Charlotte, NC area that plays pretty regularly? I do have a store I like going to but don't really know the regulars there. I'm about 30 mins south of Charlotte so I don't mind driving here and there.

04-19-2012, 11:30 AM
Oh man - I started playing 40k back in early 90's when I lived in Charlotte. I doubt any of the places I went to exist anymore. There was a place over near Pineville on Highway 51 called Tower Games. I don't think its there anymore though. There was also a place "downtown" (not uptown) on Central and... Plaza(?) I think. I can't remember the name of it through. Bought my first falcon tank there the day it was released.

Good luck!

04-19-2012, 11:46 AM
Yeah that was a bit before my 40k time. There are still a couple of stores the one I go to is about 20 mins north of Charlotte. I have to drive almost an hour for a decent shop... Hence me looking for something a little closer.

04-19-2012, 11:53 AM
Welcome to the vast 40k wasteland called NC, here their are only a few hobby oasis scattered about. I make Scifi Genre my personal haunt, however for the Charlotte area im not sure theirs anything good close by for you. Its a shame really, and the people in Austin and Chicago have no clue how lucky they are.

04-19-2012, 12:31 PM
There is a place called Games HQ that is not too far from the airport. I moved away a couple of years ago, but there are some really good guys there. There is also a Hobbyland off Harris blvd that a bunch of high school kids play at, that place wasn't my preference but everyone has different tastes.

04-19-2012, 01:37 PM
I believe the Carolinas in general don't have a large 40k community. Raleigh is nice considering I heard you guys were actually getting a GW store!!!!!!!!1!1!1 The store I've been visiting is called Parker Banner Kent and Wayne and seems to have a pretty good group but I don't know them yet.

I might give Games HQ another shot. It just looked a little deserted when I visited.

04-19-2012, 06:18 PM
Charollete is a wasteland for the most part for 40k, Raleigh and Fayetteville (Ft. Bragg) are the only real areas for 40 k gaming right now and they're small by national standards. Raleigh is split between Sci Fi Genre (Durham), Game Theory, All Fun and Games, Game Connection and Endless Gaming. Bragg has Gamers Guild and Hobbit. Throw in Hit Point Hobbies in Aberdeen, Hobby Chest on the coast in Jacksonville (Camp Lejuane). I know there is a decent store in Greensville but haven't made it there. If you go into Raleigh you'll get more casual players, you go Bragg and you'll get very competitive players (Bragg area usually sent 4-6 people a year to Hardboyz Nationals).

NC in general is fairly devoid of 40k though =\

I went to the GW store opening Saturday, GW store in Raleigh is in a really bad location and almost no store size, it's competing against to many local stores all with loyal fan bases. Expect it to go the way of the dodo in 2-3 years. Also apparently they're opening a new GW store in Winston-Salem, NC early June.

04-20-2012, 08:06 AM
I know Greenville NC still has two stores. It was a pretty vibrant community when I was there and a lot of people worth drinking with.

04-20-2012, 01:52 PM
A lot of people worth drinking with, or a lot of people that are only cool after a drink?

Just saying there is a fine line :).

The bad thing I'm actually in South Carolina which i think has less of a community then the almost non-existent North Carolina group...

04-20-2012, 04:38 PM
Greenville NC doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's made of fast food chains and orange girls, but geekery there is nice. The comics shop (Nostalgia Newstand) had a guy working there who made sure kids were welcome and the all ages books got shelf space. Gamer's Haven (which was right across from the Maritime Studies building) was new but nice and I think it's where most of the folks I gamed with ended up after Mind Games closed.
But, yeah, I drank with them after games and we had a great time on the weekends.