View Full Version : Dark Eldar Revenant Titan... Could it work?

04-19-2012, 03:59 AM
Good, Morning, Afternoon and Evening all! Quick question, do people see a Eldar Revenant titan as being a viable Dark Eldar choice?

I know they do not usually have access to Titans, but I feel the speed, size and nature of the Revenant could fit a Dark Eldar army well, the basic fluff being that the Revenant was seized by my Kabal in a search for a upper hand of sorts against the other Kabals of Commorragh.
Using their newly seized Eldar titan as a devestating weapon of fear against the other smaller Cabals. Of course after it had been refitted to compensate with the necessary psychic pilot links, with the more 'scientific' connections of a Haemonculus coven, among other more Dark Eldar shenanigans.

Do people feel this would be fitting? Especially when converted (mainly cosmetic, to make it 'feel' corrupted or naturally Dark Eldarey).

04-19-2012, 04:03 AM
personally, i absolutely love the idea! i am not sure how well it fits fluff wise but the concept i think is brilliant.
the idea of a Haemonculus experimenting on something like that is absolutely amazing! I would definitely be tempted to model some more organic matter, something like a wrack bound into it for a start would be amazing!


04-19-2012, 04:09 AM
I think you're better off with it being a relic from before the Fall, that has always belong to the Eldar of Excess, but recently re-approriated by your Kabal.

Theres something that strongly resembles a Phantom Titan in "A Thousand Sons" and is suggested to have been there for a millenia, long before the Fall, so they did exist

Improtant thing to remeber - Wraithbone is practically alive by itself. The Dark Eldar would have no real way to repair it in the case of damage, as they lack the Bonesingers of the craftworlds

04-19-2012, 04:29 AM
Good point DrLove42, I realised the "wraith bone issue" after I posted... However, it could give a reason for the Usage of Organic matter as ALShrive suggested (other than, Haemonculus fun).

Interestingly that was my original idea. Something along the lines of them discovering it among the lower levels of their Kabals spire, the 'down'n'out' eldar living in the area just believing it to be a statue... I guess that does make more sense too, especially in regards to the idea of them not being able to repair the titan.. However, daring raid on Eldar starship might allow the capture of a Bonesinger?

Hmmm, wracks bound into the titan sounds interesting, but most probably above my skill :/.

Thank you all for the advice :).

04-19-2012, 07:11 AM
It's only vaguely feasible in the way DrLove suggests, and even then there is the problem of how they control it without psychic abilities. Dark Eldar repress theirs by necessity, those that don't are the most dangerous of outlaws, don't last long and certainly wouldn't be allowedto drive the Archons prized family heirloom.

The other issue is that wraithbone is so rare and valuable that even small objects made form it, like terrorfexes, are extraordinarily rare and valuable. Owning a revenant titans worth would be like having a solid gold private jet. You could sell it off as wraithbone bits and fund your kabal for decades. Even then Vect has forbidden the use and or posession of Empire period technology, so not only would your kabal have a private jet made of solid gold it is a private jet made of solid gold that is pretty much the single most illegal thing you could possibly have in a society that thinks poppin' a cap in the back of your head is a suitable response to a minor traffic violation.

04-19-2012, 08:45 AM
It's only vaguely feasible in the way DrLove suggests, and even then there is the problem of how they control it without psychic abilities. Dark Eldar repress theirs by necessity, those that don't are the most dangerous of outlaws, don't last long and certainly wouldn't be allowedto drive the Archons prized family heirloom.

The other issue is that wraithbone is so rare and valuable that even small objects made form it, like terrorfexes, are extraordinarily rare and valuable. Owning a revenant titans worth would be like having a solid gold private jet. You could sell it off as wraithbone bits and fund your kabal for decades. Even then Vect has forbidden the use and or posession of Empire period technology, so not only would your kabal have a private jet made of solid gold it is a private jet made of solid gold that is pretty much the single most illegal thing you could possibly have in a society that thinks poppin' a cap in the back of your head is a suitable response to a minor traffic violation.

Possibly the best post of the day. :D

04-19-2012, 09:28 AM
Good point DrLove42, I realised the "wraith bone issue" after I posted... However, it could give a reason for the Usage of Organic matter as ALShrive suggested (other than, Haemonculus fun).

Interestingly that was my original idea. Something along the lines of them discovering it among the lower levels of their Kabals spire, the 'down'n'out' eldar living in the area just believing it to be a statue... I guess that does make more sense too, especially in regards to the idea of them not being able to repair the titan.. However, daring raid on Eldar starship might allow the capture of a Bonesinger?

Hmmm, wracks bound into the titan sounds interesting, but most probably above my skill :/.

Thank you all for the advice :).

does that mean you would also have to convert a captured and tortured Bonesinger? like a Wrack/Bonesinger?!?!?!!?!?! i also quite like the idea of a solid gold private jet...especially if you do it in NMM


04-19-2012, 09:33 AM
It's only vaguely feasible in the way DrLove suggests, and even then there is the problem of how they control it without psychic abilities. Dark Eldar repress theirs by necessity, those that don't are the most dangerous of outlaws, don't last long and certainly wouldn't be allowedto drive the Archons prized family heirloom.

The other issue is that wraithbone is so rare and valuable that even small objects made form it, like terrorfexes, are extraordinarily rare and valuable. Owning a revenant titans worth would be like having a solid gold private jet. You could sell it off as wraithbone bits and fund your kabal for decades. Even then Vect has forbidden the use and or posession of Empire period technology, so not only would your kabal have a private jet made of solid gold it is a private jet made of solid gold that is pretty much the single most illegal thing you could possibly have in a society that thinks poppin' a cap in the back of your head is a suitable response to a minor traffic violation.

I do quite like that description tbh... It has also put a large dent in my plan, yet... I might just say I am using it because it's cool :'). But thank you for correcting my miss conceptions of the lore.

YES, now that would be awesome ALShrive, I am thinking along the lines of the Chaos infected crew of the Warhound titan :D.