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View Full Version : How do you equip your Land Speeders?

09-21-2009, 01:39 PM
So I'm still debating on what army to do but if I was to go for the land seeder spam army (9 speeders) how should I equip them? 3 with missile launchers, 3 with 2 heavy flamers each and 3 with multi meltas? Or a variation? Just let me know what you would do :)

09-21-2009, 02:24 PM
Generally, it's one of two setups, each for different roles.

Multi-melta, heavy flamer: Cheap, versatile fire platform. Should always be moving 12" and firing whichever weapon is necessary. Pops tanks, roasts infantry, costs a measly 70 points. Good in just about any army, still fragile though, so field lots or at least have other armored threats to draw aggro.

Typhoon, heavy bolter: Standoff Speeders for long range dakka. Stay back and fire off 2 missiles a turn, great for knocking out transports, stripping wounds off of MCs, or dropping blasts on things. The range of its weapons is protection enough since its main enemies (tons of medium to low S shots like bolters, scatter lasers, etc) have a much shorter range (autocannons are the exception, Hydras love these buggers). They're also pretty pricey and have no real effect on AV14 or entrenched infantry.

The typhoon is more for knocking out transports, staying back, and being a generalist (like a dakka Predator), while the MM/HF variant is more in your face and specialized in killing infantry or popping tanks.

09-22-2009, 03:49 AM
It is worth remembering that the missile / heavy bolter combo also allows you to move 12" and fire 2 frag missiles and the heavy bolter. This gives you a mobile anti infantry speeder as well as a anti-tank fire platform. I lean towards either the heavy flamer / multi-melta or the missile and heavy flamer as they are the most efficient choices. I love the long range on the heavy bolter / missile launcher speeder, you can sit outside the range of dreaded bolter fire.

I have a regular opponent who is a ravenwing player and he is compelled to use assault cannon/ heavy bolter combos for his troop choice units. They are not reliable enough against tanks, not reliable enough against troops in cover and still have to get within 24" to fire at full effect.

I've never used more than three speeders in a game, so I would be interested to see how you get on. If I recall correctly, land speeder spam, loaded to the gills with assault cannons used to be in vogue in the 4th edition but speeder spam is not so common these days. I would caution against taking 9 speeders.

-- to answer your question, gun to my head, I would keep each squad specialised to optimise effect. I would have have one MM/HF squad and the rest as ML / hb units.

09-22-2009, 04:46 AM
I'm a big fan of assault cannon / multi melta speeders. They're nice and flexible and also very killy. Not cheap at 100 points each but I tend to use one to three of them.

09-22-2009, 05:30 AM
I don't or haven't used Speeders before, so this is all on paper. But a multi melta and heavy flamer one are awesome. They can deep strike in and melta rear armour, if they survive the returning fire they can burn infantry.

Another setup is heavy bolter with a assault cannon for some serious dakka, or typhoon rocket launcher for that bit of anti tank.

09-24-2009, 10:34 PM
I typically run 3 of them in 1850 games. I almost always run 2 TML/HB and 1 Asltcan/MM. 2 long range support and one anti-tank/pin-point support. I some times run 2 TML/MM if I need more anti-tank or have the extra points.
I typically squadron the 2 TML/HB and leave the Asltcan/MM on its own. Besides, Mathhammer says you need 4 ML shots to get about 100% probabability to take out a rhino.
FWIW, I find running them with dual MM is an instant target and too squishy for my opponent to resist. Though they can usually make their points back if you can get them in range first.

09-24-2009, 10:40 PM
I am a fan of the HF/MM ones, mostly. Typhoons are equally valid, but a lot more costly. As a result, I recommend 6/3 on those grounds.

Brass Scorpion
09-24-2009, 10:52 PM
The squadron I built for my new Space Marine army has all three Speeders with Heavy Bolters, two with Assault Cannons, and one Typhoon. I gave the Multi-Melta tank hunting role to my Attack Bike squad with all three having Multi-Melta.

09-24-2009, 11:11 PM
Aren't you concerned about flying close wasting the range of the Typhoon Launcher?

09-25-2009, 02:40 AM
. The beauty of the landspeeder is that you can move across the board. Some of the cheapest options on the speeder are also the most range dependent weapons.

A land speeder with a multi melta on it assure you of getting that 2d6 penetration role. Attack bikes are a poor substitute as they are not as maneuverable as a landspeeder are more points (2 attack bikes compared to one double melta land speeder)and are more vulnerable to assault.

Why run a heavy bolter/anything when you can run a heavy flamer in that slot. A heavy flamer template will kill more of anything then a heavy bolter. A land speeder with a heavy flamer means one well placed template.

When you have a flamer/melta or double melta speeder you have a real threat that they have to play around. No one wants to let you flame a large squad of troops. No one wants to let you fire 2 melta shots at close range. Someone wanting to shoot a heavybolter/missile launcher /assault cannon at my squad or tank is not nearly as big of a deal. Also if you play with Vulkan you just got a hell of a lot better landspeeder.

09-25-2009, 03:39 AM
A heavy flamer means you have to be really really close... it's AV10 and will die to pretty much anything more than a lasgun. I'd rather exploit the range and mobility to keep the thing alive and shooting rather than have to be on top of models to get punched with a power fist. Even multimeltas let you be far enough away to avoid that if you're careful about positioning with 2D6 AP and if you don't need that then you've got 24" to play with.

Different things for different people though, doesn't mean your tactic is any less valid just that I prefer a different one.

09-25-2009, 10:28 PM
Depends on what I need to do. When geared with TML/MM, they are anti-vehicle (or anti-TEQ/MC, but that's another story). If I really need to take out a vehicle, I will close to 24" or 12" depending on how heavily armored or how big of risk I need to take. Three shots at a vehicle are better than two and if within melta range, the percent chance of taking it out increases significantly. Then zip back away 12" and only fire the TML where ever needed. But yes, coming that close in you need to be careful about lanes of fire against it, especially from heavier weapons. At AV10, it can be squishy though cover saves have really worked well for me.
Also, I don't plan for them to be around the whole game. Typically by turns 3-5 they are dropping. If they soak up heavy fire that would otherwise go toward my troops in rhinos, then they did their job. If they can take out one vehicle before they are destroyed, then they did their job. If they make my opponent footslog his units or at least stop something from shooting at my units, either way, I've reduced my opponents options and put myself in a better position.
I know I'm rambling a bit, but they make good mobile cover as well. I sometimes turbo-boost them first turn in front of my other vehicles and all get a cover save, then let my other vehicles pop smoke on the second turn while the speeders peel off to a juicy target that is within MM range. :)
One other thought is a TML speeder costs 90-100pts. If you plan to stay back that far, another option is to spend an extra 20-30pts for a lascannon sponsoon predator and get 2 las shots at a land raider, or 2 las and 2 AC at anything else and better armor to boot.
Hope that helps.

Aren't you concerned about flying close wasting the range of the Typhoon Launcher?

09-26-2009, 06:42 AM
Ive only tried using MM/HF landspeeders, but they were very dangerous even if they are fragile. I found them distracting my oponent alot since they could easily get in at his forces for new angles giving him more decisions to make. I used them seperately as three individual speeders and it was great.

I dont know if I would favour the same weapon setup if they were in a squadron though. Perhaps twin HB or a HB/TML would work better in squadrons as you are sitting back a bit more just pouring in fire as opposed to darting into gaps to exploit weakpoints.

09-26-2009, 12:06 PM
Land speeders cost very little points. As you move your land raider with assault terminators closer you dont mind if they use heavy weapon shots to try to down a land speeder or 2. You only move in to flame if that is the best move. If you play it right very few non heavy weapons should be able to hit your speeder as you get in the right spot. You can still snipe with your mulit melta. Then you move in and flame when the rest of your army is ready to engage and your land raider with TH/SS terminators and is close to the enemy. At this point they can either try to deal with your whole army or close range land speeders.

If you just want a few shots to sit in the back why not just get razorbacks and sit 1/2 a tactical squad in it with a heavy bolter or something? Maybe I am missing what the long range land speeder does for your army. Is it purely to get the side shots on tanks? Is it to make them chase it for the threat of the turn 5 move onto a objective?

09-27-2009, 02:11 AM
I've been curious to try a speeder heavy list with my BA and I'm a big fan of the MM/HF combo. Stays very mobile, cheap and a good multi-tasker.

09-28-2009, 05:02 AM
i 'm playing a single MM on my LS because i'm always using it as an heavy weapon who is deep striked in the back of his Tank. None of all my speeder has ever survived a second turn since they became always the top priority target for my opponent, so i don't take any other weapons because DS only allow me to shoot one.

09-28-2009, 06:34 PM
I've actually had success using speeders with two multi-meltas. I drive it like a missile 24" toward the most dangerous enemy tank. Rely on the cover save and the fact that I have bigger, scarier targets on the board. Then next turn move up and fire point-blank with both multi-meltas. It often dies to retribution after that, but it has always killed its target.