View Full Version : Formula 1

04-16-2012, 10:37 AM
Quite possibly the geekiest of motorsports and deffinitely my favourite. Itt helps being a graduate from the same university engineering school as one of the most successful designers, along with our own DrLove.

How many other F1 fans do we have on BoLS? Have you been enjoying this increadible 2012 season as much as i have? Just watching the Forum on the BBC iPlayer, and have Eddie Jordan and Jenson Button talking about this being a golden age of formula 1. With the last 3 seasons, I could fully well believe it.

I've always been a big fan of the McLarens (don't tell anyone... I may be applying for an internship at Red Bull) and am loving the lower team battles supporting Force India. Hell, I've even got a big soft spot for the Caterhams (formally Team Lotus). How many other sports can you support 3 teams who are officially competing in the same race at the same level, but realistically still be in 3 distinct brackets?

04-16-2012, 11:41 AM
I'm a massive F1 fan, have been for over 20 years. I've supported Jenson since he first appeared as he was the only ENGLISH driver, it was Mr. Hill before that.

It's going to be a great season, 3 different winners from 3 different teams so far, proof that Adrian Newey is not infallible, DRS seems to be working well and Pirelli are still delivering.

I was not happy with the Sky deal but when I found out that as an HD customer I got the F1 channel anyway I calmed down slightly. I could do without the bird from A League of their Own though.

04-16-2012, 02:38 PM
Count me in.
I don't have the F1 channel and can't justify the extra spend. I'm gutted. The highlights just don't cut it. I miss all the fanfare before hand like the grid walk.

I thought the last part of China was great. I'm loving the fact that we are getting a nice mix of drivers doing well.

04-16-2012, 03:42 PM
with you on that. The BBC coverage for the last 2 years was amazing; never failed to dissapoint. I don't have sky either, so kind of missing it. At least the full race highlights mean we don't miss the action. I worked during all but one or two races last season, so I've gotten used to not seeing them live (and ducking and diving to avoid seeing or hearing any of the results :P).

Very few things get my heart racing like tha sound of Fleetwood Mac and roaring engines on a saturday or sunday :)

04-17-2012, 02:45 AM
I enjoy following it, but can rarely find the time (and sometimes patience) to sit and watch the whole thing.

Last year actually bored me quite a lot. It was just...."Oh ...Red Bull won again. Shocking". This year it seems to be...more balenced?


04-17-2012, 05:11 AM
I am very fan of F1 since Prost-Senna times...

Even later, with Nigel Mansell.

Now, of course, you can imagine that, as our spaniard man Alonso is on the Championship for some years now, I am following the races with more interest...

But I am very dissapointed with Ferrari. They have done crap for the last 2 years... only the hability of Fernando made the car win races like Malaysia

04-19-2012, 07:40 AM

I can't believe they're still going ahead with the Bahrain GP....

04-19-2012, 09:31 AM

I can't believe they're still going ahead with the Bahrain GP....

Yes, they´re... all thanks to Mr Ecclestone, the "Scrooge" of this sport, his hunger of money is unstoppable... even when all the advices tell to don´t celebrate the race there... he opposses to all teams and the race will go.

If I were on any F1 team I wouldn´t do my make efforts... and try to make a neutral race

04-19-2012, 12:45 PM
I feel infinitely lucky to live 20 minutes from the Circuit Of The Americas track. It's gonna be a good year with the Super V8 and F1 circuits both making appearances! Whooo!

Harmonious Borealis
04-19-2012, 09:34 PM
I like not paying for the cable package I enjoy. The PVR helps too, as most races end up airing at 1am West Coast time.

This year is a lot more interesting. As much as I like Vettel, I think it's better for everyone when the field is tighter. Shanghai was great! As for Bahrain, I only started hearing about all that stuff when I started digging for info on the unsafe release fine after Schumacher's retirement from Shanghai. I guess there's too much "hockey" going on right now to care about any other sport :(

04-20-2012, 03:12 AM
I feel infinitely lucky to live 20 minutes from the Circuit Of The Americas track. It's gonna be a good year with the Super V8 and F1 circuits both making appearances! Whooo!

How are the track and facilities looking? It was fun watching David Coulthard driving his old Red Bull around it while it was still dirt, but massively looking forward to seeing how it turns out with a bit of tarmac down!

04-20-2012, 03:24 AM
How are the track and facilities looking? It was fun watching David Coulthard driving his old Red Bull around it while it was still dirt, but massively looking forward to seeing how it turns out with a bit of tarmac down!


I forgot about him doing that. How long ago was that?

04-20-2012, 05:13 AM
middle of last season. And for anyone that missed it;


04-25-2012, 09:42 AM
So, we are getting in to the meat of the season now, back in to the european races.

Has anyone got any new favourites for this season? Got to say well done to the Williams team. Done a great job pulling themselves back up after the last few seasons, even if they have gotten a bit unlucky at times; they've deffinitely shown themselves to be competitive.

If Lewis can keep getting podiums I wouldn't put it past him to be challanging for the chamionship. Any counter predictions?

05-27-2012, 02:35 AM
Monaco Baby!

Anyone else excited for today? Great to see Williams back so soon after their fireball last time out.

05-27-2012, 02:50 AM
Me, I am, me me!
Monaco is always a good watch.
I thought Schumacher getting provisional pole was awesome. He deserved the place drop after last time though.
I wonder if Williams will be feeling any effects of their big fire they had?

05-27-2012, 05:03 AM
Favourite race of the year.

05-27-2012, 06:13 AM
Sorry I can't talk now I'm watching Monaco. :)

05-27-2012, 07:19 AM
Should be a good one. Very exiting year so far

05-27-2012, 10:13 AM
Sometimes its no fun to support Jenson....................

05-27-2012, 11:49 AM
Huge Alonso!!!

Big start, from 5th to 3rd... Excelente, Fernando!

05-27-2012, 01:16 PM
Not the best race was it. Nevermind. A sixth winner in six races is interesting though.

05-27-2012, 02:45 PM
I have to agree with you energongoodie. I mean it was by no means a bad race... To have the top 5-6 within a couple of seconds of each other for so many laps is always going to be interesting. I think we've just been spoiled so far this season with phenomonal races!

I feel your pain Aldermech. Getting caught out so early on with Grosjean's crash screwed Jensen hard. Good to see the Caterhams competing though, even if it was mostly because Monaco is so narrow.

05-30-2012, 03:53 PM

I forgot about him doing that. How long ago was that?

Oops! Totally forgot I posted on this!

The track is looking AMAZING. They just put down pavement on turn 1! And the whole facility and grandstands are almost done!

I'll post pics tomorrow!

05-31-2012, 02:11 AM
I do hope it goes ahead, Bernie give others a chance!

06-02-2012, 04:01 AM
Algersuari is told to come back maybe for Force India next year.

And Hamilton didn´t resigned his contract with McLaren, so he can go anywhere: Red bull, Mercedes, even Ferrari with Alonso.

What do you think of Alonso?

06-02-2012, 04:46 PM
Alson + Hamilton, not going to happen again, or at least they are not going to be happy bedfellows look what happened last time

06-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Alson + Hamilton, not going to happen again, or at least they are not going to be happy bedfellows look what happened last time


Also, confirmed 2013 V8 Supercars championship at COTA. *SQUEEEEE*

Turn 1, 3 and 8 are done, all the grandstands are done, and the main facility is done. Individual ticket sales go up in the next couple months (I got $700 saved for the full championship!)


"Construction at Circuit of The Americas moves closer to completion as the placement of asphalt continues around the track and the first layer of surface from Turns 1 – 5 and Turns 18 – 20 is applied. The Access Tunnel that leads to the Paddock Area is finished and paved. The Medical Center is almost finished with only work on the ceiling and windows to go.

Meanwhile, progress at the Pit Building is well under way; window installation and painting has started and should be completed soon.

In the coming weeks, paving will continue between Turns 5 and 10 while the Main Grandstand is completed."

06-06-2012, 03:13 AM
I feel like the luckiest git alive! As I haven't had a holiday in 5 years (mostly cus I haven't been able to afford one) my parents have decided to pay for one, partly as a brithday/christmas present. I couldn't think of anywhere in particular I wanted to go, so my Dad suggested the Britsh Grand Prix. Hopefully my tickets will arrive tomorrow :D

Three days of F1 and support races. Camping in the 'lively' section. Gradn Stand seats where i can seea good third of the track :D Very Happy Shades.

As for the previous topic; Alonso and Hamilton sounds pretty unlikely to me as well. Not as unlikely as Hamilton and Massa, but still... Also, I though I heard that Ferrari were interested in Paul Di Resta? Although Hamilton may not have signed a new contract with McLaren, I really doubt he'd leave them, especially as they have a potentially race/championship winning car for him at the moment. Button though... He's been struggling to make the car work for him this season, so I could see him thinking about leaving unless he can find some form from the car soon. Even then I'd think it'd be unlikely.

Guess we will have to see how things go in Montreal in a couple of days time!

06-06-2012, 04:20 AM
Sounds great SotonShades. I look forward to the post race report.

06-06-2012, 04:55 AM
It will be interesting to see how/if the holes in the floor of the RBs affect their performance at montreal

06-07-2012, 02:17 AM
I imagine same as they have been doing all season. They've been there since the start of the year, but it took a while for the other teams to spot. If all else fails, they'll just clip out the bit between the hole and the side of the floor like most of the other teams have. That said, if the FIA doesnt make a point about it by Montreal, expect all the other teams to add it in so they have a hole rather than a slot too. Cleaner flow and all that!

06-07-2012, 02:30 AM
When is an hole not an hole, when its a slot!

06-07-2012, 02:33 AM
Exactly. When is a floor not a non-peremeable membrane? When one of the other teams think Red Bull are getting an unfair advantage despite it all ready having passed FIA scrutineering.

06-07-2012, 02:41 AM
Your toy is better than mine so I shall complain and get it taken off you.

One of the things I love about F1 is the technical race and how different teams research and develope new possibilities. Some of these things are good and get used elsewhere others aren't so good (like the 6 wheeled Tyrrell P34 )

06-07-2012, 08:01 AM
Damn! Grass track-side passes are only $160 for all three days! Purchased mine for the F1 races. Now just to wait for the Super V8 tickets to go on sale!

06-07-2012, 08:07 AM
3 day Silverstone ticket is £285, so $160 is a bargain!

06-11-2012, 09:42 AM
Did anyone see the Canada race?

How stupid Ferrari team... Alonso was 2nd and they bothered him on the strategy...

06-11-2012, 10:17 AM
It was a phenomenal race. Ferrari really did screw up, but you can't really say McLaren did well given that Button didn't even finish in the points. Well done to all the drivers though. Exciting to watch from start to finish, and 7 winners from 7 races! What a season so far!!

06-11-2012, 12:29 PM
It was a phenomenal race. Ferrari really did screw up, but you can't really say McLaren did well given that Button didn't even finish in the points. Well done to all the drivers though. Exciting to watch from start to finish, and 7 winners from 7 races! What a season so far!!

Yes, I like Red Bull is not a boring winner, like last year...

Yes, they were deserved Champions, the best team, but seeing race after race Vettel winning is BORING

I prefer a lot a championship like this year´s one

06-11-2012, 03:07 PM
Be on the right tires at the right time, such a simple rule, it really surprises me that teams forget it.

06-11-2012, 03:59 PM
Be on the right tires at the right time, such a simple rule, it really surprises me that teams forget it.

Yes hahahaha they usually tend to forget it

All the people estimate Alonso as the best pilot, but year after year, and team after team, they always give him a car under his possibilties

06-21-2012, 12:03 PM
Giddy giddy Shades today. Not only am I getting close to wetting myself with excitement over 6th Ed (and soiling my boxers when one of my mates explain his plans for a combined Chaos Space Marine and Deamon force...) but my tickets for Silverstone arrived in the post!

Camping from wednesday til monday? Check
Garaunteed grandstand seat where i can see the starting grid and the first few corners? check
Roving seating friday and saturday? check
Getting a little over excited at the thought of going to the British Formula 1 Grand Prix during one of the best seasons in the history of the sport? All hail to the Omnissiah; Check check and cheak again!

Now, where are my binoculars?

06-21-2012, 12:08 PM
Awesome, I hope you have a great time and that it stays dry!

06-22-2012, 01:53 AM
Have fun SotonShades. I am jeal to the mother flippin ous.

06-22-2012, 02:48 AM
Also, Alonso says he doesn't mind driving with Hamilton, no I for one thought that was never going to be the case

07-03-2012, 04:30 PM
Right, tomorrow I am off to Silverstone. As you might expect I shall be off the grid, but I'll let you know about my (very long) weekend when I get back!

07-04-2012, 02:05 AM
Good luck, I am most jealous. I hope it stays dry for you

07-04-2012, 04:50 AM
Yeh... not gonna happen :P

Still, I've camped in snow before, so a little drizzle and warm nights will be fine by me.

07-10-2012, 07:29 AM
Right, well I just about survived. My throat is still horse from scream, shouting, whistling and generally having too much of a good time! If you watched the F1 Forum on the BBC Red button, you will have seen me, Unfortunately I didn't get interviewed, but I did make it on the big screen a few times.

Pctures are availible here. (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.936098107592.319449.286105536&type=3)

Videos on the way soon!

07-10-2012, 07:31 AM
I'm glad you didn't drown and your car didn't get stuck in car park.
I was driving down to Reading on Friday and the motorways signs were on saying that the carparks were closed and I thought of you.

07-10-2012, 08:07 AM
Yeh was deffinitely worth going down on Wednesday on that count. As for getting stuck or drowning in mud... I'm a bit of a country bumpkin. Didn't fall over in the mud at all walking (unlike most of the other people at some point) and I've driven in enough muddy fields too know how to plan a route out and drive on mud without spinning my wheels (the main cause of people sinking in mud). It did help that I stayed til quite late on monday, so there was much more room in the carpark to maneouvre my car.

07-10-2012, 08:41 AM
That reminds me of some advice Brian Cox once gave concerning traversing mud, that is to mince across it as it will be easier to twist your foot out of the mud then to just pull (without the rotation)

07-23-2012, 05:33 AM
This -> http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula1/18947726

Where do you guys fall on this, obviously SV overtook off the track, but was he forced off after JB didn't leave him enough room?

We know what the officals have said, and found SV guilty.

Also, really interesting seeing LH fighting to unlap himself, I think that that is the first time that I have seen someone do that. I was pleased to see that the stewards were sensible in the forcing of the Blue flags allowing him to race.

Brilliant strategy by McLaren to get JB in the pits (2.4s!!!) and make up enough time to overtake SV on his pit exit.

07-23-2012, 06:55 AM
I agree with the strewards. If JB had forced him off the road, then no pnealty would have been needed (or possibly JB would have deserved one) but as SV floored the accelerator to get round him... He could/should have lifted slightly, but didn't want to lose out on the points. As it turns out, he has lost a lot more points than he would have by staying third. I think that is a fair punishment and hopefully will send a message to all the drivers; break the rules and you will actually be penalised where it hurts.

In the past they have given out fines. Most were either paid off by the teams or so small that the drivers pulling in millions of pounds in their salary and sponsorship deals that they didn't feel them. It essentially became paying for positions. Red Bull will be especially unpleased with him losing points for them in the championship needlessly.

Deffinitely agree with you about LH Wolfy. If someone isn't fighting you for position, have come up behind you and are going faster, then they should be allowed through. Whether that is a back marker being lapped or someone unlapping themselves shouldn't matter (admittedly the latter is far less likely, but LH proved it's possible).

Well done to McLaren all round. Yes, things didn't go particularly well for LH, but they seem to have come back and are actually showing that they might yet have teeth to fight for this years championships.

07-23-2012, 07:11 AM
I agree with you, he certainly didn't do himself any favours by accellerating off track and with the way JBs tyres were going, I would have been surprised if he didn't make a sucessful move later.

07-24-2012, 03:44 PM
I also agree with the Stewards on SV passing JB, a blatant breech of the rules. LH was also perfectly entitled to unlap himself.

How about that JB pitstop!

07-25-2012, 02:00 AM
I think it has to be the fastest one of this year, possibly ever.

07-25-2012, 02:42 AM
Part of why I want to congratulate McLaren. They have had such bad luck with pitstops this season, from breaking equipment to sticky wheels. Great to see that they are capable of doing it when it matters. If they can keep that up, I reckon we could see some great things from from them as the season finale draws in.

11-25-2012, 03:41 AM
Well. It has come down to the last race of the season. Other than not being able to watch all the races cause I won't pay for Sky sports, I have enjoyed this season.
All the different winners was fun, DRS seemed to be doing it's job, Kimi Raikkonen has made me chuckle, I thought the new American track was good and I am looking forward to next years race.
I'm in the office today so don't know if I'll be able to get back for the race. But I hope you guys enjoy it.

11-25-2012, 05:49 AM
Massive F1 fan, I have always been since 1992 when my father took me to Silverstone to watch my 1st GP. Nigel Mansell won the championship that year and he became my hero. I am also quite patriotic so I have always supported British Drivers and Teams, but with the likes of drivers such as Kimi and MSC the sport has always had lots of characters. Anyone who watched the 96 melborne GP will recall Martin Brundle roll his car at 290kph totally destroying it in the process, crawl out of the wreckage, run up the pit lane, have a quick medical with Sid Watkins and get back into another car to join the restart of the race. Mental

11-25-2012, 02:07 PM
Speaking of mental, what a race today!

Ok, so nothing as worrying as Brundle's crash, but action from the off and excitement all the way through, even if the last third of the race was more due to the tension of the weather!

Some increadible driving from almost all of the drivers, some absolutely rotten luck for a few. Alonso and Vettel both showed why they deserved to win the championship, but I have to say I think the right man got the rewards. Well, right man given the terrible luck LH has had all season.

Also, a fond farewell to Jake Humphry. Well done fella, on a fantastic 4 years of broadcasting! If no one else has yet, can I call dibs on your job?

Finally; Halle-fudging-llujah! The BBC is getting full coverage back next year! I assume Sky will also still be covering all the races, but F1 should be on the BBC. Nothing quite gets the butterflies in my stomach going like hearing The Chain overlaid with the sound of highly engineered engines. Very much looking forward to next year.

11-25-2012, 02:25 PM
What's happening to Jake Humphry then? Are they ditching him or has he got a better offer?

11-25-2012, 04:11 PM
Yes, was an enjoyable race. I felt this season was on of the best we have had in years. Especially the early part of the season where we had so many different race winners. As the year progressed and Red Bull upped their game then it certainly went their way. Still consistently in the points, Fernando managed to keep it a title race, right up to today. As much as I would liked him the win the championship today, Seb really drove a fantastic race considering all the drama he went though to finally finish in 6th. Sad to see MSC go but personally wish he had never come back. His era was at Ferrari and his stint at Mercedes I don't feel did him any good.
Another great year though :)

11-26-2012, 03:51 AM
I'm glad JB won, I've always ranked him as a better driver the LH. I think I feel sorry for Alonso who had been so consistent all year.

11-26-2012, 03:54 PM
What's happening to Jake Humphry then? Are they ditching him or has he got a better offer?

He has a baby boy on the way, who should come into the world around the same time as the start of next year's F1 season. Understandable for a young father to want to be around his family rather than travelling around the world every other week. I think he has taken a job hosting ITVs football coverage or some such, which I am sure he will be brilliant at if I cared to bother watching it, but I ain't gonna waste time finding out. It was actually quite nice to see how many of the F1 personalities were coming up to him during the show to wish him well. And fun to watch the Red Bull mechanics pour a few bottles of 'champaigne' over him :P

I've got to agree with you Deadlift, it has been a great season but I think the last three (despite Vettel's absolute dominance last year) were all really interesting. Each season seems to have built on the last, with a fair amount of stability in the rules but just the right tweaks in the right places (bye bye double diffuser) to really make the sport shine. As DC and EJ keep commenting, we really are in a Golden Age for the sport. Long may it continue. Also, I hope it is much warmer at the British GP if I get to go again. I'm sure I still keep finding bits of Silverstone Mud around the house...

11-27-2012, 03:49 PM
He has a baby boy on the way, who should come into the world around the same time as the start of next year's F1 season. Understandable for a young father to want to be around his family rather than travelling around the world every other week. I think he has taken a job hosting ITVs football coverage or some such, which I am sure he will be brilliant at if I cared to bother watching it, but I ain't gonna waste time finding out. It was actually quite nice to see how many of the F1 personalities were coming up to him during the show to wish him well. And fun to watch the Red Bull mechanics pour a few bottles of 'champaigne' over him :P

Ah. Well best of luck to him in that case. About time ITV got someone good to replace the charisma blackhole that is Adrian Chiles. Now all they need is some decent pundits and commentators and I might start watching their football coverage again.

12-21-2012, 08:56 AM
BBC F1 coverage just got an upgrade.


I for one welcome the Jake Humphries replacement!

12-21-2012, 11:31 AM
It'll be interesting. I for one have never really like Ms Perry's presenting style. That said, she does still look good in a leather cat suit, and I'm sure that will happen at least once to wake us up on a sunday morning.

12-21-2012, 03:23 PM
Great news, she was a fantastic presenter / commentator on the Moto GP. Not just a pretty face, she obviously knows her stuff too. The fact she is a bit of a looker is just the icing on the cake. ;)

03-15-2013, 03:32 AM
Well the new series is upon us.

Melborne (Oz, not Derbyshire..) this weekend.

Red Bull are looking strong as always and an impressive display by Lotus. Kimmi is worth a punt for World Champion I think, assuming they can sort out the issues with reliability.

Everyone else seems a bit of jumble.

Though the question is, are the two lotuses (and RBs for that matter) both so close to each other because that is their car on the limit, with the other drivers quite a way from their team mates is there more performance left to be eeked out?

All I know is that I want JB to beat LH every time.

03-17-2013, 11:14 AM
One down, 18 to go.

Didn't really get all that excited today. Nice to see three Brits in the top ten, but besides a few key over takes, there seemed to be a lack of action. Melbourne is always a development race, so I guess we will have to see how the season goes on. Fingers crossed McLaren can turn up their development like they have done in the past.

03-18-2013, 03:16 AM
Should have put a bet on my Kimi thoughts... grumble grumble grumble.

03-22-2013, 05:34 AM
Well practice 1 & 2 are over and again Kimi is looking strong.
McLarens seem not to be going anywhere middle times, like previously.

The race will probably be under rain so how will the new cars cope with grip in these conditions?

Will Jenson be the rainman like previously?

03-22-2013, 06:45 AM
I don't usually hold much stock with practice sessions as an indicator of performance, without knowing fuel loads etc its difficult to get an idea of race performance, even last years qualifying sessions really didn't indicate race pace most of the time. But this year so far (1 race I know) practice does seem to be reasonable indication of the race result,
I would love to see Kimi win another world championship.

03-22-2013, 06:57 AM
I don't know, these practice sessions show boardly speaking the same results as last weekend on race day, and the final practice session beforehand.
I doubt that there would be much time to make any significant improvements in the cars during the last 4 days.

03-22-2013, 02:02 PM
I'm considering sticking a tenner on for Kimi to win the championship at this point

03-22-2013, 02:12 PM
I think it might be a good move, the question is though is how will the cars develop in the future. Are Lotus at the far end of their performance, can the McLarens be upgraded to get more performance. 'Tis tricky, certainly I think he has the raw talent.

My favourite bit from last season was Kimi telling his crew to shut up.

03-22-2013, 02:34 PM
That was hilarious.

Yeah you never really know how the season will pan out, especially once teams start to bring in their upgrades and get to grips with the new tyres

03-22-2013, 02:43 PM
Yeah that was funny, but that's him. I wonder if he still naps pre-race whist everyone else is getting geared up for the race.

03-23-2013, 03:16 AM
Possible spoilers
Qualifying is done, results down below

1) Sebastian Vettel 2) Felipe Massa 3) Fernando Alonso 4) Lewis Hamilton 5) Mark Webber 6) Nico Rosberg 7) Kimi Raikkonen 8) Jenson Button 9) Adrian Sutil 10) Sergio Perez

No real change then from last seasons usual qualifying. Massa pipping Fernando again is cool, but we know how ferraris team orders work. Lewis Hamilton once again proving his move to Mercedes was a good one for him. Kimi lower down than expected and the Mclarens once again showing that they need to find some extra pace.

03-23-2013, 03:31 AM
It is all exciting for tomorrow, the question is DL did you watch live or no?

03-23-2013, 04:40 AM
No I had it on the Radio and was painting at the same time.

03-24-2013, 01:17 PM
Race was interesting with lots of drama, won't spoil it for anyone but it would seem old Vettel has the touch of Schumacher about him ;)

03-25-2013, 02:48 AM
Multi-21, Multi-21

03-25-2013, 04:45 AM
Indeed. The last few laps were a bit of a parade, but the rest was such an exciting race. Got to say, I did laugh quite loudly at Alonso though. Especially when I heard the commentators say the Ferrari crew were ready and waiting for him!

03-25-2013, 04:57 AM
Yeah, tried to push it too much.

I am very disappointed for Button, manages to get to the front, goes for a pit stop and someone forgets to attach the wheel.

03-25-2013, 06:43 AM
I was watching and wondering how close is Mark to lamping his team mate while on the podium!

Also what was going on in the pits this weekend, Lewis stopping in the wrong garage, Force India having a general nightmare, Mclaren screwing up for JB and various unsafe releases!

03-25-2013, 06:47 AM
I can understand Hamilton driving into the wrong pit, this is only the 2nd time that he is is not racing into a McLaren pit!

Webber is not a happy bunny...

03-25-2013, 07:12 AM
Yeah it was hilarious but can totally understand how it happened. Its only the 2nd race of his career where he has had to stop in a different garage and the teams do look similar. I keep seeing Perez and think its Lewis.

Will be interesting to see if there is any fallout with Seb and Mark, especially with John Watson's recent comments that he should be suspended by the team for a race (not going to happen).

The Mercedes team seems to be dealing with their team orders situation far better, and I don't think Lewis's humble comments on the podium about Nico being up there instead of him reflected well on Seb, which is probably what prompted his later apology.

03-25-2013, 07:37 AM
Yeah it was hilarious but can totally understand how it happened. Its only the 2nd race of his career where he has had to stop in a different garage and the teams do look similar. I keep seeing Perez and think its Lewis.

Will be interesting to see if there is any fallout with Seb and Mark, especially with John Watson's recent comments that he should be suspended by the team for a race (not going to happen).

The Mercedes team seems to be dealing with their team orders situation far better, and I don't think Lewis's humble comments on the podium about Nico being up there instead of him reflected well on Seb, which is probably what prompted his later apology.

We just had that conversation in the office, compare the "Stop being silly Seb" with "Negative".
If Seb wasn't the returning world champion would he have such luxury?

03-25-2013, 08:00 AM
Definitely not, Christian Horner was far too gentle. The team clearly didn't want to risk a collision (as Seb has caused before) or both cars wearing themselves out and should have put his foot down in firmer terms. Even after the race you could see that he was uncomfortable criticising Seb too strongly.

03-25-2013, 08:06 AM
Ah yes you can't discipline Das Wunderkind!

Though it is interesting to see Webber having his RB up their at the moment which suggests that it is less Seb and more RB. (Or at least that is my opinion).

I think it was Murray Walker who commented that difference between a great and good driver in a great car an negilgable whereas the difference between a great and good driver in a fair car is massive.

So you would expect cars to come in pairs if they are good, and the splitting of them is down to individual skill.

03-25-2013, 08:07 AM
I would love to see Mark Webber win a world title, but if he stays at Redbull, despite what the team management say, he will always be a number 2 driver. It's a shame but unless another competative drive opens up or Seb moves to Ferrari (as has been rumoured) I just can't see him becoming world champion.

03-25-2013, 03:30 PM
Yeah I can't see him getting a championship while on the same team as Web either unfortunately. I don't know who he could move to that would be as competitive. Maybe McLaren or Lotus by the end of the season if they have got the car sorted

03-25-2013, 03:55 PM
Yeah I can't see him getting a championship while on the same team as Seb either unfortunately. I don't know who he could move to that would be as competitive. Maybe McLaren or Lotus by the end of the season if they have got the car sorted

I never though of Lotus, that could a good move for the Lotus team and Webber, they can get rid of nutcase Grojean and F1 would a safer (more boring ?) series as well lol.

03-26-2013, 03:49 AM
I like Grojean, even if he makes some very questionable decisions, the question over his head is how does he resolve his issues over bad decision making.

If he comes out of it positive then he can make for a very aggressive and interesting driver.

If he comes out of it negative then he will yeild each position and become a timid driver who has lost his competative edge.

Of course the RB/Webber issue could be resolved if Vettle goes to Ferrari. Though I can't see Ferrari wanting to have both Alonso and Vettle at the same time. They have recently prefered a definite #1 & #2. Don't get me wrong the #2s are very good solid dependable drivers but they seem to lack that flare or edge that pushes them up a notch.

2010 - 2013 - Alonso & Massa
2007 - 2010 - Räikkönen & Massa (Fischella, Badoer)
2006 - Schumacher & Massa
2000 - 2005 - Schumacher & Barachello
1996 - 1999 - Schumacher & Irvine

Then before that they had the best drivers with Mansell/Prost/Burger in various combinations which never really worked for them as they were fantastic drivers and would race each other rather than the other cars

03-26-2013, 06:24 AM
BBC sport have given us this little montage of Vettel & Webber


Also these thoughts from John Watson (former McLaren driver)


03-26-2013, 10:02 AM
Alonso would pitch a fit if Seb showed up in the team one year! I'm not sure whether there was any truth to it but I did hear somewhere last year during the speculation over Lewis that Alonso has a veto on any new team member as part of his contract.

I haven't made my mind up on Grosjean but he was a bit of an over eager plonker last year. His performances so far this year do appear to have improved so maybe he has calmed down after a talking to from the team. "You break it again you buy it" lol.

Maldonado is proving to be a huge disappointment to me so far this year. Against my better judgement I picked him in both my work and a friends fantasy league and he is killing me!

03-26-2013, 10:07 AM


03-26-2013, 10:59 AM
Exactly, he's just got the boot in favour of his team mate!

04-09-2013, 05:58 AM
Kimi interview...


05-25-2013, 05:14 PM
Just watching the Monaco Qualifying (don't worry, no spoilers from me!) and I had a thought. One of the worst things about F1 at the moment is Q3; watching drivers save tyres by not putting in representative times or simply not putting in a timed lap to give them the choice of tyres for the race start. Undeniably, it increases a team's strategic options, especially given the way Pirelli have been asked to construct the the tyres for these last couple of seasons. But it is so anti-climactic.

So how do we go about changing that? Well, here's my idea; Keep the times. Keep the Q1-3 format, dropping cars with the slowest times from that session, but otherwise everyone places based on their best time in the last session they took part in. The drivers in Q3 still have to drive faster than those who went out in Q2 to maintain their place, anyone who didn't post a time to save tyres is suddenly right at the back of the grid at the start and would have to use the last set of tyres they set a time on (so potentially the tyres they used in Q2). In theory, it should still be easier for the cars in each session as there is less traffic on track, giving us quicker and quicker times.

Downsides? Potentially confusing for viewers seeing people in the last session starting the race behind people who didn't, but I think we'd adjust reasonably quickly (F1 fans tend to be fairly knowledgeable, after all). Wet weather would obviously screw this system terribly, so maybe additional ruling would be needed to revert to the current system, either for the whole grid if any session is wet or possibly only for the positions decided by that session. Other than that... Well, not sure I can think of anything, though I'm sure you could all find something.

Newho, Monaco! Even on today's session, never have I wanted to be on a boat more!

05-25-2013, 11:51 PM
I'm not happy that this race is not being shown on bbc. Highlights just don't cut the mustard and i refuse to pay for sky sports as i don't like football,rugby,golf etc.

I'm sure the bbc said that monaco was one of the races that they would keep. Bloody bbc.

05-26-2013, 01:29 AM
Yep. Another day of having to avoid seeing any media (especially anything by the BBC themselves as they seem to delight in shouting out the result, without any warning, anywhere they can...)

05-26-2013, 01:42 AM
Is it my imagination or does the BBC have far less coverage this year? I work Sundays so rarely get to see the race itself and make do with BBC 5 Live, and watch the highlights at home.
As I watch the highlights and I have to say personally, whilst the results have been interesting, The races themselves have been far less so. I know we have some tire issue, and in the pipeline changes to help resolve the need to conserve them etc, but the actual races have started to stagnate for me again. Some teams seem to have been able to close the gap to the top teams like Force India, I suspect due to the extreme tire degradation. I just hope when we get back to 2 and at an absolute maximum 3 stops per race the teams that have made inroads towards to top of the grid lap times don't fall behind again. There is also danger the races will once again become a Red Bull procession spectacle.

05-26-2013, 07:25 AM
Is it my imagination or does the BBC have far less coverage this year? I work Sundays so rarely get to see the race itself and make do with BBC 5 Live, and watch the highlights at home.
As I watch the highlights and I have to say personally, whilst the results have been interesting, The races themselves have been far less so. I know we have some tire issue, and in the pipeline changes to help resolve the need to conserve them etc, but the actual races have started to stagnate for me again. Some teams seem to have been able to close the gap to the top teams like Force India, I suspect due to the extreme tire degradation. I just hope when we get back to 2 and at an absolute maximum 3 stops per race the teams that have made inroads towards to top of the grid lap times don't fall behind again. There is also danger the races will once again become a Red Bull procession spectacle.

Red flag..wow.. nothing like a red flag to mess up a race.

05-28-2013, 02:25 AM
The tyre situation is just part of the game.
I dislike that there are complaints about the tyre situation.
Everyone knows what the tyre specification are and how they will handle, so if you build a car that is destroying your tyres that isn't the manufactures fault it is the car/driver. Look at Hamiliton and Button a few years ago, Button would look after his tyres and do a very good job, while his then team mate would shred them and have to pit more often. The race of F1 isn't how good the driver is, though that comes into it, it is how good the car/technology is.

If you look at the changes for the 2014 season you can see that F1 is moving away from the maximum speed at the cost of any sustainability to a balance between speed and sustainability. Now you have to look after the car and not replace the engine and gear box after each race as you have destroyed it in the previous one.

05-28-2013, 04:32 AM
The tyre situation is just part of the game.
I dislike that there are complaints about the tyre situation.
Everyone knows what the tyre specification are and how they will handle, so if you build a car that is destroying your tyres that isn't the manufactures fault it is the car/driver. Look at Hamiliton and Button a few years ago, Button would look after his tyres and do a very good job, while his then team mate would shred them and have to pit more often. The race of F1 isn't how good the driver is, though that comes into it, it is how good the car/technology is.

If you look at the changes for the 2014 season you can see that F1 is moving away from the maximum speed at the cost of any sustainability to a balance between speed and sustainability. Now you have to look after the car and not replace the engine and gear box after each race as you have destroyed it in the previous one.

Yes, but was it fair that Mercedes and Pirelli ran those tests before Monaco?

05-28-2013, 04:58 AM
Yes, but was it fair that Mercedes and Pirelli ran those tests before Monaco?

Certainly not. If it does tranpsire that they were using a current, or last years spec car.

A cycnic would certainly point to the improved tyre performance in monaco and the secret test and look at those and suggest that they have gained some valuable insight.

06-27-2013, 05:35 AM
Webber to quit Red Bull & Formula 1.


Leaving at the end of the season with plenty options to go to instead.

06-27-2013, 06:04 AM
Going to race Porsches I heard. It's a shame I like Webber, but understandable.

I'm off to Goodwood Festival of Speed again this year and there will be plenty of F1 drivers and cars there doing the hill climb. I will take plenty of pictures for all you like minded petrol heads :).

06-27-2013, 06:14 AM
I think he & Jenson would be a good combo, though they are both "too old".
It would have been good to see him given a chance as first choice driver, rather than the assistant for Vettle. Let us not forget the brilliant races he did to hold the field and allow Vettle to build unassailable leads

06-27-2013, 08:07 AM
Yeh, he really has been top class. Just such a shame he was in Vettel's shadow so much of the time. I really do think he had the ability to be a world champion, but never had the opportunity to really go for it, either because the cars weren't good enough earlier in his career or he was doing what was best for the team later on. Still, we can't hold on to all our favourite drivers forever. At least he is retiring; not long ago we would more likely lost him due to injury or death.

06-27-2013, 08:19 AM
I don't know Shades, he's off to do Le Man with Porsche. Driver died this year.

06-27-2013, 11:58 AM
Topically off topic..

Different things attract different folks to a sport and for me is the pit-stop times. Four tires and fuel in 3.x seconds or less with some teams looking at being able to drop that time to 2 seconds or less. (So mentioned at Monaco.) It never fails to make me grin when a car comes out with a 3.8 second pit time and the announcers talk about how slow it was. I like the 'logistics' of car sports.

06-27-2013, 12:15 PM
I will be honest mate, whilst the technology is fascinating and the speed mind blowing. I really watch most motors ports in anticipation of a bloody good crash. Not death or injury resulting crashes but the "f*ck me, how did he walk away from that kind" it's why I'm also big into Superbikes and Moto GP. Lots of spills and accidents with very rarely any fatalities. Oh and let's face it the grid girls are easy on the eye too ;)
Don't ask me how but this year I have managed to get in on some BMW Motorsport hospitality and plan to make full use of it this year at Goodwood.

06-27-2013, 12:22 PM
I will be honest mate, whilst the technology is fascinating and the speed mind blowing. I really watch most motors ports in anticipation of a bloody good crash. Not death or injury resulting crashes but the "f*ck me, how did he walk away from that kind" it's why I'm also big into Superbikes and Moto GP. Lots of spills and accidents with very rarely any fatalities. Oh and let's face it the grid girls are easy on the eye too ;)
Don't ask me how but this year I have managed to get in on some BMW Motorsport hospitality and plan to make full use of it this year at Goodwood.

Uh, that is just a given. Doesn't everyone watch it for that and maybe a few other secondary reasons? :D

06-28-2013, 10:04 AM
Nah, I actually prefer seeing tactical racing, watching the timing screens to see when someone is holding back to save their tyres (maybe only a few tenths per lap) so they can push harder and overtake someone else who has worked theirs harder before. Then of course wider strategy with timing pit stops, teams working together (so long as it isn't unfairly detrimental to one driver or the other whilst they have a realistic chance of doing well in the championship) and watching the development race unfold.

The only problem with understanding the racing to that level of detail is that you really do have to pay attention through out the practice sessions as well as qualy and the race. That is a huge amount of concentration, but makes the racing far more exciting when you see the moves you've predicted coming to fruition.

Still, some of the crashes ARE pretty spectacular!

06-28-2013, 12:10 PM
Nah, I actually prefer seeing tactical racing, watching the timing screens to see when someone is holding back to save their tyres (maybe only a few tenths per lap) so they can push harder and overtake someone else who has worked theirs harder before. Then of course wider strategy with timing pit stops, teams working together (so long as it isn't unfairly detrimental to one driver or the other whilst they have a realistic chance of doing well in the championship) and watching the development race unfold.

The only problem with understanding the racing to that level of detail is that you really do have to pay attention through out the practice sessions as well as qualy and the race. That is a huge amount of concentration, but makes the racing far more exciting when you see the moves you've predicted coming to fruition.

Still, some of the crashes ARE pretty spectacular!

I will have to try to watch any practice or qualifiers that are televised. Keeping up with the colour rings on the tires is always fun. :)

06-30-2013, 07:53 AM
Well, that could be a classic Silverstone British Grand Prix. Explosive action through-out (if for the wrong reasons), great wheel to wheel battles, interesting right up to the final lap. Happy Shades, just wish I had been in the stands as last year! Not as cold and wet...

06-30-2013, 08:38 AM
Yep, was a fascinating race to watch. Trying to workout who's tyres were going to let go was fun. Pirelli really need to get their act together now or I can see Bridgestone coming back into F1. Hamilton did a fantastic drive to get his 4th position result.
Would have be nice to see Webber win but 2nds still good. As for Vettel, well what goes around comes around as far as I'm concerned.

09-30-2013, 06:40 AM
Wellity wellity well. It has been a while, so pray forgive this threadnecromatic tendancies.

2014: Formula 1 in New Jersey. Street circuit, could be exciting.


Plus full 2014 calendar:

2014 Calendar

16 March: Australia (Melbourne)

30 March: Malaysia (Sepang)

6 April: Bahrain (Sakhir)

20 April: China (Shanghai)

27 April: Korea (Korea International Circuit)*

11 May: Spain (Barcelona)

25 May: Monaco (Monaco)

1 June: Grand Prix of America (New Jersey)*

8 June: Canada (Montreal)

22 June: Austria (Red Bull Ring)

6 July: Britain (Silverstone)

20 July: Germany (Hockenheim)

27 July: Hungary (Budapest)

24 August: Belgium (Spa-Francorchamps)

7 September: Italy (Monza)

21 September: Singapore (Marina Bay)

5 October: Russia (Sochi)*

12 October: Japan (Suzuka)

26 October: Abu Dhabi (Yas Marina)

9 November: USA (Austin)

16 November: Mexico (Mexico City)*

30 November: Brazil (Interlagos)

* Subject to the circuit approval

10-01-2013, 10:54 AM
Very excited but kinda ruins my dream of going to every race one year. My great aunt lives in NJ, and there is no way I could get in the state without her finding out :(

10-11-2013, 07:48 AM

Very sad news, I was personally very excited when she 1st started testing in formula 1. It would have been great to have a female driver in the line up and I had hope that despite last years accident she would make a comeback. It certainly looked that way too. What a shame.

10-11-2013, 07:56 AM
It is sad news.

We are just left with Wolfe as a prospect.

After losing the eye she never stood a chance though[of getting back behind the wheel], depth perception is very hard if not impossible with only one eye.

10-11-2013, 10:15 PM

Very sad news, I was personally very excited when she 1st started testing in formula 1. It would have been great to have a female driver in the line up and I had hope that despite last years accident she would make a comeback. It certainly looked that way too. What a shame.

It was sad, actually heard about her a couple of weeks before her accident and was very impressed, also made me more interested in the sport as frankly it usually doesn't seem particularly appealing in terms of basically dripping testosterone.

10-22-2013, 08:21 AM
It has been a rough few weeks for motor sport, what with the death of Sean Edwards as well :(

10-28-2013, 04:34 AM
So Vettle has won, surprised? No.

But best quote of the weekend

I don't have crystal balls.

Well that sorts out that paddock rumour.

10-28-2013, 07:11 AM

No surprise Vettel has taken it, but you cant really take away from him, he has made few mistakes!

Its just a shame for him that this season has been an entertaining one, just that he's not been part of that entertainment in the main!

Here's to hoping the rules changes next season shake things up a bit!

10-28-2013, 07:21 AM
Oh certainly not, he has be very consistent.

I would say that Webber seems to have had all of the team's bad luck.

Major shake up next year, very interesting. Will be bringing everyone back to square one. I hope the big driver tax won't be too bad.

10-28-2013, 07:27 AM
Yeah Webber definitely had his share of bad luck, but even when he had no bad luck he just couldn't compare most of the time!

But then while I love Mark Webber, I would never call him world champion material! Just like a certain British driver who managed to luck into one :rolleyes:

Cant wait for next season though, rules shake ups and interesting team changes should provide more entertainment! I just hope that the championship is part of that entertainment!

10-28-2013, 07:39 AM
In any other team had webber got the consistent results that he had we would have been seen as a phenomal driver, but sat under Vettle's wings he is often overlooked.

10-28-2013, 11:49 AM
The introduction of 1.6 turbo engines is a start, but until we see a cap on team expenditure it's still likely to be a two tier competition. F1 got really quite boring this year very early on in the season. It's always been one of my favourite Sunday afternoon rituals since I was a kid. But when you fall asleep watching a race you know something's not right.

10-28-2013, 12:04 PM
The introduction of 1.6 turbo engines is a start, but until we see a cap on team expenditure it's still likely to be a two tier competition. F1 got really quite boring this year very early on in the season. It's always been one of my favourite Sunday afternoon rituals since I was a kid. But when you fall asleep watching a race you know something's not right.

You ain't lieing.
I'm struggling to remember high points from this season. Other than exploding tyres I'm stumped, and if that's all I've got then......

10-29-2013, 02:37 AM
Well there was, oh wait, oh yes Perez at Monte Carlo forcing people into walls. Every time Button overtakes Hamilton..

10-29-2013, 06:07 AM
Well there was, oh wait, oh yes Perez at Monte Carlo forcing people into walls. Every time Button overtakes Hamilton..

Compare F1 to MotoGp though and the bikes are infinitely more exciting these days. I urge anyone to give it a watch who hasent. As much as I love F1, bike racing really has the upper hand as a spectator sport.

10-29-2013, 06:16 AM
But don't forget though the Doctor did rule MotoGP for quite a while...

11-12-2013, 04:20 AM
So the changes are being rung.

Line up of 2014 as it stands
() - leaving driver and where to if confirmed
[] - rumoured to be in the list

(van der Garde out of contract)

Raikkonen (Massa to Williams)

Force India
Di Resta
(Sutil out of contract)

(Raikkonen to Ferrari, again)

(Chilton out of contract)

Magnussen (Perez Out)


Red Bull
Ricciardo (Webber Retires)

(Gutierrez out of contract)
(Hulkenberg out of contract)

Toro Rosso

Massa (Maldonado out)

So there we have it.

11-12-2013, 04:33 AM
Actually I'm not sure how next years going to pan out at all. With the introduction of completely new engine specs it's basically a restart. I still think the big teams will have the upper hand due to resources and bigger budgets but I really hope next year will see a big shake up on the grid.
Ferrari will be interesting to watch as I really can't see Reikannon playing nice with Alonso. It's been rumoured he maybe going back to McLaren in 2015 and if he's not got number 1 driver status at Ferrari anymore I could see that happening.
Personally I want to see Vettel taken to task now and with the coming changes it could happen. Red bulls dominance isn't a done deal next year that's for sure. I predict big things from Mercedes and I think they could be the ones to beat next year.

11-12-2013, 04:41 AM
Well with regard to the Red Bulls they have really pushed the envelope in terms of overall design and getting the whole package working. I wonder how much they have had to compromise next year to keep this years car so good.

The interesting move is Massa to Williams, Williams have a chance to make a step forward next year, they have all kinds of resources that the other teams they are racing against don't have and so could seem them pushed towards the front.
The issues with pay a lotus is again worrying how that would affect the new development.
Raikkonen to Ferrari I think gives them the best team overall, but without a natural 1/2 there might be some friction.

11-12-2013, 04:50 AM
Williams can't do much worse than this years results. It's hard to imagine them as the team they were when Mansell and Hill both won championships with them. I really hope Massa with his wealth of experience is able to help them regain some momentum.
Lotus is a worry, I see Raikonnon is having his back surgery brought forward and this is obviously in conjunction with his pay despite at Lotus. It's odd because Lotus have actually done far better than I expected the last 2 years and I would have thought sponsorship deals would have been easy for them to obtain. Obviously not.
Next year for me I think Mercedes and Hamilton are our greatest chance of seeing a British number 1 driver. But for me I'm an iceman fan. I just love his personality and no nonsense approach. Anyone who's not available for interviews because he's having a s*it is alright in my books.

11-12-2013, 05:07 AM
Williams are on course for their worst season ever, which is saying something.

Lotus surprised me as well. Competing at the front. Though how much have the compromised next season by continued development this season?

Thinking of the aceman did you hear this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/24796310

11-12-2013, 05:41 AM
Lotus have been surprisingly strong, I agree, though when you use your wage budget for development, I suppose that's to be expected :P

Still think, as a whole team, that Red Bull are the strongest, though you'd have to say Ferrari has the strongest driver pairing for individual talent. As a Ferrari fan, I'm looking forward to seeing a 1-1 driver scenario next season, I just hope both drivers are given a machine which can challenge for the title.

Interested to see what happens to Mercedes with/without Ross Brawn...

11-12-2013, 05:48 AM
Williams are on course for their worst season ever, which is saying something.

Lotus surprised me as well. Competing at the front. Though how much have the compromised next season by continued development this season?

Thinking of the aceman did you hear this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/24796310

Vettel, sense of humour. Can't be right. Actually to be fair he's a rather likeable lad. I think the booing he got this year was a bit rough to be honest

11-12-2013, 05:51 AM
Lotus have been surprisingly strong, I agree, though when you use your wage budget for development, I suppose that's to be expected :P

Still think, as a whole team, that Red Bull are the strongest, though you'd have to say Ferrari has the strongest driver pairing for individual talent. As a Ferrari fan, I'm looking forward to seeing a 1-1 driver scenario next season, I just hope both drivers are given a machine which can challenge for the title.

Interested to see what happens to Mercedes with/without Ross Brawn...

Nice to see another F1 "fan" on BoLS. I thought there was just the 3 of us :). Obviously your a man of great taste in your sporting choices.

Mercedes without Brawn, I have a feeling they will be just fine. I'm sure the situation was engineered to push Brawn out to be honest. With Honda returning soon to F1 I'm sure he will be doing something with them in the near future.

11-12-2013, 06:49 AM
Nice to see another F1 "fan" on BoLS. I thought there was just the 3 of us :). Obviously your a man of great taste in your sporting choices.

Mercedes without Brawn, I have a feeling they will be just fine. I'm sure the situation was engineered to push Brawn out to be honest. With Honda returning soon to F1 I'm sure he will be doing something with them in the near future.

Thanks, I try! I do enjoy my sports, though it does limit my hobby time given the quantity of F1 and NFL coverage! As well as F1 (Ferrari), I play (5, 7 & 11-a-side) and follow Football (MUFC), and used to play (but now just follow) the other 'Football' (Bronco's). I'm also a former 100m runner, so I try to keep up with the track, but must confess I don't get much time for it anymore!

Be interesting to see if Brawn takes a year 'out' spent prepping a honda return, Merc should be fine I agree, though will they become the force they could be without his influence.

11-12-2013, 06:51 AM
Brawn requires no down time, look what Team Brawn did!

11-12-2013, 07:16 AM
True, but that was built on the Honda success after a year out after leaving Ferrari.

11-12-2013, 07:21 AM
Perhaps. I just want Button to beat Hamilton :D

11-12-2013, 07:25 AM
Perhaps. I just want Button to beat Hamilton :D

Sooo much yes! Button is much better than where he's finishing right now, and deserves a better drive. Consummate professional.

Oddly -as a Ferrari fan - I strangely feel myself cheering for Webber lately, just willing him to beat Vettel (about the head, if necessary!)

12-03-2013, 06:34 AM
BBC's guide to the F1 changes for 2014:


12-11-2013, 03:59 AM
Double points for the last race of the season!?!??!?!??!?! WTF?

12-11-2013, 04:01 AM
I know right?!

Though I think it might encourage constructors to continue to develope till the end of the season, some teams get half/three-quarters of the way through realise they are less than competative and just work on next years car.

Also, mandatory 2 stops, so glad that didn't work out.

What are your thoughts re; Formula E>?

12-11-2013, 04:07 AM
I know why they have made the changes, but I don't like them. I'm more inclined to beleive that spending caps will be better and I would like to see more than 1 tire brand too.

I like the driver number assignment, I hope a Brit gets Nigel Mansells red 5.

Interesting to see that the 1st driver to speak out against the double points was Seb.

12-11-2013, 04:29 AM
RE: Formula E. I really like the idea of it. It's the only way we are gonna make Wipeout a reality :)

I'm completely torn. I agree spending caps would be good to help level the playing field, then I really like the idea of Formula E where it's the best of the best with honours. A showcase for the best tech there is with money flowing like water.

Seb is right. You might as well start giving them question mark plates on the floor to drive over to give them banana skins and red shells to throw at their fellow racers!

12-11-2013, 05:05 AM
Formula E does sound rather cool, especially if they are given free reign to do what they want with the cars, as long as they are safe. I don't know about you guys, but part of the attraction of motor sports is the symphony of engine music, F1 cars sound fantastic and there's nothing like the growl of a v-twin Ducati in Moto GP.

As an example, I go to Goodwood festival of speed every year. The last 3 years Nissan in particular and a few others have entered some electric cars. When you stand and watch the big V8 nascars roaring up the hill doing huge burn outs along the way, everybody's grinning from ear to ear despite nearly being made deaf.
When the electric cars go up virtually silent, people generally laugh.

I did see an idea that engineers could fit speakers to the rear of an electric car that would pump out mimicked engine noise. It's not the same.

12-11-2013, 06:06 AM
Yes I do agree with Seb, considering how much "glory" he has had, he still seems firmly routed in what the motorsport should be about.

I am very excited about formula-e one only has to look at what improvements from formula 1 to normal cars (and other areas http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19696830 and http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7934857.stm) so what advances that FE can provide is exciting.

Of course I find idea of formula e is a bit of a gimmick, after all the electric cars while they don't produce emissions through the tail pipe, the power plant that generates the electricity does. Though one can only imagine the improvements in battery range, recharge technology motor efficiency et al.

As DL says the weird part will be the noise from the cars not being there, though having said that noise from rolling rubber is quite loud.

01-13-2014, 07:15 AM
Well now just a few days/weeks until we get to see those new 2014 machines.

In the interim, FIA have allowed the drivers to be given their own numbers which they keep for life.

The full 2014 F1 entry list is as follows, with the drivers' race number listed first:

1* Sebastian Vettel (Ger) Red Bull-Renault - After 2014 he will revert to #5
3 Daniel Ricciardo (Aus) Red Bull-Renault
44 Lewis Hamilton (GB) Mercedes
6 Nico Rosberg (Ger) Mercedes
14 Fernando Alonso (Spa) Ferrari - The number he used in karting
7 Kimi Raikkonen (Fin) Ferrari - "it's the number I already had last year and I saw no reason to change it".
8 Romain Grosjean (Fra) Lotus-Renault
13 Pastor Maldonado (Ven) Lotus-Renault
22 Jenson Button (GB) McLaren-Mercedes - Number he had when he won the world title
20 Kevin Magnussen (Den) McLaren-Mercedes
27 Nico Hulkenberg (Ger) Force India-Mercedes
11 Sergio Perez (Mex) Force India-Mercedes
99 Adrian Sutil (Ger) Sauber-Ferrari
21 Esteban Gutierrez (Mex) Sauber-Ferrari
25 Jean-Eric Vergne (Fra) Toro Rosso-Renault
26 Daniil Kvyat (Rus) Toro Rosso-Renault
19 Felipe Massa (Bra) Williams-Mercedes
77 Valtteri Bottas (Fin) Williams-Mercedes
17 Jules Bianchi (Fra) Marussia-Ferrari
TBA Max Chilton (GB) Marussia-Ferrari
TBC Caterham-Renault
TBC Caterham-Renault

01-13-2014, 12:34 PM
Can't understand why they'd do that, but fair enough. I wonder in what order they got to pick their numbers.

Getting excited to see what the new turbos are like.

01-13-2014, 12:52 PM
I hope they have that glorious turbo sound :)

01-13-2014, 01:59 PM
I hope they have that glorious turbo sound :)

Really hope so! Whooooosh!

01-13-2014, 02:01 PM
I find myself getting totally into F1 and the Grand Prix going back to the 1930s that preceded it. I intend to go the Austin F1 race this year.

Of course being a compulsive collector this will mean cars... very, very cool model cars.

Check out this puppy... It only gets more crazy with detailed shots:

Exoto - 1951 Alfa Romeo Alfetta 159 M



01-13-2014, 02:02 PM
They got to pick them in order of world rankings, so if two drivers had the same number the one who finished higher could choose would get it.

It is to bring about a corporate image so how historically you though of red five an Nigel Mansell. It helps with branding and creating revenue streams.

01-13-2014, 02:04 PM
Those models look sweet

01-13-2014, 08:50 PM
Amazing detail!

Love me a pretty Alfa, have 2 sat on my desk and one on the drive!





01-14-2014, 01:04 AM
OK ACE01 - It's on!

Just gimme a couple weeks to get in some nice "office desk decorations" - and here I thought GW was expensive...

01-14-2014, 01:38 AM
BigRed I feel a friendly competition brewing.

Whilst not a beautiful classic, Nigel Mansell in his Williams with his red 5 is where my passion for f1 started.


01-14-2014, 03:09 AM
All about red 5.

Or remember Hill driving 0.

BR - expesnive hobbies :http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?36454-Our-hobby-s-prices-aren-t-the-nuttiest-ever :D

01-14-2014, 08:10 AM
OK ACE01 - It's on!

Just gimme a couple weeks to get in some nice "office desk decorations" - and here I thought GW was expensive...

Oh dear, it seems I've accidentally challenged the Fly Lord.

I hasten to add that those 2 Alfa's were found in my grandmothers house after her death when we were clearing out, and are certainly not to the frankly astonishing detail of that lovely 159. I think I've got a Jag and 2 Mercs lying around too IIRC.

The full scale Alfa is more fun to play with, however.


^^^ Hills near Hay on Wye, Wales ^^^

01-14-2014, 08:19 AM
Good brewery nearby http://www.wyevalleybrewery.co.uk/ but of course on the correct side of the boundary.

01-14-2014, 09:32 AM
I was there on holiday for my fiance's Birthday in April, completely tech free area, with no phone signal and no internet. Whilst difficult, It was blissful!

01-14-2014, 12:06 PM
Well the car that initially got me into F1 was the ground-effect trailblazer - Lotus 78 - with Andretti at the wheel.



01-14-2014, 02:30 PM
Very nice BigRed, I think both Lotus and Ferrari are the two iconic Marques of F1.

So gentlemen with the big changes in the car specifications and a few tweaks in driver line up, anyone want to hazard a guess on how this coming season will pan out ?

01-14-2014, 02:36 PM
Well the car that initially got me into F1 was the ground-effect trailblazer - Lotus 78 - with Andretti at the wheel.



I thought you Americans liked the one where rednecks drive round and round in a circle for days on end?

01-14-2014, 02:44 PM
Just read a predictions article on the 2014 season, one worry apparently is the new V6 engines despite the turbos are going to be at least 5 seconds a lap slower. I hope this isn't the case.

01-14-2014, 03:57 PM
Do the predictions say that anything other than Vettel crushing everyone AGAIN will happen? Cos I may start watching again if that happens.

01-14-2014, 05:54 PM
Very jealous of you getting to the Autsin race BigRed. I was at Silverstone last year and (despite the rain, mud, cold and sunburn) had an amazing time. the US Grand Prix is certainly on my list of ones I want to see live; just looks like such an impressive complex.

01-14-2014, 05:57 PM
They say that the shorter/lighter drivers will have a significant advantage over the taller one

The other issue is that it is quite wide open, obviously the larger teams would have advantages as they have more money to spend on R&D.

At the moment without seeing or testing (which again is notriously unreliable) it is too early to tell, especially given that the rules have changed so signficant;y

01-15-2014, 01:32 AM

Papa Smurf aka John Button passed away suddenly of a suspected heart attack on Monday. He was 70.
I think many of us who follow the sport will miss his often fun interviews, jovial presence and race day pink shirts. Sad times for Jenson as they were obviously very close.

01-15-2014, 12:14 PM

Papa Smurf aka John Button passed away suddenly of a suspected heart attack on Monday. He was 70.
I think many of us who follow the sport will miss his often fun interviews, jovial presence and race day pink shirts. Sad times for Jenson as they were obviously very close.

Man that sucks. Here's hoping Jenson has a much better season than last in his honour.

As for predictions, it's all wide open, I'm just looking forward to some real competition in the early races as the teams get a feel for their cars and competition!

01-17-2014, 01:13 PM
Ron Dennis is back :)
Maybe now we will see a McLaren turn around. It's about bloody time. Whispers are Ron wants Ross Brawn as Team Principle.

01-17-2014, 01:20 PM

Thought I would share this as I bumped into on the beeb, it's a video with some of the best overtaking from last years season. Enjoy.

01-17-2014, 03:00 PM
The beeb webcontent is quite good

01-19-2014, 06:17 AM
I'm picturing Ron Dennis back at McLaren with Brawn, a Honda engine and Alonso.

They'd probably win the season and then internally combust

01-23-2014, 04:55 AM
It is that exciting time of the season as the cars are launched!

First up [Sahara] Force India's VJM07:

01-24-2014, 04:16 AM
yum yum yum. Bring on the Ferrari!

01-24-2014, 04:24 AM
First glimpse of the Williams, only computer rendering thoug. That nose looks ugly as sin.



01-24-2014, 08:43 AM
In the flesh the new McLaren MP4-29 :

The narrow front-nose section on the cars is a response to new rules that dictate a lower nose, and teams' desires to keep the front of the car as clean as possible to enable them to allow more air to flow under the car, increasing downforce. It has been coined as an anteater nose.

01-24-2014, 08:53 AM
Side pod intakes look bigger this year, down to the turbos I guess, looking forward to hearing them spin. The new nose confiq however looks a bit silly. I don't like it.

01-24-2014, 09:39 AM
I imagine the front wing will under go massive changes between now and the first race:

Car Launches:
McLaren - 24 January (online)

Ferrari - 25 January (online)

Sauber - 26 January (online)

Toro Rosso - 27 January (Jerez)

Mercedes - 28 January (Jerez)

Caterham - 28 January (Jerez)

Red Bull - 28 January (Jerez)

Force India - 28 January (Jerez)

Marussia - 28 January (Jerez)

Williams - 28 January (Jerez)

Lotus - TBC


Jerez, Spain, 28-31 January

Sakhir, Bahrain - 19-22 February

Sakhir, Bahrain - 27 February-2 March

01-26-2014, 07:28 PM
Yum yum yum


{Wolfie edit}
And now the real thing
http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/72543000/jpg/_72543143_ferraridriversfernandoalonso,left,andkim iraikkonen.jpg

01-27-2014, 01:26 AM
Yep, it's a thing of beauty.

01-27-2014, 03:07 AM
I think that that is the first pretty nose.

In other nose, sorry news (Sauber C33-Ferrari):


The thing that worries me abot this one is that it seems that they are missing a principle sponsor from the side pod

01-27-2014, 09:21 AM
Lovely curved line from nose to pods though. Looks stealthy

If Raven Guard made cars...

01-28-2014, 03:27 AM
Have we had the Toro Rosso yet?

01-28-2014, 03:28 AM
New Merc:

01-28-2014, 03:29 AM
Live text coverage from the Beeb: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula1/25897264

01-28-2014, 03:30 AM
Red Bull:

01-28-2014, 03:32 AM
Actual Force India (the one previous was a compouter rending):

01-28-2014, 04:11 AM

Notably, the first to have a split nose.

01-28-2014, 09:42 AM

01-28-2014, 09:43 AM
On the side of the nose is Senna's symbol to commerate his 20th anniversay of passing.

03-20-2014, 06:14 AM
Well what a weekend.

Fantastic racing, full of conterversely and good to see the Williams running strong.

Feel sorry for Ricardo but McLaren's running nicely.


Not 100% convinced by the engine noise though...

04-07-2014, 04:57 PM
So Sundays race might just be the most exciting thing I've watched in a long time. F1 boring ? No I don't think so. Overtaking aplenty, upside down cars and wheel to wheel action, this race had it all. Anyone doubting Hamiltons driving ability has been made to look a fool. He was superb.

04-08-2014, 02:33 AM
So glad Hamilton and Rosberg can race each other, it is good for mercedes and it is good for the sport.
I am loving the Williams-Martin colour scheme :) ftw.

Just want more Buttons!

04-08-2014, 03:13 AM

04-11-2014, 04:13 AM
Intersting snippet:

American businessman Gene Haas will be allowed to enter a team for the 2015 F1 championship, chief executive Bernie Ecclestone has revealed.

Mr Haas is joint owner of NASCAR’s championship-winning Stewart-Haas Racing team and also founded engineering firm Haas Automation which has annual revenue of around $1 billion. It gives him the resources to fuel his F1 bid and he is already using it to attract top names as Guenther Steiner, a former technical director of four-time F1 champions Red Bull Racing, is understood to be involved.


04-12-2014, 01:52 AM
Ooh, now that IS interesting...