View Full Version : Good afternoon from Texas!

Shas'O Vior'la M'yenshi
04-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Hey all,

A bit about myself.

I'm 23, going to ITT Tech for electronics.

I love the universe, lore, races, and everything else about Warhammer 40K.
I'm currently building a Tau army.

I first experienced Warhammer 40K through the original Dawn of War on PC. Since then I've been 100% hooked on everything about it. When Dawn of War: Dark Crusade came out, I was introduced to the Tau Empire and absolutely loved it. That's when I figured out there was a whole tabletop game that Dawn of War was based on.

Anywho. I'm new to painting in general, and I'm still learning new techniques and stuff to learn how to paint better. Any advice is much appreciated.

About a month or two ago I struck gold when a woman on Craigslist was selling some minis she had no idea what to do with. I inquired and found out that she had a pretty good sized Tau army. She generously offered all of them to me for $65. I was ecstatic, and I told her how much these go for, she insisted that I take them for that much. So I did, came with foam and a hard case too.

So I am now in possetion of 1 Ethereal, 9 Crisis Battle Suits, 6 Steath Suits, 10 Pathfinders, 12 Kroot Carnivors, 1 Sniper Drone squad, I think approximately 69+ Fire Warriors, 1 Piranha, and countless Shield and Gun Drones.

They are all primered now. The Fire Warrior squads I had before I got the rest from the woman are mostly painted.

My biggest issue is, I have nobody to play with. I've never played a single game before and I don't know where I should start. None of my friends are interested in Warhammer 40K, or table top games for that matter. And none of them can really afford it either.

So if there's anyone that can give me some pointers or tell me how I can get started and learn the rules and learn how to play and junk would be awesome. I've learned the basics through YouTube and other sites, but I hear the only way to really learn is to get out there and play. So if there is anyone in the San Antonio, TX area willing to show a Shas'Saal the finer points of wargaming let me know. So here I go, diving into something hopefully as amazing and fun as I think it is.

04-13-2012, 12:48 PM
I feel for you buddy. I too have no 40K chums and am not so keen on the crowd at my local GW.
I'm sure you'll find people on here near you.

Nice find with the Tau.

Shas'O Vior'la M'yenshi
04-13-2012, 02:34 PM

I've been to a few comic book/hobby shops like Alien Worlds, GW, and Gamelot, but none of the people there seem too interested in 40K or are very knowledgable of it spare the fact that they carry some stuff in their stores. Usually most people are there playing Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh. I tried craigslist and found a group that played every weekend, but come to find out they live 2 towns over from me. Ah well, i'll continue searching.

Do you know if there is a player locator on this forum? I've looked a bit, but haven't seen it other than the Search function. I'm a member of the Independent Characters' forum as well, they have less members than this one, but they have a "player locator" that has almost all it's members locations listed. Only myself and one other guy were from San Antonio, TX lol and his last log-in was 2 years ago.

05-23-2012, 01:01 PM
Hey there. Texas here (Ft Worth though) too. I have actually found people to play with on Craigslist, if you can believe it. I was looking for some additions to my army and met with the guys to trade/purchase. Struck up conversations and whammo! I have a gaming group. Maybe try there? GL to you!

Chris Copeland
05-23-2012, 10:08 PM

I've been to a few comic book/hobby shops like Alien Worlds, GW, and Gamelot, but none of the people there seem too interested in 40K or are very knowledgable of it spare the fact that they carry some stuff in their stores. Usually most people are there playing Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh. I tried craigslist and found a group that played every weekend, but come to find out they live 2 towns over from me. Ah well, i'll continue searching.

Do you know if there is a player locator on this forum? I've looked a bit, but haven't seen it other than the Search function. I'm a member of the Independent Characters' forum as well, they have less members than this one, but they have a "player locator" that has almost all it's members locations listed. Only myself and one other guy were from San Antonio, TX lol and his last log-in was 2 years ago.

Hey ShasO! I'm glad I stumbled upon this post! We have a HUGE gaming community in SA. It's called the Gaming Garage (https://www.facebook.com/groups/175757472448931/). You can find our Facebook group here (https://www.facebook.com/groups/175757472448931/) and our forum here (http://www.thegaminggarage.co/forum/index.php). You'll be amazed at how active the San Antonio 40K community is! Let's get in a game soon!

Cheers! Copeland