View Full Version : WoC Rumour Roundup

04-13-2012, 04:52 AM
Warriors of Chaos rumour summary

Time scale
Supposedly fourth quarter 2012. If this is the case, then most likely October, since there is no tradition of releasing army books in December and November will probably be devoted to the new Hobbit game.
Thus if it is indeed out Q4, it will most likely be on Saturday the 6. of October. If it's around that time, but no actually Q4, then candidates are 1. of September and 5. of January 2013.
Or Q4 could be wildly inaccurate. Most years have had 3 army book releases, so it is likely that something will be out this year, probably in the second half of the year, but it could also be something like Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Bretonnia, Daemons or Wood Elves.

Miniature releases

Updates for existing models¨
For the three latest releases, the entire model range has been available in either plastic or resin apart from the old classic model (ex: Zacharias on Zombie Dragon, presumably because there was little interest in converting him to resin when there is a new plastic Zombie Dragon out). Assuming that this trend continues, the following changes would need to be made:

- Lords of Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle on various daemonic mounts: Resin (almost certainly) or plastic (unlikely)
- Champions of Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle on foot: Resin or plastic (either equally likely)
- Sigvald and Wulfrik: Resin
- unmarked Sorcerer on foot: Resin (most likely as there is already a plastic version)
- Nurgle Sorcerer on foot: Resin or plastic (either equally likely)
- unmarked Sorcerer on steed: Resin (most likely) or plastic (possible)
- Dechala: Resin or kept as metal

- Galrauch / Chaos Dragon: Plastic (most likely) or no new model and a plastic version released later (unlikely). Presumably the plastic Dragon would have the option for variant riders or be kept unridden to represent Galrauch. It may or may not include parts for a plastic special character rider (likely to be the old Engrim van Horstmann if so).

- Chaos Chariot / Warshrine: Plastic (almost certainly). Obvious candidate for a plastic kit as the current chariot model is very, very old. The description of the Warshrine makes it likely that the kit will build either model, but it may also be that there will be two plastic models based on the same basic design (as with the Empire War Alter and Wizard Wagon kits). It has been suggested that there may be variant creatures pulling the chariot and if the two get separate kits, then this is likely. Presumably it would be a Daemonic steed of some sort.

- Chosen: Resin (most likely) or plastic (less likely). With the amount of units needing to be redone, it is most likely that this unit will be converted to resin now and then later there will be a new plastic kit that makes Warriors or Chosen.

- Chaos Ogres: Resin (most likely) or plastic (less likely). Similarity to the "normal" Ogres suggest that these will be converted to resin and get a plastic kit at some later date.

- Chaos Trolls: see Chaos Ogres

- Dragon Ogres: Plastic (most likely) or resin (less likely). The Dragon Ogres are very old models and no models exist to cover the additional hand weapon upgrade, thus it is likely that these will get a new plastic kit. The kit will most likely be 3 models and may or may not include new options the unit doesn't currently have (ex: standard bearer, musician, shields, etc.).

- Scyla: Resin (almost certainly)

In summary, these kits are most likely to be made into plastic:
- Chaos Dragon / Galrauch
- Chariot / Warshrine
- Dragon Ogres
It is unlikely but not impossible that there will be updates for existing plastic kits (Warriors or Marauders), but presumably this will happen later and not at the release of the book.

Existing units with no models
With the three latest releases, all units and characters have gotten models released for them when the book came out. With the two first 8th edition books, this is not the case (ex: There is still no Hierotitan model and it took quite a while before the Mangler Squig model was released), so we can't be certain of this.

- Forsaken: Plastic (most likely) or resin (less likely). The unit's rules are miserable and there are no existing models, so it is likely that there will be some improvement in at least one area here.

- Warshrine: (see Chaos Chariot entry above)

- Kholek: Unlikely to get a model at the moment, though when there is eventually a Shaggoth plastic kit, it is likely that this will include optional parts for Kholek.

- Valkia, Vilitch, Festus, Throgg: May or may not get resin models.

Brand new units
There is a trend for new army books to get at least three brand new units added to the list, though these have not lacked models for existing units (WoC lack both Forsaken and Warshrines), so we don't know. Traditionally, it has been very difficult or impossible to guess at exactly what these units will be. For the last four books, Sphinxes and Demigriffon Knights have been expected, while Sepulchral Stalkers, Necropolis Knights, Hierotitans, Coven Thrones, Mortis Engines, Hexwraiths, Crypt Horrors, Vargheists, Celestial Hurricanums and Luminarchs of Hysh have not (until someone got a look at the models).
Thus while we can all guess at Chosen Knights riding Daemonic Mounts, don't be surprised if this doesn't happen.

Distribution of brand new units in 8th by type has been as follows:
Infantry: 0
Cavalry: 1
Warbeasts: 0
Swarms: 0
Monstrous infantry: 2
Monstrous cavalry: 3
Monstrous beasts: 1
Chariots: 5
Monsters: 6
War machines: 0

With the 8th army book releases, very little have been known about the rules until a few weeks before release. If the WoC book follows this trend, there will proably be some time until get anything reliable.

WoC on.

Shut up, couldn't think of a better pun and I'm bored.

04-13-2012, 06:48 AM
I think, as puns go, it's quite a good one. All sounds interesting, not my cup of tea, but given how awesome the recent releases have been, I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with Chaos. Bretonnia or WE this year is just wishful thinking though!

04-13-2012, 02:12 PM
Shut up, couldn't think of a better pun and I'm bored.

Oh come on... if you were THAT bored you would have been able to come up with a wittier pun.

As for WoC rumors... sounds about right. A relatively unknown rumor monger posted awhile back on Warseer that he (or a friend, I forget which) had seen a WIP Throgg figure.

Also, I think (again, memory may be failing me here) that Darnok over at Warseer hinted strongly that WoC would see some sort of Monstrous Cavalry.

Honestly, of all the fantasy lines that need an overhaul (in the miniatures department, not rules department) it's chaos. They have so much old metal and missing figs that it really is quite absurd. Combined with their severe lack of diversity when it comes to unit types (They have three flavors of whacking people in the face, Inf, Cav, and MI).

04-13-2012, 02:41 PM
I wouldn't have thought their playstyle would change much. WoC have been about hitting people hard for donkey's years. I would be amazed if they get any missile troops and very surprised if they get any more artillery (especially with Warhammer Forge handling the Chaos Dwarfs so well).

04-13-2012, 03:12 PM
I'm not suggesting that they will get missile troops or artillery... only that I think we might see more things along the lines of army buffs similar in vein to the wizard-mobiles in Empire (or just an expansion on the Chaos Warshrine).

I do think Chaos should get a unit of flyers perhaps as well and some monstrous cavalry.

If they received any missile troops (at all) I would think they would simply add bows as an option to marauder horsemen... but I think that is extremely doubtful.

My complaint about Chaos more lies with their preponderance of metal figs and the number of units and characters with no figures at all.

04-13-2012, 04:46 PM
I agree with the model needing updating to plastic/FC, they do have quite ab it of metal stuff/stuff with no models at all

04-14-2012, 07:46 AM
well i think if they do dragon ogres of plastic, those will probably be the monstrous cavalry (almost every army seems to get). Maybe another monstrous beast i could imagine something like a large chaos spawn (hopefully with different sets of arms to show which god is responsible for it).
id like to see a new version of the chaos warriors (if i remember right there is no helberd included) and the marauders. Id wish for more mutations and stuff like that (but since the 8. edition is the Disney version of Warhammer there probably wont be anything like that).

I for my part like it when you dont get a miniature for everything, especially when its special Characters. You can make one yourself easyly, and most of the time the special character has a different look in your mind than the miniature they make for it.

04-17-2012, 08:02 AM
i was thinking about getting dragon ogres. was a bit turned off by the fact they were metal. that being said do they perform well in battle alongside a chaos army? i suppose finecasting them would be natural, they finecasted the shaggoth afterall. and he's just a really big dragon ogre.

04-24-2012, 02:56 PM
im kinda looking forward to Warriors of Chaos, hopefully there will be some interesting releases that fit in my Slaanesh Marauder army. :)

04-24-2012, 04:59 PM
WoC on.

Shut up, couldn't think of a better pun and I'm bored.

WoCa WoCa WoCa

Your pun cracked me up. :D

05-05-2012, 10:02 AM
don't suppose they might come up with some new monster hm? i would love a dual chaos dragon kit if they decide to go with that. any idea when this choas update is gonna come along? i mean in terms of month. though it might be waaay to early to guess at that...

05-27-2012, 11:59 PM
So I've just been told that WoC are due in October (though Hastings had already said as much on Warseer) but I've also heard we are getting a plastic or finecast Witch and a sculpt of Valkia the Bloody. I've had this corroborated by a very reliable rumourmonger who said he believes the WoC witch is female. BUT my source said it might just be an Elf, though he is fairly sure it is WoC. Interesting to see what happens with that.

05-28-2012, 12:22 AM
Considering that Valkia the Bloody and Egrimm van Horstmann both have novels out this year, I would not be at all surprised if both of them feature in a new WoC army book. Egrimm would be a perfect addition to a plastic Chaos Dragon kit (a la Karl Franz in the Empire Griffon set). With the stupid price rises coming on Dark Elves, WoC are now the army I'm most likely to get for fantasy as I already have a bunch of older Chaos Warriors and characters, plus there are those nice Warcast regiments from AoW too.

05-28-2012, 12:27 AM
If the Valkia sculpt is nice it may even tempt me into starting WoC, having hte option for a female general increases the chance of me starting anarmy considerably. Especially if I don't have to convert it. Worked for VC.:rolleyes:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-28-2012, 01:12 AM
If the Valkia sculpt is nice it may even tempt me into starting WoC, having hte option for a female general increases the chance of me starting anarmy considerably. Especially if I don't have to convert it. Worked for VC.:rolleyes:

Oh dear eldargal, bless. :rolleyes:

05-28-2012, 04:09 PM
So I've just been told that WoC are due in October (though Hastings had already said as much on Warseer) but I've also heard we are getting a plastic or finecast Witch and a sculpt of Valkia the Bloody. I've had this corroborated by a very reliable rumourmonger who said he believes the WoC witch is female. BUT my source said it might just be an Elf, though he is fairly sure it is WoC. Interesting to see what happens with that.

Now I'm certain I read somewhere recently that they don't like making models of BL novels because bringing BL characters into the Warhammer game restricts the creativity of both BL and GW rules writers as well as running the risk of the model/rules not living up to fans expectations. I can't for the life of me remember where this was (maybe the BL blog or something), but I'm sure whoever it was said it was unlikely that BL creations would appear in the games. I really wish I could remember where I read that.

05-28-2012, 05:00 PM
Except that this is not a case of them making models of Black Library characters. Black Library are doing a series of novels each of which features one of the special characters from the Warhammer game. They've already done Sigvald, Luthor Huss, Wulfrik the Wanderer and a few others. Valkia the Bloody is in the current WoC army book, and Egrimm van Horstmann is an older character (he rides Baudros the 2 headed chaos dragon and was the figure sat on the back of the original chaos dragon model Citadel put out). they are bopth already Warhammer characters, they just lack a current model (in Egrimm's case) or any model (Valkia) at this time.

05-28-2012, 11:45 PM
Yup, Valkia has been around for a few years at least, I forget if she was introduiced in 6th or 7th edition. Probably 7th.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-29-2012, 01:16 AM
Yeah, she was in the most recent army book. Quite a nice character.

She even has a book, though by the sounds of it all of the Chaos champions will be getting books.
Sigvald has one, Valkia has one, Wulfrik has one...

05-29-2012, 10:21 AM
Ah, that makes more sense then, didn't realise Valkia was already in the game. I knew they didn't have an issue doing books about existing special characters, just that they were funny about taking unique BL characters and adding them to the game. This stuck with me as they used to do it all the time back in the days with a number of Warhammer Monthly characters getting rules and models (and very nice ones at that).

05-29-2012, 10:39 AM
I knew they didn't have an issue doing books about existing special characters, just that they were funny about taking unique BL characters and adding them to the game. This stuck with me as they used to do it all the time back in the days with a number of Warhammer Monthly characters getting rules and models (and very nice ones at that).

Yeah it is a shame they've taken that approach as there's a load of great BL characters that I'd love to see them do models of, especially if they ever do an Allies or Dogs of War style book again. Characters like Felix & Gotrek (Max, Snorri & Kat too thinking about it), Brunner the Bounty Hunter, Ulrika the Vampire, and the huge Knight of Morr that accompanies Mathias Thulmann the Witch Hunter around ( I forget his name, but he is an awesome character) would all be great additions to the game, or re-additions in Felix & Gotrek's case.

Also with regard to Egrimm van Horstmann it would make sense to have him in the new book, as the current selection of WoC special characters are pretty much all combat types (Archaon, Valkia, Kholek, Wulfrik, Throgg, Sigvald etc), and he's a Sorceror Lord which they could use in the mix. Plus with him riding a Chaos Dragon it's a nice reason for another 2/3 option character/monster kit, as it could have the bits to assemble: Egrimm & Baudros, Galrauch and a regular warlord on dragon.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-30-2012, 01:01 AM
Kholek is a dude! I want to see a novel about him! :D

05-30-2012, 02:06 AM
I would like to see a novel (and a new figure) for the classic Chaos special character Arbaal the Undefeated. A Chaos Lord of Khorne who has never lost a battle, and who rides into battle on a Flesh Hound the size of a car. Now that is a cool villain.

And yeah if they ever do a plastic Shaggoth kit, they should totally do it as a 2 in 1 kit with extra bits to enable you to make Kholek Suneater. They might actually be able to do justice to a Shaggoth with a plastic kit, as the current one, while a nice figure, is just too small really. I think the regular Dragon Ogres should be the size of the current Shaggoth and then have the actual Shaggoth be quite a bit bigger again.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-30-2012, 02:19 AM
To be fair, Kholek is even bigger than that. He's huge!

05-30-2012, 12:16 PM
Yeah it is a shame they've taken that approach as there's a load of great BL characters that I'd love to see them do models of, especially if they ever do an Allies or Dogs of War style book again. Characters like Felix & Gotrek (Max, Snorri & Kat too thinking about it), Brunner the Bounty Hunter, Ulrika the Vampire, and the huge Knight of Morr that accompanies Mathias Thulmann the Witch Hunter around ( I forget his name, but he is an awesome character) would all be great additions to the game, or re-additions in Felix & Gotrek's case.

Also with regard to Egrimm van Horstmann it would make sense to have him in the new book, as the current selection of WoC special characters are pretty much all combat types (Archaon, Valkia, Kholek, Wulfrik, Throgg, Sigvald etc), and he's a Sorceror Lord which they could use in the mix. Plus with him riding a Chaos Dragon it's a nice reason for another 2/3 option character/monster kit, as it could have the bits to assemble: Egrimm & Baudros, Galrauch and a regular warlord on dragon.

I'd like to see Egrimm back, but that Chaos dragon needs a new sculpt, it wasn't great back in the day and looks terrible compared to the current range of plastic dragons.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-30-2012, 06:43 PM
I'd like to see Egrimm back, but that Chaos dragon needs a new sculpt, it wasn't great back in the day and looks terrible compared to the current range of plastic dragons.Judging by that new Empire Griffon kit with two generic characters and one special, a new plastic chaos dragon kit might have him bundled in with it.