View Full Version : Independent Characters and Bestowed Special Rules

04-12-2012, 09:59 AM
In the IC rules it say (basically) that a units special rules are not given to any attached characters or the characters special rules given to the unit.

But what happens if the special rule is given after the character has attached to the squad?

Is the character treated as "part of the squad"?

Like Logan giving his squad tank hunters, would an attached rune priest benefit?
Or a Tyranid prime attached to a warrior squad before deployment, could they use outflank bestowed by Hive commander?
Commissar lords, do they benefit from orders given to the squad he is with?
Even "Honour of the Chapter" and "Liturgies of Battle" sate all members of the squad the Chaplin has joined, would an attached Captain benefit?

I know that the Characters should benefit from these added bonuses, but cant find anything to say they do, or even anything to say they are treated as members of the squad.. J

The rulebook seems to be very much on the none of the benefits, but all of the negatives on this.

I anyone could clarify it would be very helpful.


04-12-2012, 11:20 AM
the answer is "It depends." the most common way to answer it is to carefully read the rules on who or what the target rule affects. Common wordings on such targets are things like "non-vehicle unit" or "squad leader (actually typically the name of the model within the unit, like a Seargent)," or "Unit of X" where X is a particular unit type.

So here are some scenarios:

Creed can select a "unit" in his army and give them the Infiltrate special rule. If he gives this to a unit with an attached IC or embarked in dedicated transports, they ALL benefit as long as they stay one cohesive unit during deployment. So you could essentially make them a second unit of Al'Rahem if you want to. However, you make clear which primary unit is getting this ability, and if models die or leave later, then only the primary unit benefits from any lasting effects.

In Codex Necrons and Space Wolves, we have models that can start as a unit of one type but permanently attach to another unit, such as Royal Court members and Wolf Guard. Those models become part of the units they attach to. So in Codex: Necrons, Illuminor Szeras can upgrade one unit of Warriors or Immortals. This will benefit those models, and any attached Royal Court members, who are now considered to be part of the unit. But it will NOT benefit any attached independent characters, such as an Overlord.

And some models take their ball with them when they're done playing. A Necron Overlord with the Phaeron upgrade will make the unit he is attached to, including any other attached ICs, relentless. But if he leaves, he stays relentless while the rest of the unit loses the ability. If he joins another unit, he now shares relentless with THEM and any attached ICs to that unit.

04-12-2012, 01:10 PM
Nitpickery: Creed gives scout.

04-12-2012, 07:12 PM
Sorry, but the same concept applies.

04-13-2012, 01:13 AM
Joining a unit does not inherently grant you the special rules of the unit (except in cases where it does, just to be confusing), but when an OUTSIDE ability gives you a special rule, the independent character gains that special rule just like the rest of the unit does in most cases.

Logan gives tank hunters
Yes, because he gives it to the entire unit. So long as the Priest stays joined, he'll have the rule.

Commissar Lords and Orders
Again, yes, because the special rule benefits the unit as a whole.

Chaplain + other ICs
Once more, yes, because they are members of the squad until they leave it.

Tyranid Prime + outflanking
This is the only one I can see as being arguable, since the "timing" of when the Prime joins and when the squad is granted the ability to Outflank is a bit questionable. However, I think I would be generous and rule that it works, since I see no particular reason for it not to.

cactusman's examples are all good ones- in most cases, a reading of the rule in question will resolve the problem in relatively short order. It's worth knowing that some results are a bit less intuitive than one might hope, however.

04-13-2012, 03:12 AM
You declare when models (such as space marines with a chaplain in a drop pod) are being joined as units before you put them into reserve. So the Prime should get the rule as well, as you place models into reserve after any models are placed onto the table. So they are "deployed" as a single unit into reserves and rolled as such.

04-13-2012, 05:20 AM
Cheers Guys.

Especially thecactusman17 and AbusePuppy for you well reasoned answers.

I was playing a guy who had just returned to 40k (he last played at 3rd ed) and he asked me lots of good questions.

It was a problem I had never even considered, but as usual the Big Rule Book is a wee bit vague.

I had always assumed that the ICs benefited from a USR bestowed on the unit after they attached to the unit, but could not find anywhere that they do (and you know what they say about assuming things).