View Full Version : Scout squad on Land Speeder Storm

04-12-2012, 02:55 AM
Hi all,

I wonder if a scout squad embarked in a Land Speeder Storm can make a scout move in a dawn of war deployment(directly from the table edge)? Because a land speeder storm is a fast attack choice, therefore, it cannot be deployed on the table along with its passenger.

Many Thanks

04-12-2012, 03:37 AM
No. You can only make a scout move if you are on the table at the start of the game. Scout moves cannot be used to move on to the table in Dawn of War.

04-12-2012, 10:09 AM
Because a land speeder storm is a fast attack choice, therefore, it cannot be deployed on the table along with its passenger.

Ummm... there are absolutely not restrictions on how you deploy fast attack choices specifically. You deploy them exactly like anything else in the game, and you are allowed to deploy a transport of any type with a squad inside. The only restriction at all is that, if the transport is dedicated, then only the attached unit can be deployed inside, but that only applies to dedicated transports.

04-12-2012, 10:25 AM
It's the Dawn of War restriction of one HQ and two troops.

04-14-2012, 03:38 PM
The scout rule allows you to deploy, also you're allowed to make a 'free move', which is 6".

Spectral Dragon
04-14-2012, 06:07 PM
Ummm... there are absolutely not restrictions on how you deploy fast attack choices specifically. You deploy them exactly like anything else in the game, and you are allowed to deploy a transport of any type with a squad inside. The only restriction at all is that, if the transport is dedicated, then only the attached unit can be deployed inside, but that only applies to dedicated transports.
You do not transfer rules from units to their transports unless that rule specifically says you can. In this case it does, but only for dedicated trasports.

I will point out that the LSS has the scout rule in it's codex entry as well, so in any mission which allows you to deploy it it can make its scout move, scout squad or no.

04-16-2012, 06:57 AM
A Land Speeder Storm is not a dedicated transport and so it can not be deployed when playing Dawn of War. As others have said you are not allowed to scout onto the table, in order to use the scout rule you need to be deployed onto the table at the start of the game. Also the reason why the Land Speeder Storm has the scout rule is so that you can outflank it.

04-16-2012, 10:31 AM
Dawn of War doesn't allow the LSS to scout because it cannot be deployed onto the table before the first turn, and scout moves happen at the end of deployment. The REASON it can't be deployed is ONLY because of the fact that it's a Fast Attack model, and only two Troop units (which may be either a troop squad or their dedicated transport) and one HQ unit (which may be either a squad or a single model, but not both and not a model with a transport) may be deployed onto the field. Deployment includes every model placed on the table, regardless of order, prior to first turn. It includes units with rules like Scout and Infiltrate.

Something that others here apparently aren't aware of is that Scout moves can be made as far as the vehicle is normally allowed to move, including Flat Out,and any cover bonuses granted by that are in play for the first turn if you go second. This is clarified in the Imperial Guard and Grey Knight FAQ amongst others, where fast skimmers either have or can be given the rule.

04-16-2012, 11:22 AM
You do not transfer rules from units to their transports unless that rule specifically says you can. In this case it does, but only for dedicated trasports.

I was only referring to deployment, and I missed the Dawn of War thing.