View Full Version : Obliterator Number Question

04-11-2012, 10:48 PM
I'm sure people ask this type of question all the time. I've been playing at the 1000-1250 point level a lot at the local gaming store and am wanting to try out Chaos Space Marines for fun. Having said that, I am including Obliterators but my current list has room for 2.

My question is what is better? 2 units of 1 Obliterator or 1 unit of 2 Obliterators. I have the slots open so that isn't an issue. I know that normally I see people recommend you take 2 units of 2 at least if not 2 units of 3.

I'm inclined to go with 2 units of 1 since it lets me fire at 2 different targets and I don't gain much from combining them. I don't plan on Deep Striking them as they're my long ranged fire support at the moment. Thoughts?

Lunar Camel
04-11-2012, 11:48 PM
At that point level, I would say run two seperate Oblits. Since you are not trying to save the heavy spots for other things, this makes it easier. They can still travel together or target the same targets. But they can also split their fire or run in different directions depending on the situation.

When you get to the higher point levels, it usually comes down to the heavy spots when running Oblits. Most people do take two units of Oblits of two or more with a defiler in the third spot.

the jeske
04-12-2012, 12:43 AM
Most people do take two units of Oblits of two or more with a defiler in the third spot.
am positvly sure that people do not pick a single av12 huge walker which cant get cover as their third hvy support .

2x1 or 1x2 oblits ? doesnt matter both options dont give enough fire support and die to fast . am realy wondering what kind of stuff you have to run to not fit 2x2 because it fits in to 1k easily and at 1250 you have duh 250pts more .

04-12-2012, 11:19 AM
am realy wondering what kind of stuff you have to run to not fit 2x2 because it fits in to 1k easily and at 1250 you have duh 250pts more .
Well a lot of what I'm doing right now is fielding units to see how they work and how they play. It seems nobody plays Chaos now adays so the only way I'm going to learn is by playing them myself.

Right now the list I'm thinking at about 1250 is:

Daemon Prince (Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash)
10x CSM (Mark of Slaanesh, Champion w/ PW, 2x Meltaguns) in a Rhino
10x Khorne Berserkers (Champion w/ PF) in a Rhino
10x Khorne Berserkers (Champion w/ PF) in a Rhino
3x Terminators (1x CF, 3x Combi-Plasma)
1x Obliterator
1x Obliterator

It isn't meant to be fluffy but is supposed to maximize the use of what I have at the moment. I'm also curious to see how certain units go up against other units (i.e. Zerkers vs. Blood Angels Assault Marines, CSM vs. 5 man GK Purifier squad). I've done the number crunching but want to see it in action and different situations.

I guess my reason for asking is just in case it made sense to somehow put them both in the same squad. Normally when I play my Orks I've found I prefer 2 smaller squads of Loota Boys over a single bigger squad but run the risk (or reward) of having different dice rolls for how many shots. It also reduces how many shots get tied up on single targets.

I was originally going to go with a more "assaulty" list but wanted to add some ranged fire support. I originally had Rhinos with Extra Armor but removed those points to add Terminators and see how they work for me. I'm sure I could optimize it to be a better list (i.e. remove the CSM's and go with pure cultists, remove the Terminators as well really and add some Oblits), but am curious about squad sizes, numbers, etc. Might be 10 Zerkers just isn't enough. Might be that the Oblits die before I ever get to do anything. Termies might mishap when they Deep Strike (hopefully unlikely). Etc.

04-12-2012, 12:12 PM
You should drop the icon of slaanesh, as it's not as good as you think. Just take an icon of glory.

I like the termies, but you should consider either 2x or 3x combi-melta.

I like the two oblits, just run them seperately, as it's been pointed out, it won't matter unless you're competing for heavy slots.

For extra lulz, instead of CSMs, take 10x Havocs, champ, pf, icon of glory, and 4x meltaguns. Hilarity ensues.

the jeske
04-13-2012, 01:34 AM
the zerkers are eating the oblit points. you dont need 10 man squads of those . 8 is very optimal number +if there is something that can beat 8 it will also beat10 the gain of 2x2 extra wounds per squad doesnt matter as much when it means your losing long support [which chaos doesnt have a lot in the first place].

ditto about the IoS.

04-13-2012, 11:39 AM
Hrmmm, maybe I'm just thinking of having to face something like a 10 man squad of Blood Angels. I know normally its impossible to get all 30 Ork boys (err, 29 boys and the Nob) to hit but haven't had too much difficulty with 10 models. If wound saturation is the name of the game, I assumed getting 10 guys to hit is better than 8.

As for the Icon of Slaanesh, the main reason I went for that is to make sure that *if* I get charged by a unit with Furious Charge or Initiative 5, I'm at worst attacking at the same time. Against stuff like Genestealers I'm screwed either way. I know that removing that Icon of Slaanesh at least gets me closer to "fluffy" but still not there with my Daemon Prince having the Mark of Slaanesh for Lash.

Either way, thanks for the pointers!

the jeske
04-13-2012, 01:49 PM
If you play against nids stay in cover/transports and then stand on wrecks . no model in the nid army has frags.

as to why . ask yourself is worth to get those 6-8A more per squad , when your already rolling a lot of attacks , when it takes aways your long range support . killing something more doesnt help . actualy against some opponents you dont want to kill them in a single turn because you eat the fire power from an army on their turn [like an IG blob for example].

04-13-2012, 02:17 PM
Right, it isn't the Nids I'm worried about though. It's more the Marines and other units that do have the Frag Grenades. Is there ever really a good Icon to give regular Chaos Space Marines outside of the Icon of Chaos Glory?

04-19-2012, 11:55 AM
am positvly sure that people do not pick a single av12 huge walker which cant get cover as their third hvy support . .

Try playing on better terrain.

04-19-2012, 01:17 PM
Proper capitalization, punctuation and grammar are nice as well.

04-19-2012, 09:15 PM
I play chaos quite a bit.

I sugest one squad of thousand sons ... ap 3 slow and purposfull bolters is made to anti 3+ save units.

The lash prince works best if you take two. If you intend to have him in melee tzeetch is a better mark since it gives 4+ invulnerable save. Bolt of change, wings, tzeetch is how i run them thats 175 and you can use a str 8 ap 1 shot to crack transports then assault the squishy stuff inside.

One squad of berserkers at most, they cost too much for only having a minor buff over a basic marine.

Look at a unit of plague marines that t5 and feel no pain is a real pain for shooting units.

if you use oblits the more squads the better.

Also look at chaos vindy's with posession. Ignore shaken stunned is awfully nice on a demolisher cannon.

But no matter what keep in mind the local meta of where you play will differ from other peoples and the advice given might not work for you.