View Full Version : Wild Speculation!

04-11-2012, 05:38 PM

Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway, where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right the points are just like everything strength 6 or lower when your toughness 10. For those of you just joining us we're playing a game we like to call, Wild Speculation! Where our contestants make random guesses at what Warhammer 40k will hold in 6th edition!

Alright so I've been thinking (dangerous I know) skipping over all the usual rigmarole (THERE WILL BE SUPER HEAVIES, FLIERS, MOVEMENT/ASSAULT/SHOOT) and what have you, I thought I'd pose some other interesting points/questions/thoughts....

Reserves plus infiltrate.

Purely speculative mind you. So the Imperial Guard Codex was made with 6th edition in mind, at least on the outter fringes lets say. Anyone notice odd wording? Skip over to Storm Troopers entry (that's page 46 for those of you playing the home game) and take a look at the special rule/mission "Behind Enemy Lines"

Behind enemy Lines: The behind enemy lines mission grants the squad the Infitrate special rules and their weapons cout as pinning the first time the squad fires.

Seems perfectly legit, nothing out of the ordinary there. What does this have to do with 6th edition? What if, you could infiltrate your reserves...? How broken would that really be? You still have to place your models 18" away from enemy models (12" if you can finagle it so nobody see em!) so either way you won't be pulling off an assault unless you're Shrike or someone equal as silly. I would also like to point out the Necron Deathmarks, and leave it at that. No but seriously, Necrons were built with 6th edition in mind... like on the very cusp of 5th/6th. I bet that the Necron codex even has secret 6th edition stuff in it you just have to look at it like one of those weird pictures that isn't anything but if you stare at it long enough will reveal a dolphin or something. Yeah maybe not. Back on point, if your unit of Insert Name Here could arrive from reserves via infiltrating that's just like Deep Striking except your mitigating the horrible horrible "I might die if I land here" action by having that self imposed 18" buffer. (12" if they can't see you! and seriously if your opponent can place a batch of genestealers in such a way where none of your army can draw LOS to them then you deserve those genestealers to arrive from reserve, move, fleet and assault you.)

Counters! Tokens and Markers! (oh my!)
We've already started to see this, Necrons and their Ever Living rules and Dark Eldar with their what you call ems... But also Lord Castellan Creeeeeeeeeeeed's special order "For the Honour of Cadia!" You know that rule that the few people who do use it use it wrong. ("Now way just a second there mister, I use it and I use it correctly") Look at that rule and tell me what it does. Blah blah blah "Until the end of the turn, the ordered unit has the Fearless and Furious Charge special rule - place a counter or other suitable marker next to the unit to show this." ("Oh I guess I don't really do that last part...") BOOM! Counter, Tokens and you get the idea... I think there will be Counters/Tokens/Markers everywhere, or at least in greater use. "Place a counter next to this guy, place a token to represent this"

Of course this could all be false, but what do you think? On par? Sub Par? Har-de-har-har? Do you have some interesting line of reasoning or blatant speculation as to what 6th edition will hold?

Capn Stoogey
04-11-2012, 07:27 PM
I think part of the rumoured/leaked rules had something about not scattering if you deep strike further than 12" or 18" or something like that. I guess that's pretty much like infiltrating from reserves, so you could be on to something! I'm pretty keen for 6th, I hope the leaked rules are real, or at least close!

04-11-2012, 07:31 PM
If there ends up being something that will let me infiltrate my Fire Warriors into a building, I will weep tears of manly joy. The few times I've managed to get my Fire Warriors into a building (which, by definition, blocks line of sight), they have dominated that entire freaking half of the board with the absurd range and strength of their pulse rifles. If anything gets close enough to assault the building, they're screwed of course, but otherwise...

04-12-2012, 04:59 AM
I bet that the Necron codex even has secret 6th edition stuff in it you just have to look at it like one of those weird pictures that isn't anything but if you stare at it long enough will reveal a dolphin or something.

The necron monolith has 'heavy' as part of its vehicle type as well as skimmer and tank. Means it can only move 6" but always counts as stationary for shooting purposes. Seeing as they put this under 'type' rather than 'special rules' I imagine we will see it in 6th ed

04-12-2012, 08:58 AM
The necron monolith has 'heavy' as part of its vehicle type as well as skimmer and tank. Means it can only move 6" but always counts as stationary for shooting purposes. Seeing as they put this under 'type' rather than 'special rules' I imagine we will see it in 6th ed

Oooooooooo! What a catch what a catch! Quickly, everyone grab your codex and look for similar things or thing in general that can be taken waaaaaaaaay out of context! Actually, how did this not get brought up sooner? I don't think I've ever see any vehicle type referencing a class other than "tank" (Tank/Skimmer/Fast but never seen "heavy" before....)

04-12-2012, 09:09 AM
I don't have the Codex to hand as I'm at work but I also seem to remember in the Necron Codex that it states a Tomb Spider cannot go to ground to gain an extra cover save.

Monstrous Creatures cannot currently go to ground in 5th......

Also a lot of the reprints for Apoc etc have percentage values in them which suggests the rumoured switch back to percentages rather than Force Organisation Charts may be true.

04-13-2012, 08:35 AM
Counters! Tokens and Markers! (oh my!)
We've already started to see this, Necrons and their Ever Living rules and Dark Eldar with their what you call ems... But also Lord Castellan Creeeeeeeeeeeed's special order "For the Honour of Cadia!" You know that rule that the few people who do use it use it wrong. ("Now way just a second there mister, I use it and I use it correctly") Look at that rule and tell me what it does. Blah blah blah "Until the end of the turn, the ordered unit has the Fearless and Furious Charge special rule - place a counter or other suitable marker next to the unit to show this." ("Oh I guess I don't really do that last part...") BOOM! Counter, Tokens and you get the idea... I think there will be Counters/Tokens/Markers everywhere, or at least in greater use. "Place a counter next to this guy, place a token to represent this"

You're whole point is a RAW verse RAI argument. The intent was to avoid/reduce cheating (against newbies) and helping players remember they had issued that order. I use this rule from time to time and have never bothered to place a counter as I never forget to assault that unit.

I think the counter/token thing has nothing to do with 6th edition and more to do with placing mental aids on the table top to help both players remember when unit has what ability at that time.

04-13-2012, 03:55 PM
If I had to guess, more troops will be needed. This way more sales for GW. I think it will be easier to kill things, so you will need more bodies to survie the carnage.

So I can see to claim an objective, you will be needed to be outside a vehicle. Hopefully they will get rid of last turn vechicle rush, wich I HATE so much and find it not fun at all.