View Full Version : Dungeonbowl (video game)

04-11-2012, 05:14 AM
Well as some of you ought to know, Blood Bowl was made into a video game back in 2009. Well now the same company is turning Bloodbowl into the classic variant Dungeonbowl. For those that don't know, Dungeonbowl is Bloodbowl but instead of taking place on a football pitch it takes place in a dungeon a la Heroquest or Warhammer Quest and whatnot.

Some screenshots:
Mummy always said I'd end up like that Elf if I got a tattoo...

Official Website (http://www.dungeonbowl-game.com/)

(I know this should go in the PC games sectio, but I think people actually deserve to see it.)

04-11-2012, 05:59 AM
Cool, sounds like it might be good. Was the original BB game any good, I never played it?

04-11-2012, 06:04 AM
I've not played the videogame actually, I'm going to buy it on Steam later today I think. I got it into my head it didn't have a campaign mode with player deaths and injuries and whanot but it does.:rolleyes:

04-11-2012, 06:30 AM
Blood Bowl game is basically the Blood Bowl board game but with all the miniatures for all the teams (if you get Legendary Edition). As a result, it's lots of fun.

HOWEVER, the XP/levelling system is pretty bad - this is because it takes ages for a single team member to level up. When combined with the fact that players have persistent niggling injuries (and thus wear out), it means you can't really level up your team; no matter how many skills you get, your team will stay largely the same ability as when you began.

Couple this with the Spiralling Expenses rule (which is designed to do nothing except eat any excess money you may make), basically, while you can level your team up, you can never level up to the point where they're better than a beginning team - the rules conspire to keep your team at a static power level, and given that the board game has a very high level of luck due to the dice rolls used, you can easily find yourself ont he end of a frustrating beatdown through no fault of your own.

Finally, there are teams which you cannot win with - Ogres (because they're stupid and may spend turns doing absolutely nothing), Vampires (because they eat their own team on a failry regular basis during play), Goblins (because they're made of tissue paper and have no upside). There's nothing wrong with that, but if you go into the game as a fan of these races, well... you'll probably find it a horrible exeprience.

I really enjoyed the game, but that was largely because I was a Blood Bowl fan before I picked it up. If you're not a Blood Bowl fan to start with, it may prove an underwhelming experience.

04-11-2012, 06:34 AM
Well, I love Blood Bowl so I'm going ot try it.:) Loved Dungeonbowl more though, rememeber getting quite upset when my favourite Witch Elf died by falling into a spike pit.

Incidentally, the original tabletop Dungeonbowl rules are on the GW website (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1340001_Dungeon_Bowl.pdf).

04-11-2012, 02:56 PM
Ohh I'll have to let my brother know about this. He absolutely loves the Blood Bowl pc game. I have it (he bought it for me) just never given it a try personaly as read very mixed reviews about it.

04-11-2012, 04:57 PM
Blood Bowl PC game is actually pretty good once you figure the controls out (which aren't always intuitive).

I didn't have any of the problems MaltonNecromancer stated though. I played my first campaign (vs the computer) with my usual Skaven team and went undefeated. I had some pretty ridiculous gutter runners by the end of the season although my opponents handicap was outrageous as well. They could essentially fill up their roster with star players and max out their apothecary and rerolls.

Damn, now you've made me want to play BB again.

04-12-2012, 01:27 AM
I played a few games last night, not as good with Dark Elves in a PC game as I am on the table apparently.:rolleyes: Win/draw 50/50 no losses.

04-17-2012, 09:07 AM
Still enjoying BB, except against Lizardmen. Skinks seem to be able to do everything, dodge my intercepts, never fumble, never drop the ball, always manage to get pushed rather than knocked down, always intercept my players etc. :( If I'm lucky I get a draw. I just had a skink throw a ball while surrounded by three of my players something like 15 squares to another skink with two more of my players near him. I'm lucky if I can pass the ball successfully with a skink within ten squares.:rolleyes:

04-17-2012, 09:50 AM
Just spend the first part of the game killing all the skinks.
Seems to work for me, even if I have to give up a point to put them out of my misery.
Then my dark elves run circles around lizardmen.

04-18-2012, 12:12 AM
That was my first thought too, they just keep dodging or my Elves keep falling over their own feet. I just seem to have terrible luck against Lizardmen. Win easily against Ogres, Orcs, humans, Elves but not Lizardmen. Anotehr thing that bugs me, I lost 2-1 to Lizardmen and they get 100,000gold, I get 30,000 or something. I win 2-0 against ogres of similar rating and we both get 30,000. Cranky. Every time I re-roll winnings I get the same amount as before I re-rolled, too.:rolleyes: Not sure if I just have terribe luck or it is bugged.