View Full Version : My new religion: The Way of Kelly

04-10-2012, 05:30 PM

All hail Kelly our Lord and Savior of Warhammer 40k!!

(i need a life lol)

04-10-2012, 08:26 PM
PK 4 codexes are great:), except for SW being over powered.:mad:

Uncle Nutsy
04-10-2012, 08:37 PM

I thought it was GK that was OP. or was it IG that was OP. I can hardly keep it straight anymore.

04-11-2012, 01:24 AM
No, clearly the scout (http://youtu.be/DMObqWDMVbk) is overpowered...

04-11-2012, 01:50 AM
No, clearly the scout is overpowered...
I saw one wound a hive tyrant, it must be true!

04-11-2012, 03:58 AM
Lets face it the man is godly.

Eldar are the 3rd oldest book, nearly 6 years old and are still reasonably good (yeah not amazing but reasonable). They are brilliant in fluff as well

Dark Eldar is the pinnacle of codex writting. Virtually no poor units, lots of choice and one of the best bits of fluff in comparison.

I HOPE to god he's given Eldar to re-do. I know he's said it'd be wierd to re-do his own work....but that book should be his. If not, let him have the Tau....let him have one of my books to re-d...

04-11-2012, 04:32 AM
Yep, the only army I struggle with when playing Eldar is Necrons and my DE don't really struggle with anything but fully mech IG and that is arguably the most OP build in the game.

04-11-2012, 11:10 AM
Unless something has changed at GW, I believe Phil Kelly is still Mr. Eldar. I can't see anyone else doing them proper.

04-11-2012, 11:38 AM
I like and respect Mr. Kelly as much as I do Robin Cruddace or Matthew Ward. In other words, not very much at all.

In my not too humble opinion, the three of them are a case of 'pick your poison'. I personally have not been impressed with any of their codices, and each of those 3 developers have contributed equally to why I no longer actively play 40 in this edition. Kelly's work on the Orks was, as far as I view it, a travesty at best.

04-12-2012, 01:24 AM
A travesty? Right that totally isn't hyperbolic.:rolleyes: You have a book with excellent internal balance that is still competitive towards the end of the edition AFTER the one it was written for AND it's internal balance allows both fluffy and competitive lists often at the same time. That is such a travesty. Go play tyranids or SoB if you want a travesty.

Wards rules are solid but undercosted in general and Cruddace seem to have onl got the hang of internal balance with his latest WFB offering. In contrast beyond a few internal balance issues in C:SW and inheriting a rubbish Beastman book from the previous author Kelly has put out nothing but exemplery books.

04-12-2012, 01:41 AM
6s be upon him

04-12-2012, 08:57 AM
A travesty? Right that totally isn't hyperbolic.:rolleyes: You have a book with excellent internal balance that is still competitive towards the end of the edition AFTER the one it was written for AND it's internal balance allows both fluffy and competitive lists often at the same time. That is such a travesty. Go play tyranids or SoB if you want a travesty.

Wards rules are solid but undercosted in general and Cruddace seem to have onl got the hang of internal balance with his latest WFB offering. In contrast beyond a few internal balance issues in C:SW and inheriting a rubbish Beastman book from the previous author Kelly has put out nothing but exemplery books.

Ward's rules are Kitchen-sink and everything with it, while Cruddace is the F-N-G (F***-ing New Guy) and is full of blatant bias and favoritism (not unlike where Ward was with his Fantasy track record).

In any case, yes. A travesty. Not everyone was happy to suddenly have their army branded early in the edition as "cheese bull****" all because an influx of waac gamers decided a Nob Bike army was the army they *really* wanted until IG came along. And contrary to what you may believe, the internal balance is not sunshine and roses in the Ork codex. Oh sure, Tyranids and Sisters are far worse off, you will not find an argument with me there. But there are numerous units and options not even worth considering in the Ork codex, which would not be so if it had such 'excellent internal balance'. Units such as the stupidly expensivel Flash-Gitz, the Wyrdboy/Warphead HQ, Zzap Guns (nerfed far beyond where they needed to be), and more.

Competitive lists can go blow a goat for all I care, because the majority of the reason the Orks are still maintaining a shred of competitive value in tournaments is because they go against the Meta. If everyone's planning for IG or Marine mech-spam, then those meltas, fusion guns, and transport busters mean jack when they face off against 120+ boy horde protected by KFFs. And that certainly hasn't changed from their last book, only their popularity did. And 'fluffy' themed lists is a laugh. The clans are dead, and many of them need 'counts-as' to even be represented to some degree.

The Orks are now a stripped down, shadow of their former selves. And I assure you, they are nowhere near as enjoyable to play for me as they once were.

04-12-2012, 09:05 AM
Units such as the stupidly expensivel Flash-Gitz, the Wyrdboy/Warphead HQ, Zzap Guns (nerfed far beyond where they needed to be), and more.

The clans are dead, and many of them need 'counts-as' to even be represented to some degree.

The Orks are now a stripped down, shadow of their former selves. And I assure you, they are nowhere near as enjoyable to play for me as they once were.

Ok, Wyrdboys are AMAZING. Taking two of them you have the ability to waagh 6 or more times a game.

The clans were never alive. Who played anything but "red paint job" orks in the last book anyways? They're actually better represented in the new book WITHOUT having to modify your force org chart.

Go play your fluffy games, then complain incessantly about "overcosted units". If you WERE a fluff player, it wouldn't matter.

Go troll elsewhere, Orks was a great book and I enjoy the living crap out of it.

Eldar is also a fantastic book, and DE is one of the best. Cheers for this thread and cheers for people not ALL complaining that WH is codex-creepville.