View Full Version : What Would You Change if You Could do it All Over Again?

Chris Copeland
04-09-2012, 03:33 PM
I have a question for the community: what would you change about your hobby path if you could go back in time and do it all over again? Obviously, this is a meaninglessness "What If?" exercise but it could be fun...

I'll start: I'd skip the ten years of card-flopping and go right into Wargaming. Also, I'd start with WarmaHordes instead of 40K. I'd skip my Space Marine army and go right to my Tyranid army... I'd follow the "build and paint before you buy new stuff" advice that I try to follow these days (there is nothing more discouraging than a giant mound of unpainted gray minis staring at ya).

04-09-2012, 06:11 PM
Assuming that I didnt just decide to use my new found time travelling abilities to cheat the lottery, or get the drop on some old girlfriends infidelity: I think I would have steered away from games workshop altogether and put my money into warmachine or smarter yet just stayed away from wargaming and stick to collecting afv models. ....oh hindsight.

04-09-2012, 07:15 PM
Not sold all my Epic models.

Seriously, 12 Warlord Titans and over a thousand epic infantry bases and I sold them for £60.

I've managed to get back almost everything else I sold when I quit, but unless GW re-release Adeptus Titanicus as a Mystery Box, I don't think I'll ever get those Titans back.

40K Titans just suck by comparison.

04-09-2012, 09:30 PM
I'd buy thirty of those two-in-a-box old skool landraiders and about 1,000 Praetorian IG and hide them in my garage for the next few decades.

04-09-2012, 11:18 PM
Hmm, well to start i would have kept a lot of my old ork stuff that i sold off, i would have not sold my 7th ed. Dwarf army, i would not even try to convince myself to start a IG army(sold it too) or a chaos warrior's army or a Ogre army(both sold). I would have jumped into Daemonhunters a lot sooner and bought the packs of Terminator Psycannon arms that GW sold (5 to a pack for 8 USD). With all the money i would have saved, i could then afford to flesh out my ork and DH(although even back then i ran pure GK's) force with Forgeworld stuff like (but not limited to) a Thunderhawk or two, and more of those brass sheets with the icons and stuff on them. For orks, i would have goten those Artillery pieces with grots and Battlefortresses, and would have sat down and painted all that stuff as well.:D

04-10-2012, 02:07 AM
To be honest, I'm pretty happy with my hobby path so far. I've never sold off anything and regretted it (only stuff I bought to sell off in the first place; the middileman in a deal) and I have mountains of models to paint, but I see those as keeping me going through the dry spells where my armies aren't getting releases.

Only thing I might have changed was the level I got involved with fantasy and (shudder) Lord of the Rings, as I'm fairly certain it cost me a dream job recently...

04-10-2012, 02:10 AM
I'm happy with my hobby path, it helped having six older brothers helping me avoid making serious mistakes. Never sold anything off, never got into judging a book solely by its ability to win, imbued with a sense of standards regarding painted armies, suitably scenery clad boards etc.

04-10-2012, 03:07 AM
Either not started, or "finish" one army at a time...



Also gone with the other one a decade ago...

04-10-2012, 04:39 AM
buy 3 sets of space hulk, just cause :P

04-10-2012, 04:48 AM
buy 3 sets of space hulk, just cause :P

Oh yeh this. Well, three more. I've still got one I'm waiting to sell.

I would've also begged my mum a little more to lend me £10 whent hey released the Land Raider. I could have gotten 3 rather than only one :(

That said I can't remember the last time I used any of the three I currently have outside of Apocolypse games.

04-10-2012, 05:00 AM
For me it would be two things.

1. I would not have listened to my wife when she said she would play Lord of the Rings with me and went with 40K about 8 years ago.

2. When I sold my magic cards to a local store for around $300 in store credit I would have gone with 40K instead of fantasy. I went fantasy because a friend had gotten my son some dwarfs but shortly after that he switched gears and went all with 40k.

Other then I now have a bunch of unassembled dwarfs and some never used LotR guys I can't say I'm terribly unhappy with the decisions made at the time but like they say hindsight is 20/20. :)

04-10-2012, 05:04 AM
Learned to paint

04-10-2012, 05:28 AM
Hmm... I think maybe I would have started sooner. Seeing how I *just* got into 40k over the last month ;)

04-10-2012, 08:14 AM
I would have played more games with my CSM using the 3.5 ed. codex.

Slightly unrelated, I would have also dropped a line to Bioware encouraging them to put some effort into the ME3 ending.

04-10-2012, 10:17 AM
I wouldn't have sold my IG Praetorians. Man, I'm still kicking myself for that one.

04-11-2012, 11:16 AM
In 1997, my 8,000 (In second edition terms, including 1,100 points for a Titan) Eldar army was thrown out of my car and smashed in the mud and crack vials at the bottom of a culvert in Gladstone Missouri because it was a dark, rainy night and my car hit a massive spare tire that dropped off of one of those giant SUV's. Seriously, the open box it was all rather haphazardly sitting in tore the sun roof right off even though it was closed. If I could go back, I would warn myself to put it in the damn trunk. Everything, including the titan was very nicely painted and included a lot of really rare stuff like the first old metal support weapon platforms, awesome kit-bashed Harlequin Solitaire and Boneseer (With rules from the Citadel Journal) three Armorcast Falcons, three armorcast Wave Serpents and an armocast Revenant scout titan. I loved that army more than any other I've ever collected. If I still owned it, I surely would have added another 8,000 points to it by now. Learn from my example, transport your army in your trunk or at least not in an open-topped box!!!

Uncle Nutsy
04-12-2012, 06:01 PM
let's see.. given the fact that the game itself has some ridiculous rules that I can only guess were made by people on drugs, release schedule that seems to be a random hat draw, the local scene peppered by people who think they're smart (and come off as obnoxious punks), I probably would have bought far fewer models, made my own little collection, and wrote my own rules.