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09-21-2009, 04:56 AM
Vulcan Get Sum Balanced TOURNEY variant 1750 w/ 1730 used

Codex SM

Most default weapons not listed.

1. HQ attached to asslt termies in Crusader Redeemer
2. Whirlwind hvy ordinance barrage support using incendiary or vengeance rounds
3. If going to 2000...In addition to other things, I would get a much needed librarian in there to help thwart the dual lash and dual council cheeze fest.
4. land Speeders to block enemy movement or intercept units trying to attack ordinance support.
5. WWs can be swaped for preds if you must have preds. Or another TAC... or a Scout squad w/wo Telion
6. TACs will split on deployment if warranted.
7. Remember all meltas and flamers converted to TL by having Vulcan. He dies, they stay TL.
8. All models in Vulcan's close combat unit (including Vulcan) have 3+ inv save and 2+ Armor save.


Since no Sternguard insta nid poppers, use the plentiful flame on masses and melta on large.

Same as Nids but kill thier open topped trans first.

Let em trudge towards you and blow em away as per sop. Avoid CC with asslt termies and pariahs. Ignore monolith (s). But then again your melta is supreme so smoke them if you want.

Jeez, too much enemy flexibility here with all the excellent Chaos troop choices available. Ordinance the Obliterators, flame the berserkers, Twin link melta the transports and armor. As far as the cheezy twin lash? You will need a librarian to get that juicy 50% enemy psi failure. Other than that .. well its a ***** for anyone to stop dual lash. If I was building 2000 pt I would get the defensive librarian and Sgt Telion w/ cloaked scouts so I could choose what model takes his wounds. The wounds would go directly on that bike/winged HQ, ignoring his pals.

Eldar / Dark Eldar:
Librarian critical to greatly reduce effectiveness of cheeze dual council. Land speeders critical to screen against fast movers in turn one and two. If your land speeders all die, it is worth it to give your other troops time to get on objectives in one piece. Screen Land Raider from fast lance jet bikes. Land Raider pretty much = a Rhino to those weapons and almost all their jet bikes will pack TL versions of em.

Tau / IG:
Thank god for tourney missions or they would just sit back and spank you, then move in once you are dead. Latest Tau strategy focusing on tight advancing mechanized formations. Blast them with ordinance, temporarily ignoring Devilfish with thier 50% save disruption pods and focus on Crisis and Broads and Hammerhead. Also, speeder in and melta the skyray dumping those marker lights if possible. Your models will flame all cover hugging kroots easily. No need to rush in, just stay out of sight for a turn .. consolidate then burst at them. Or use that turn to pop your smoke and go for it.

Not enough players employ them for me to gather much experience. They would probably surprise me and kick my ***. All I know is demon hosts over rated. Keep WH/DH pinned with hvy ordinance and flame them to death but they can use almost any SM or IG codex unit as allies so you never know whats gonna happen with them. Must have Librarian for defensive purposes as they will have tons of psyker abilities.

Chaos Demons:
Make sure you have a librarian to null zone all the inv saves.

Eval: This army good but will need another troop and a Librarian.. Reaches full potential at 2000pts as far as covering all bases.




Dreadnought w/ TL multi melta and TL Hvy Flamer

Dreadnought w/ TL multi melta and TL Hvy Flamer

5x Assault Terminators w/SH and TH deployed in the Land Raider Crusader Redeemer w/ Vulcan


10 x TAC w/ TL multi melta and TL Flamer, Rhino

10 x TAC w/ TL multi melta and TL Flamer, Rhino


2x Land Speeder w/2x TL multi melta 2x TL Hvy Flamer

2x Land Speeder w/2x TL multi melta 2x TL Hvy Flamer


Land Raider Crusader Redeemer w/ 2x TL AutoCannon, Flamestorm Cannon and TL multi melta

Whirlwind Hvy Ordinance missile barrage

Whirlwind Hvy Ordinance missile barrage

As Cyrus says, "Deal with that". :)

EDIT: Fixed flamestorm to non TL

09-21-2009, 06:11 AM
Looks good to me, although are you not podding those dreads?

09-21-2009, 07:23 AM
Correct no pods.

Using a heavily modified "Best of" plan with the LR Crusader and dreads covering the rhinos. Most likley 4 TAC units created on deployment. Half in rhinos, half following in cover.

Notice the cheap stock cost of the dreads, they are designed to engage and allow other units to progress. The dreads will probably die fast against a skilled oponent but thats their job. The enemy cannot afford to let them live and must kill them asap.

Most probable dreadnought outcome TL hvy flamer / TL MM against encroaching enemy fast movers and CC followup versus bikes, jetbikes. Easy kill odds vs jetbikes prime target and most common enemy fast mover spearhead. Locking those units up in CC priority. Your speeders are main tool to inderdict enemy but dreads compliment / assist by drawing fire. They have an awesome 'oh ****' value and divert fire from softer targets moving into position.

Everyone knows SM TAC squads are waaay overpriced and suck compared to their counterparts regarding offensive strength but let the dreads etc occupy the enemy for a turn to get those TACs in position and they will more than make up for it.

09-21-2009, 12:42 PM
Not enough troops to capture objectives I think.

09-21-2009, 01:52 PM
Not enough troops to capture objectives I think.

You'd be surprised how far vulkan lists can run on 20 tacticals. They tend to put up such a front-heavy assault that you'll get tabled if you aren't dealing with the dreads/termies.

I'd like to start out by saying that you really dont need to explain your strats in detail for all possible opponents, we have the ability to infer :P

I know you're trying to follow to some of ******'s best of list, but the MM dreads in this list really need pods, you'll want to crack transports open before your termies get there.

Notice that His Best Of SM list has no assault elements. Dreads on foot are too slow to mix well with an assault list and you need to get your termies dug in before you bite a bad stroke of luck with your LR.

Plus, drop pods will make your dreads alot better at their job. With a good scatter roll, you can get a heavy flamer shot off where you want without getting shot at. Cant say the same thing for the flamer on speeders. Think of them as nutcrackers, not walking distractions. Additionally, if you can get dreads into combat early to tie up things that hammernators tend to have trouble with (Zerkers, Bloodletters, etc) you'll find yourself happy you picked up the pods.

I think that the list is pretty good at 1750(still needs pods), but lacks alot of focus at 2k, where you really need to pick a job and do it better than everyone else. Especially if you're bringing a land raider with only slow or light armor to support. Its something that i don't think a librarian alone can help with.

Any opponent worth his salt is going to get a sacrifice unit ready for your terminators, gun down Speeders/LR first, then still have plenty of time to pick off the Dreads if you arent running them up the board or podding them.

Id either take Two land raiders, or none at all @ 2k+. At that points level, most armies have no real problems dealing with 1 AV 14 vehicle with 1 hammer unit inside.

Id really suggest trying to add in a couple MM attack bikes in groups of 2. Maybe sub them in for a speeder group if you need to free up points. They hide nicely behind sideways rhinos, and save 40 pts per squad.

The whirlwinds are an odd choice, they die quickly to outflankers, deepstrikers, smart missile systems, etc. Unless you are playing Nids, footslogging ork or IG, you can probably ignore WWs. Most ork/IG lists are Mech anyway. For the points you could pick up dakka preds, which would also give you some ranged answers to light transports and might take a little bit of the AT off your rhinos/LRs.

Just my thoughts on your list if you are trying to play competitive vulkan.

Most importantly, play what you really find fun and entertaining about vulkan, not just an adaptation of a shooty list because it was titled 'best of.'


09-21-2009, 04:01 PM
Land Raider Crusader Redeemer w/ 2x TL AutoCannon, TL Flamestorm Cannon and TL multi melta

I hope you realize that Vulkan does NOT TL the Flamestorm cannons on the redeemer. Reread Vulkan's Chapter tactics and you will see why.

09-22-2009, 05:37 AM
I agree that you need pods on those dreadnoughts, they carry short range weapons and need to be in the fight, not foot slogging for two turns before they get to shoot :(

09-22-2009, 07:30 AM
Based on the input recieved here is a revised list:

The TAC with the pod allows both Dreads to drop turn 1.




Dreadnought w/ TL multi melta and TL Hvy Flamer, Drop Pod

Dreadnought w/ TL multi melta and TL Hvy Flamer, Drop Pod

5x Assault Terminators w/SH and TH deployed in the Land Raider Crusader Redeemer w/ Vulcan


10 x TAC w/ TL multi melta and TL Flamer, Rhino

10 x TAC w/ TL multi melta and TL Flamer, Drop Pod


2x Land Speeder w/ TL multi melta and TL Hvy Flamer

2x Attack Bike w/ TL multi melta


Land Raider Crusader Redeemer w/ 2x TL Assault Cannon, 2x Flamestorm Cannon and TL multi melta

Dakka Predator

Dakka Predator

09-22-2009, 08:04 AM
Looks good enough to me :)

Oh, I take it you mean twin linked assault cannon on the redeemer?

09-22-2009, 08:08 AM
oops ;p Auto to Assault fixed