View Full Version : Rules for Fliers?

04-08-2012, 09:58 PM
Okies, so it's Sunday night (Hope everyone had a nice Easter Weekend) and it just came to me that this Season of Flyers sounds real nice - but how would it work? Right now flyers are treated as skimmers, unless there's something in the Apocalypse books. If there is, then forgive my ignorance (I was just schooled earlier this week that the Sky Ray box has the Hammerhead weapon sprue included - mine didn't, but I got it a long time ago. Yeah, I only have one.) but here I go:

Imagine that you are writing the general rules for flyers as a brand new category of vehicle. How would they work?

My initial thoughts are these: First, Fliers MUST maintain forward motion, and therefore have a minimum movement. Some fliers have the ability to hover, but even then, they cannot be assaulted unless the assaulting force have some means of getting up to the vehicle or bringing the vehicle down.

Second, Fliers that are transports must touch down in order to disembark pax unless their pax have jump packs or some other means of getting to the ground safely. (Orks would likely get an exception to this rule. ::grin:: ) In the round that they do touch down, they can be assaulted by anyone; they are, after all, on the ground.

Could fliers perform bombing runs? The orcs would likely think so, but they would call it disembarkation (Oi, you lot, gerrout'a mah plane! Tha humies're down there! followed by standing the vehicle on it's tail for a moment and hitting the afterburners) I guess regular (small) blast template so many times, with scatter dice for each one? Maybe plus one on the inches of scatter for each inch of altitude? How would you handle altitude vs range of weapons?

04-09-2012, 05:48 AM
Im afraid GW got there ahead of you, and there are rules for fliers in Apoc.

You are spot on with the minimum movement; 36" to be precice. And again, Hovermode is a special rule for certain skimmers. However, unlike your suggestion they simply act as normal skimmers.

Again, correct for the flying transports. Jump pack troops can deploy along the path the flier took, landing as if deep striking.

And yes again, there are bombing runs. A couple of different types, depending on the type of bombs. Generally they use the Apocolyptic Blast marker (the flowershaped one) and scatter a number of inches in the direction the flier moved. Some, like incendiary/gas bombs use the helstrom template (the giant flamer template) instead, again scattering along the line the flier travelled in.

In addition, it is harder to hit fliers; namely you can only hit them on a roll of 6, regardless of BS. Unless the gun has an Anti-Aircraft mount. Of course, just like skimmers that moved flat out, fliers get a 4+ cover save. They also add an extra 12" to the range, meaning pistols and weapons that fire templates (such as flamers) cant hit them at all. Also, any weapon that fires a blast cannot hit fliers, unless they are on an AA mount (needing 6s to hit, rather than hitting with their BS)

04-09-2012, 06:59 AM
Eh, so I was behind the curve a bit. ::sigh:: Thanks for the briefing, Soton, as you might guess, I don't have the Apoc books.

So let me amend the thread a bit, and see if I can't learn a bit more: are there any changes to the current flyer rules that might be hoped for in 6th?

04-17-2012, 02:25 PM
So let me amend the thread a bit, and see if I can't learn a bit more: are there any changes to the current flyer rules that might be hoped for in 6th?

I've heard that fliers will be a huge part of 6th ed. Makes sense as it would sell a lot more models.

Hopefully they will put in the rules that a Space Marine captain, on foot, cannot power fist a Dark Eldar bomber out of the sky.

But we will have to wait and see.