View Full Version : Mortarion on Terra

04-08-2012, 02:25 AM
Just a quick one thats getting me a bit confused.

Me and a few mates are putting together a little Siege of Emperor's Palace Apoc game in a few months and i decided to dust off my Death Guard for it.

Now alot of people have alot to do to get their armies up to scratch, but not me, so i figured i would give converting Mortarion a go. You know how it is, we all want to give Primarche converting a go but we all want to do it justice as well. Figured i would just go for it and i have plenty of time.

But I ran into a little snag. We have, as a group, agreed that the Primarch's should be bigger that normal space marines, but not massive, so we are going for head and shoulders taller than a terminator model. This is just for aesthetics and helps keep the peace. Obviously this does not apply to the Daemon Primarche's who were at the siege, and thats when I hit the snag...

...was Mortarion a Daemon Prince during the Siege of Emperor's Palace? I know that him and his Death Guard were corrupted in the warp on the way to Terra, so he must have been correpted to, but I cant find anything about him being a full Daemon Prince. The only bits of info I can find say that he was elevated to Daemonhood once he dominated the Plague Planet, well after the events of the Heresy, yet many people I talk to seem to assume he is a DP during the seige and maybe they know something i dont.

Whats odd is that searching for rules about Mortarion at the Siege it seems that everryone casts him as a daemon prince, so its hard to find a set of rules that fit him.

Anyway, if anyone could shine some light on this I would be most greatful

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
04-08-2012, 04:50 AM
Technically, he was only a Daemon Prince post-siege, but when it comes down to rules, he was the second largest of the Primarchs and had been thoroughly altered by the plague god, inside and out. He was probably just as powerful as a daemon prince at the time.

It's malleable, just go for whatever model you think would look coolest!

04-08-2012, 03:18 PM
None of the traitor primarchs were daemon princes during the seige of Terra. Some of them had received daemonic gifts such as daemon weapons or enhancements in the case of Horus, but they were still Primarchs. Only after the end of the siege did the Primarchs ascend to daemon princes for their acts on Terra (Mortarion, Fulgrim, Angron, Lorgar) and the Iron Cage (Perturabo). Magnus had become a daemon prince after the Space Wolves had attacked them on Prospero, so he would be the only Daemon Prince Primarch during the siege. Horus, Curze, and Alpharius never became daemon princes due to various reasons. Curze and the Night Haunters never really worshiped Chaos, but still used Chaos nonetheless. If you read Legion, you would understand why Alpharius joined the Heresy.

As for rules, Tempus Fugitives has great rules in an expansion known as Age of the Emperor. All the primarchs represented are represented in their non daemon prince form. Their are also options for the traitor primarchs (such as fulgrim's laeron sword or Horus Lupercal vs the Warmaster). It's a great expansion and interesting to look at if you're into rules for the Horus Heresy.

04-09-2012, 02:58 AM
As for rules, Tempus Fugitives has great rules in an expansion known as Age of the Emperor. All the primarchs represented are represented in their non daemon prince form. Their are also options for the traitor primarchs (such as fulgrim's laeron sword or Horus Lupercal vs the Warmaster). It's a great expansion and interesting to look at if you're into rules for the Horus Heresy.

Can i get a link to those rules. Having a nightmare trying to find them.

04-09-2012, 07:34 AM

Next to the banner of the pic with the tech priest, there are 4 boxes. The fourth box is the link to the pdf of the expansion