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View Full Version : Bristol, PA Warhammer 40k Gaming Club

04-06-2012, 04:28 PM
Bristol, PA Warhammer 40k (yes that's the name of our club!)

Location: Bristol, Pennsylvania USA (PM me for exact address)
Meeting Times: Weekends. Friday through Sunday. Various times.
Games Played: Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy, Firestorm Armada, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, Fantasy Flight games Including; Deathwatch, Rouge Trader, and Dark Heresy. Some Dungeons and Dragons. Battletach. And any games we might find interesting!

All Local Gamers Unite! We are a gaming group located in Bristol, PA. We play a lot of different games. Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy, Space Hulk, Firestorm Armada, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, Fantasy Flight games Including; Deathwatch, Rouge Trader, and Dark Heresy. Some Dungeons and Dragons, Battletech, and any other game that we might find interesting! If you like these games or play one we don't and think we might like it, Join us! Let yourself be heard!

We play mostly weekends, and soon we will have two locations in Bristol, PA to play at! We are a friendly bunch of people with varying ages (16 and up) and are always looking for good people as well as good players. If you are interested, Join here http://www.facebook.com/groups/bristolpa40k/
, e-mail [email protected], or PM me on the BOLS forum for more info. Game On!

Oh, P.S. I'am designing an Epic campaign for 40k! It has some RPG elements, some Firestorm Armada Space battles, Planetstrike, Spearhead, Apocalypse, Cities of Death, and a 6100 point army for each player to create (you don't need that many models!). You will personalize Each commander, minor HQ, and Sergeants. I have been working on this for a couple of months now and is turning out amazing! So PM me for Info!

DjDaMode (Alex Estevez)