View Full Version : New Tabletop RPG: "Only War". Play as a guardsman!

04-05-2012, 12:16 PM
So browsing the web, I found out about this up and coming game from FFG and was surprised to see that there wasn't a thread about it on BOLS. (I searched, if I missed it then I'm sorry :V).
here's the short form:
-Play as a guardsman, one of twelve classes. (tech priest, priest storm trooper and sergeant confirmed)


Only War is a standalone Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game experience in which players take on the roles of soldiers in the Imperial Guard, the galaxy-spanning armies of the God-Emperor. Fully compatible with FFG’s other Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay titles, this comprehensive game system explores a previously unseen side of life in the Imperium of Man.

Join the ranks of brave men and women inducted into the God-Emperor’s armies, trained to fight and sent off to far flung stars and systems to hold the line against the coming night. Despite overwhelming opposition, or perhaps because of it, these fearless soldiers are bound to each other by a code of brotherhood and honour. They are the thin line that protects the Imperium from complete and utter destruction. They are the Imperial Guard.http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=201&enmi=Only%20War


Take the role of a Guardsman with one of twelve distinct Specialties, offering unique skills to your squad to complement those of your comrades. Will you bring the light of the God-Emperor to the battlefield as a Ministorum Priest, or will you wield the Imperium’s most cutting-edge technology as a fearsome Storm Trooper? Perhaps you’ll tend to the machine spirits of the Guard’s many war machines as a Tech-Priest Enginseer, or lead the charge as your squad’s Sergeant. Whatever your function, you’ll be a vital part of the Imperium’s vast war machine.I'm excited, will probably buy it once it's out, I'll have to grab my friend who's into 40k and rpg's then bring it to the hobby shop and figure out a group.

04-05-2012, 01:40 PM
Sweet, I'll add it to the pile! Digging the cover art too.

04-05-2012, 11:59 PM
Wait though, won't it suck having all the PCs die after a few hours of roleplaying (so long as hours IRL= minutes of role play time)?

Actually this sounds really cool and I'd like to try it out.

04-06-2012, 02:31 PM
Wait though, won't it suck having all the PCs die after a few hours of roleplaying (so long as hours IRL= minutes of role play time)?

Actually this sounds really cool and I'd like to try it out.

I'm sure it'd be easy to make a challenging yet not instant death game featuring guardsmen, Space marines would of course kill the party nearly instantly but I could imagine a campaign featuring a group of veterans operating against a cult in an imperial city turning out well. FFG has done a good job with Rogue Trader from what I hear and that's a game where you can be a normal man (albeit commanding a starship)

anyways time for images from the only war blog!




04-06-2012, 03:36 PM
That Chimera looks like it's 30 feet tall! That's awesome!

04-06-2012, 03:45 PM
Wait though, won't it suck having all the PCs die after a few hours of roleplaying (so long as hours IRL= minutes of role play time)?

Actually this sounds really cool and I'd like to try it out.

When expectations are set, players often don't mind. However, you do need streamlined character creation or it's severely unfun.

Lots of people play Call of Cthulhu after all.

04-06-2012, 06:13 PM
Wait though, won't it suck having all the PCs die after a few hours of roleplaying (so long as hours IRL= minutes of role play time)?

Actually this sounds really cool and I'd like to try it out.

Yea that was my first thought, won't it suck having your main objective to die but hopefully kill an enemy or two in the process. Maybe they only have rules for about ten minuets of actual action.;)

Ebon Hand
04-06-2012, 10:02 PM
The objective of the game will probably be to survive 15 hours. Like Cleveland said, "You don't win, you just do a little better each time."

Seriously though, this game sounds awesome.

04-07-2012, 02:07 PM
In all the FFG RPGs except Deathwatch, there's a pretty good sense of scale for what "normal" people in the 41st Millenium are capable of. I'm really interested to see their "pure" take on the Imperial Guard.

And as far as "normal" and the Guard - bear in mind that on some worlds, Guardsmen are extremely genhanced and modified - though still not to the extent of the Astartes. Character creation should be good fun, what with the sheer variety that you can have with Imperial Guard homeworlds.

04-07-2012, 07:47 PM
Wait though, won't it suck having all the PCs die after a few hours of roleplaying (so long as hours IRL= minutes of role play time)?

Actually this sounds really cool and I'd like to try it out.

I'd bet a regular guardsmen is more capable of survival than some Dark Heresy parties that form.

04-08-2012, 05:07 AM
I'd bet a regular guardsmen is more capable of survival than some Dark Heresy parties that form.

Dark Heresy does follow the fine tradition of 'the GM is trying to kill you as quickly as possible' of ancient D&D.

04-09-2012, 11:04 AM
This looks AWESOME! Now I just have to convince my friends to play it...

04-09-2012, 11:31 AM
Dark Heresy does follow the fine tradition of 'the GM is trying to kill you as quickly as possible' of ancient D&D.

Deathwatch makes it even easier by leading you to believe you're invincible. A friend of mine ran the intro campaign for our gaming group - at the end, one of five Marines was dead, two had non-functional power armour, and one was lacking most of his face.

04-09-2012, 11:37 AM
Deathwatch makes it even easier by leading you to believe you're invincible. A friend of mine ran the intro campaign for our gaming group - at the end, one of five Marines was dead, two had non-functional power armour, and one was lacking most of his face.
Wow! Clearly, Marines are tough, but they're not gods. I expect Guardsman characters will have to fight more with brains than brawn.

04-09-2012, 03:35 PM
I find DH to be infinitely more playable with the correct tools. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/dhroller.html I hope that "Only War" gets a similar treatment.

04-09-2012, 08:21 PM
I find DH to be infinitely more playable with the correct tools. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/dhroller.html I hope that "Only War" gets a similar treatment.

That's an incredibly handy tool. Thank you.

04-10-2012, 12:34 PM
Lots of people play Call of Cthulhu after all.

This had me laughing for a bit, my friends cringed at every encounter but always came back for more regardless of character death.

Back on topic: This looks cool, is there going to be more emphasis on squad coordination than Deathwatch has? Does anyone know if the classes will have benefits they can extend or apply to other members in the party?

I also look forward to another book of bad guys to look through too.

Harmonious Borealis
04-11-2012, 10:49 AM
Deathwatch makes it even easier by leading you to believe you're invincible. A friend of mine ran the intro campaign for our gaming group - at the end, one of five Marines was dead, two had non-functional power armour, and one was lacking most of his face.

I had to duck out halfway through to work, but I think ours ended with at least 2 dead, including the marine that suicide grenade bombed the broodlord :D

This is definitely going to be the first quickstart grabbed from the FreeRPG Day kit this year (assuming my well-informed suspicions are correct. Be interesting to see if they'll have the Tanith in the core book, and how they'll handle commissars (player class? Adversary?)