View Full Version : How long do you like your games to last?

04-05-2012, 09:29 AM
Simple question: how long and why?

Personally, I'm of a mind that games should last about as long as a decent film - between an hour and a half to two hours. Anything more and I start to get bored, often no matter how interesting the game is. The longest game I ever played was a paltry six hours (compared to those crazy "nerdcore" gamers who brag about game length in the same way that Muggles brag about how many pints they can drink / pounds they can bench press / random activity they can do longer than you.) and by the end I was bored to tears. I genuinely don't see the appeal of the longer game.

I do like short games a lot - half-hour games tend to really appeal to me.

What about other people here?

Edit: just to clairy the question here is really "How many hours does it take for you to get bored of the game you're playing? What is your optimum fun-to-length-of-game ratio?"

04-05-2012, 10:08 AM
How many points are we talking here? 500 points? 2,500 points?! It all depends on the size of the games here.

Also, if you're playing DeathWing vs Grey Knights, even a 2,000 point game may be over in half an hour. Where an Orks vs Tyranids game may take all day!!

It also depends on the players as well. If they seasoned players, who never have to look up a rule and knows each and every statline of their and their opponents' army, they may be able to crank out even a high-point game in a short amount of time.

And the big problem.... When the conversation gets derailed. "Hey! Did you watch the season finale of The Walking Dead?" Or preferences such as Kirk vs Picard and/or Marvel vs DC. And things that only happen in comics: "What would happen to Lois Lane if Superman had sex with her?" or even if someone starts singing 'Surfing Bird'....

04-05-2012, 10:25 AM
How many points are we talking here? 500 points? 2,500 points?! It all depends on the size of the games here.

Well, I assume you tailor your points to determine the game length. So, the points don't really matter; if you don't like long games, why would you play a 10,000 point Apocalypse battle? Because it might be awesome for all of the first few hours, but it'll get pretty dull after that.

I've always thought of Apocalypse as one of those "works in theory" games, the theory being that fifteen straight hours of 40K is fun, not an absolute chore after the first six.

Basically, it's not about HOW long the games actually are; it's about how long would you PREFER them to be. Yes, that Orks/IG game is going to be longer than the Loganwing/Draigowing. Which of the two did you prefer? The short one or the long one? When does your interest in the game start to wane?

I've edited the question now.

04-05-2012, 12:29 PM
The games I play usually last until I'm curled up on the floor in a fetal position, sobbing, "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

So that's about 10 minutes ... 20 tops.


04-05-2012, 01:24 PM
I like a game to last an afternoon, but I'm usually playing at a friend's house. No more than three hours at a store, unless we're doing something silly like Apoc.

04-05-2012, 02:39 PM
The games I play usually last until I'm curled up on the floor in a fetal position, sobbing, "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

So that's about 10 minutes ... 20 tops.


That's what she said.

04-05-2012, 05:42 PM
While 2-5 is the time I like games to last, these are usually larger games ~2000pts+
I most frequently play sub 2 hour games, at the 1500 - 1750pt games which I enjoy as I can get a couple in the afternoon

04-05-2012, 07:55 PM
I personally don't like games that last more than 2 hours (I play @ 2k). I like to play multiple people with multiple armies... I tend to put a time limit on games even out of tourney play, just because I need variety in my life. guess I'd have to say every thousand points should = 1 hour up to 3000 points, with apocalypse size games varying (but I'd come to Apoc games locked and loaded with extra red bulls).

04-05-2012, 08:47 PM
My preference is for slightly nerdy, slightly intellectual, kind of bossy, short-haired brunettes. Preferably in business attire but with serious heels and an even seriously shorter skirts.

04-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Actually, it all depends on my opponent. If he/she is a great sportsman/woman and just plain a good fun person, I don't care how long the game takes. But if the person is a total [Female Hygiene Product]-Bag (Which most WAAC players are) the game is too long no matter what duration it takes.

04-06-2012, 01:33 AM
I mostly aim for an hour and a half to two hours, mostly because it makes time for another game and I enjoy rushing my opponent, occassionally I end up faced with someone who takes thirty minutes to move or shoot and sometimes both, it's pretty annoying and I end up lossing interest.

04-06-2012, 09:09 AM
My preference is for slightly nerdy, slightly intellectual, kind of bossy, short-haired brunettes. Preferably in business attire but with serious heels and an even seriously shorter skirts.

Do her fingernails shine like justice?