View Full Version : More TPG: Turns per Game

04-05-2012, 01:28 AM
One thing that particularly caught my eye of the "6th ed leaked pdf" was the effective removal of the assault phase and combining shooting and assault phases.

The effect on the game would be huge in terms of gamelength.

Not only does it mean mean less en-mass dice rolling, but it removes a whole movement stage in between.

The upshot of which would inevitably be shorter game turns, and in turn, more turns per similar gamelengths

Now I'm not saying this is what we will see in 6th ed, but my god I would love to see more turns in an average game, 6 just doesnt cut it for me.

So if 6th doesn't combine the shooting and assault phases, what other things could they do to bring the turn time down to increase the TPG, or do you think 6/7 turns is enough?



04-05-2012, 02:45 AM
Change the setups for various missions so you are closer together. Later turns would be much quicker, 6/7 turns would cut it.

I remember when I needed 3-4 DAYS to complete a game, 6/7 turns and 3 hours for a friendly 3k is fine by me.

04-05-2012, 05:06 AM
shorter turns would be great! :D so 1500 pt games would only take a hour instead of 3 :D

04-05-2012, 10:50 AM
Frontline gaming did a thourough review of the leaked document (which is almost certainly not 6th ed), and I know the guys and they loved the streamlined layout. They were saying that 2000pt games took 30-40 minutes less time than they currently would. That's a huge improvement.

The change was twofold. First, you only have to move everything once. No Move, then Shoot/Run, then Assault. You just move, then resolve shooting and assaults. Much, much quicker.

Secondly, there are a lot of little streamlined things to make stuff happen more quickly. You can assault right out of deepstrike, but your opponent gets a reaction fire. It's the same as now, you deepstrike in, your opponent shoots you, and then you assault with your survivors, it just takes place much more quickly because it's better organized. Everything is resolved immediately instead of waiting for the next player turn, then the turn after that, and so on.