View Full Version : The "spawn" armies

09-20-2009, 10:17 PM
I was recently at my club where one of my hobbeist suggested a bizarre army idea. He suggested that as a fun/exotic army he could field an army with 21 spawns. Thats right 21 Spawns. His plan was that in dawn of war and in pitched battle senerios he would make a wave of spawns that would extend across his entire board edge. Now don't get me wrong this is in no way competitive but, sure is heck be fun. Now my question to you guys is what other zany ideas for armies do you have.Now I don't care if includes 200 grotz or 60 ripper bases it just has to viable, but most of all crazy.

09-20-2009, 10:24 PM
A 6000-point Apocalypse game, Marines vs. Necrons. The Necron player brought 2000 points of Scarab Swarms (2/3s of his army).

09-21-2009, 05:03 AM
Grot hordes.. in apocalypse. We wrote a codex entirely for grot hordes (similar to WHFB goblin only armies). Lost horribly, but still entertaining

09-21-2009, 06:32 AM
A few years back there was some special rule by which Tyranid Warriors could count as troops or HQ. White Dwarf profiled some dude in Texas who fielded an army made up entirely of warriors.

Personally, I'd like to see a huge army of plague zombies.

09-21-2009, 07:00 AM
I actually have seen a army of plague zombies, and it was awsome since it was against tyranids, nothing is beter then seeing a carnifex turned into a zombie. but the most absurd thing i have seren is probably when in a apoc game, it was a IG and Chaos VS Orks and Nids (it took a couple of days since it was 4 swarm armies since the chaos player brought about 3000 opoints of zombies. ended though whenhis doomsday started blasting things on the 2nd day and then proceded to nuke most of the board) the IG player brough about 12 valks and 9 vendettas, all loaded with penal legion troopers.

09-21-2009, 08:35 AM
I remember that guy.....it had a pic of him with 33 boxes of warriors stacked up. What a nut!

09-21-2009, 02:50 PM
I remember that guy.....it had a pic of him with 33 boxes of warriors stacked up. What a nut!

Yeah, that was the guy. I'm trying to remember, were those 3-to-a-box sets in the picture? Or just one?

09-21-2009, 08:47 PM
I all ways thought it would be fun making an army of orks using nobs as standard boys, warbosses as nobs, and something even bigger for the actual boss. :D

09-22-2009, 01:06 AM
Me and a buddy wrote a 1500pt standard list which included 45 Warriors. It was completely legal under the current rules where Warrirors can be HQ, Elites or Fast Attack units (if they have wings). There was a Venom Cannon in each unit and rending claws where we could fit them, everything else had spine fists. The troops where ripper swarms.

Never played the army but Math-Hammered it out and the outcome was messy for the poor Space Marines that faced them.

Katie Drake
09-22-2009, 02:17 AM
A friend of mine owns an army that consists of 84 Fire Warriors, 2 Hammerheads with railguns and a unit of Broadsides. It's actually quite funny.

09-22-2009, 05:08 AM
A friend of mine owns an army that consists of 84 Fire Warriors, 2 Hammerheads with railguns and a unit of Broadsides. It's actually quite funny.

i heart massed infantry

in fact, i need to buff out my conscripts - by far my favourite unit due to the absurdity of sending "wave after wave of my own men at them" its definately a Zapp Branigan tactic!

i wonder if that would be a good army, bare minium platoon of

platoon command squad - 5 men - 30pts
Infantry squad 1 -10 men - 50pts
infantry squad 2 - 10 men - 50pts
conscript squad - 50 men - 200pts

so thats 330pts for each troops choice, and you gt 75 men each time

I now have a new target :D

09-22-2009, 06:25 AM
i heart massed infantry

in fact, i need to buff out my conscripts - by far my favourite unit due to the absurdity of sending "wave after wave of my own men at them" its definately a Zapp Branigan tactic!

i wonder if that would be a good army, bare minium platoon of

platoon command squad - 5 men - 30pts
Infantry squad 1 -10 men - 50pts
infantry squad 2 - 10 men - 50pts
conscript squad - 50 men - 200pts

so thats 330pts for each troops choice, and you gt 75 men each time

I now have a new target :D

I looked at this initially, then my common sense kicked in! lol

09-22-2009, 06:26 AM
I was recently at my club where one of my hobbeist suggested a bizarre army idea. He suggested that as a fun/exotic army he could field an army with 21 spawns. Thats right 21 Spawns. His plan was that in dawn of war and in pitched battle senerios he would make a wave of spawns that would extend across his entire board edge. Now don't get me wrong this is in no way competitive but, sure is heck be fun. Now my question to you guys is what other zany ideas for armies do you have.Now I don't care if includes 200 grotz or 60 ripper bases it just has to viable, but most of all crazy.

Ummm The Unfleshed spring to mind........ Good idear.

09-22-2009, 03:50 PM
The Unfleshed? sorry but, I'm realitivly new at this game so I don't know who they are. But it sure sounds cool.

09-22-2009, 04:50 PM
The Unfleshed? sorry but, I'm realitivly new at this game so I don't know who they are. But it sure sounds cool.

Oooo! I actually know this one! For once! The Unfleshed were messed-up genetic-rejects made by the Iron Warriors that appeared in a couple of the Ultra Marine series by Whatshisface. Think of Frankenstein's Monster mated to the "Visible Frylock" poster in Aqua Team Hunger Force. Then jam in the brain of Lennie Small (Steinbeck "Of Mice and Men") and you have the "Lord of the Unfleshed." Sort of a tragic-heroic loser freak with good intentions but skin problems and a revoltingly ugly, over-large head. Much like the either John Kerry or John Gibson. (Yeah I know that was political, but I took a shot at a guy on the left and one on the right too, so please don't ban me. Plus, I did not insult their political beliefs, just their grotesquely ugly, misshapen heads and their equally misshapen careers. Maybe I was being too hard on the Unfleshed, now that I think on it...)

What about an entire Kroot Army? That could be sort of fun in a Zulu-esque way. I would think somebody out there would have tried it.

09-24-2009, 04:45 PM
Ok, a while back i bought TWO boxes of "tide of spawn" sets when apocalypse came out. I actually HAVE about 23 spawn models.

I fielded 20 of them in a 2000 pt game. Thats 800 pts of my army dedicated to spawn, mind you. I faced necrons with a monolith. Guess what? they all HAD to charge the monolith and spent of of thier time milling about trying to claw at it and getting their butts handed to them. Not fun.

However, i have yet to play the same list again against a SM army, or something OTHER than AV14 ;-)

Could be fun...ill give it a shot next time.