View Full Version : Fenrisian Wolves

04-03-2012, 07:28 PM
Ok so i just noticed today since ive only just seen the new models in person for the first time, that the new Fenrisian Wolves are on the larger 'Terminator' size bases.

Is it just me or does this now give the Space Wolves an incredibly large and fast Screening/MultiCharge and stall unit? I know theyre kinda flimsy when taking hits and their leadership isnt great but they hit like Marines, move as Beasts and have a huge footprint.

128 points for a pack of 15 with a Cyberwolf (extra Leadership to try prevent running etc), spread out across most of the battle line is a remarkably effective cover screen for footslogging Space Wolves in my opinion and hits hard/quick enough that it cant be totally ignored.

04-04-2012, 01:01 AM
Yeah, Fenris wolves aren't bad. They're really fast and cheap and made for exactly what you say here: to screen, tie-up infantry, and just be generally annoying.