View Full Version : New to all of this HELP

04-03-2012, 10:20 AM
(Im a noob) I fell in to the 40k world after playing Space Marines. I like how the human armys look. with that what would be a good first army ?

04-03-2012, 10:27 AM
As a beginner Marines are the usual choice. As in over 60% of the world play them or an equivilent.

They're forgiving to play to help you learn and can pack a serious punch.

The choice is down to you

Space Marines - Bog standard, all rounders
Blood Angels - More Focused on Close Combat
Space Wolves - Space Vikings with lots of good shooting and CC
Grey Knights - Very elite, best of the best type troops, excel all round really
Dark Angels - Fastish Jetbikes or small Units of very hard troops
Black Templars - Religious Fanatics, again devstating in CC

Or their Imperial Guard. Not as "tough" in terms of models but lots of tanks (and some really big tanks), titans and aircraft

But at the end of the day....go on what you like the look of. If you like the models you're more likely to enjoy playing the army. If you've got a GW store go and talk to the staff. They'll generally be very helpful

04-03-2012, 11:41 AM
The righteous forces of humanity have a few more things going for us.

The Inquisiiiiiition (jazz hands)- the only people who know how crappy everything is and make it their business to fix it. Sometimes with a pen, other times with strategic weaponry. Also used to be the narrative lynchpin of the universe.

The Sisters Of Battle- Do you hate, and I mean HATE that there are people, abhumans, and sapient space fungi out there who don't care about the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind? Straight eating his food and breathing his air or even just bothering to exist in his universe without so much as a thank you? Kill them with fire. No, more fire.

Titan Legions- So badass they once had their own game. Giant bipedal doom machines built by guys that couldn't tell you how a transistor works. Never mind that they could use space ships to do the same thing, it's not the future until the giant robots show up.

The Navy- Giant space cathedrals. Also had a specialist game a while back, but can be seen in the Imperial Guard list providing Valkyries, Vendettas, and the Master of the Fleet.

The Imperial Guard- While the Space Marines are busy being named characters in the Iliad the Imperial Guard are the other thousands of guys that get the job done (and die without so much as a mention). They're the finest human soldiers in the galaxy, but as they have to spend most of their time fighting every scifi monster conceived by man they tend to die a lot.

04-03-2012, 01:01 PM
Titan Legions- So badass they once had their own game. Giant bipedal doom machines built by guys that couldn't tell you how a transistor works. Never mind that they could use space ships to do the same thing, it's not the future until the giant robots show up.

Sniffle... You had to bring this up, didn't you.

Oh please, GW. Release/reRelease a Titan Battles game. Please. With Sugar. And cherries.

04-03-2012, 01:14 PM
As the good Dr. pointed out, at the end of the day its what gets you excited about the game/universe. If you like the particular look or background of one army I'd go with them. It will keep you interested.

How you collect 'what you like' could be approached a little tactically, as collecting what looks cool is great, but if you get you face kicked in every game you'll loose some steam on the model front. :)

To sum up:
1. Collect the army that you like the look or feel of.
2. Do so in a manner that will bring you enjoyment on the table top.


04-03-2012, 02:38 PM
I'd echo that Space Marines are kind of the default first army, and if you got interested in he tabletop game from playing the Space Marine video game, it's a logical jump. There are a lot of different variants, as was stated before. I think getting a good idea of how you want to play, combined with what models you think are cool is the way to go. I've been playing Blood Angels for about five years now because I liked the Baal Predator model and jump packs. The other nice thing with starting with Marines is that a lot of the models carry over between the Marine codexes, so if you start with normal marines and then decide you want to do Space Wolves, you usually won't have to start from scratch.

Overall, I'd recommend going to your local game store and watching a few games. Then build a 500 point list of what you think you would enjoy playing. It's a good starting point to learn the game and learn how you want to play it as well. When I started out I was able to find a more veteran player who played me over and over so I could learn. I lost most of those games, but really learned the rules and how my army worked and what worked with my play style. And I had a blast, which is the main criteria.

04-03-2012, 03:05 PM
can space marines have long range artillery or is Imperial Guard the only ones with the Long Tom cannon looking gun or can you mix them together

04-03-2012, 03:54 PM
Just the Guard really. Only Artillary pieces that marines really have is thw Whirlwind, and that really is stretching the definition of artillary.

But if you want to try to blast you opponant from the furthest corners of the board (or even the opposite end of most FLGS) there is nothing better than the Imperial Guard Basilisk. At least, until you get in to playing Apocolypse. Even then, there aren't a huge number of guns with a range over 240"! (that is not a typo)

04-03-2012, 03:58 PM
can space marines have long range artillery or is Imperial Guard the only ones with the Long Tom cannon looking gun or can you mix them together you can have Serfs that can be IG I think, and the SM dont have anything like the Long Tom cannon of WW2. they have the Thunder fire cannon:cool: