View Full Version : help! Tyranid Ambassador/Prisoner

04-03-2012, 07:00 AM
Hi guys, I'm attending a competition event in 2 weeks and 1 if the missions involves an ambassador/prisoner

I thought I'd use the broodlord as he looks intelligent enough to be an ambassador/of use to the enemy as a prisoner, bit he's just arrived and he has a 40mm base, the rules pack i got from the comp asks for a model on a 25mm base.

So i'll paint this guy up anyway, but has anyone got any more suggestions for a decebt 25mm based tyranid ambassador models

I am toying with the idea of hacking up some Hormagaunt bodies and making a dissection table/chair on a 25mm base

Help me Bolsy Wan Community

04-03-2012, 07:12 AM
Hi guys, I'm attending a competition event in 2 weeks and 1 if the missions involves an ambassador/prisoner

I thought I'd use the broodlord as he looks intelligent enough to be an ambassador/of use to the enemy as a prisoner, bit he's just arrived and he has a 40mm base, the rules pack i got from the comp asks for a model on a 25mm base.

So i'll paint this guy up anyway, but has anyone got any more suggestions for a decebt 25mm based tyranid ambassador models

I am toying with the idea of hacking up some Hormagaunt bodies and making a dissection table/chair on a 25mm base

Help me Bolsy Wan Community

Genestealer Hybrid Magus?

04-03-2012, 08:09 AM
This is a genestealer hybrid model with no arms who looks quite pompous- add a genestealer or hormagaunt arm to one side and a normal human arm holding something nondescript or data-like for the other side;

However the genestealer hybrid figures do seem to cost a bomb.

So, some New Ideas then.

1.) New genetic makeup has entered the tyranid gene pool! Whilst 'stealers are gaunts+humans, biovores are gaunts+orks, zoanthropes are gaunts+eldar, there are still races missing. A kroot/tau/ur-ghul/clawed fiend/vespid/medusae/sslyth/grot/jokero/ratling/demiurg prisoner has mutated or become a hybrid and the hive mind wants to collect the new dna and start the development process of the new being.

2.) An imperial xeno-biologist and/or rogue trader has specific data about the weakness of your hive fleet but hes holding out for more cash/not been tortured enough by his captors. The nids want to eat him before he gives away the location he is keeping the secrets.

3.) Both of the above- the hybrid is loyal(ish) to his species and hates that he is a tyranid-infected monstrosity.

4.) baby hive tyrant has been captured by your opponents. Use the epic hive tyrants- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epic-40-000-Armageddon-Tyranid-Hive-Tyrants-X-2-/180851330202?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item2a1b944c9a#ht_500wt_1279

5.) Ambassador option- a new tyranid creature- quite small (use the brain-looking biomorph and make some greenstuff tentacles) is using a human a its mouthpiece to communicate and bargain with the enemy. This is really a.) a stalling tactic allowing the nids to get closer and breed more whilst 'negotiations' happen, b.) trying to convince the enemy to become genestealer cult/hybrids or c.) has unveiled itself only with false attempts at diplomacy as a signal to any genestealer cults/infiltrators within the enemies empire.

Hope this stuff helps!!

04-03-2012, 08:25 AM
Didn't some of the old fluff talk about genestealer cults? With infestations resembling chaos cults?
If so you could use something like the new empire witch hunter as an imperial aristocrat who has joined the cult?

04-03-2012, 08:30 AM
Its a shame the Zoat were on cavalry bases, they were the original ambassedors to the Tyranids.

04-03-2012, 09:58 AM
If you have a miscast termagaunt they make great not-so-special characters. My brother had one that was missing most of his tail, he was named Nubbins. Nubbins is the avatar of the Hivemind as no other model in the range reduces the Tyranids to their core quite as well.

04-03-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi guys, cheers for the ideas.

I looked at the magus, its what first popped into my head but i didn't know what they were called.

I liked the brain bug idea, I had a few of those hive nodes lying around, so i knocked together a hormagaunt with a node on its back, a Genestealer head, and some rending claws, not my greatest creation, but it'll do if they don't like the broodlord or possibly my rogue inquisitor

I'm going to have to see if i can make some kind of big brain in the future, I like that idea for future themed games.

Cheers guys

04-04-2012, 06:32 AM
I'd go with a Magus. You could make one from any robed bald guy with a suitable paint-job (slightly alien-coloured skin, robes to match your army/purple), and maybe Genestealer claw for a hand.

The Empire Battle Wizards, for example. Or a Sanctioned Psyker.