View Full Version : am I being greedy? (or should i let go of the rocket girls)

09-20-2009, 07:33 PM
Hi all,a while back i bought an army of catachans that included 4 female grenade launchers.
Anyone who's been to ebay knows they fetch a pretty good sum for a single model,and i have about 1400 pts of army without tanks.I dont really see the point of grenade launchers in this current form,but i also am greedy and covet anything of percieved value.
Should I sell them to help with the cost of my tanks? or should i keep them? (if so whats the best way to use them in special squads or distributed among the troops?) thanks for your help.

09-20-2009, 07:50 PM
how much do they net? cause my limited ebay vodoo only returned a few for less than 15$ each.

I personally wouldnt part with a spezial model like that for just one leman russ (if you sell all 4).

I like grenade launchers either in platton commands (poor mans spezial weapon squad) or as spezial weapon for the platton squads. 5pts isnt big and it isnt that important if you hit or not so bs3 isnt so bad. use frag and you have a little damage up to 24" for only a little cost.

special weapon squads with them are nice as well. if you have the place to maneuvre you can use them to hang out on your flanks and just annoy the oponent.

Lord Anubis
09-20-2009, 10:45 PM
I've got two of them in my Catachan army. No, they're not super-useful, but it's a very rare model and a very rare female model at that. I'd much rather have a few interesting, eye-catching elements than... well, the same tank everyone else has.

But I am odd that way... :)

09-21-2009, 02:10 AM
But they're so cool!

09-21-2009, 03:19 AM
Ah, the purity of the hobby.

Keep them. If you are prepared to sell, hold on to them and watch their value increase - once GW cease to produce any metal miniatures you will see quite a price rise. A nicely collectable item, although not classic so worth holding onto.

I often look at the huge amount of investment that has gone into my collection of oop models and wish I had a cheaper hobby, like crack.

In the mean time, grenades are useful because they wound most troops on a 2+ at 24 inches. The ap 4 isn't such a significant down side if you are shooting at enemies in cover. str 6 on mass can cause rhinos headaches. I use them in one cheap command squad and in one veteran squad - unlike melta and plasma weapon armed squads they seem to have a higher life expectancy and get a larger number of shots off per game.

09-21-2009, 03:42 AM
Why don't you keep one for your army and sell the other three?

The Plastic Surgeon
09-21-2009, 08:51 AM
They're rare? I found one at a GW store on the rack....bought it straight away :D

Lord Inquisitor
09-21-2009, 10:18 AM
I bought mine over 10 years ago, about 5 years before I started playing.

09-21-2009, 10:58 AM
It's just the Catachan Grenade Launcher model. I have several of them in my army. By the by, your title is misleading, I thought you were refering to Rocket Girl, not the Catachan Grenade Launcher model. Here I was getting excited and trying to figure out how to convince you to part with them. :D

Commissar Lewis
09-22-2009, 09:53 PM
I say keep em. I myself have one, saw one the shelf of my local GW store last year and bought it swiftly.

Now she, whom I named Corporal Vasquez, rolls with Iron Hand in my Catachan company command squad.

Lord Anubis
09-22-2009, 10:14 PM
Hmmmm... Oddly enough my Catachan grenade launcher is also named Vasquez.

What are the odds...? :)

09-23-2009, 09:20 AM
Keep them, Im sure youll find a way to use them... And if you sell then you will for sure find a way to use them, lol.


09-23-2009, 11:07 AM
Its a sweet mini although I just gave mine to a friend who was starting an IG army. It was just sitting in my case unpainted for a couple years and I figured she would get more use out of it than I would.

09-23-2009, 05:44 PM
Oh. I misread this. I thought the post was entitled: "Am I being greedy? (or should I let go of my rocket, girls?)"

09-23-2009, 05:55 PM
Keep 'em, lad. The price on Ebay is a bit misleading. There was one fellow on there selling the same blister for $60 USD for about a year. I don't know that it ever did sell but he just kept re-posting it. Besides, they can make your army look unique and add some definite cool factor. If only GW would release make a model of the old Perry Heavy Bolter Catachan gal...

I have a couple of them and several of the other female models GW has released for the Guard, and of course my Sisters army is almost all female. I've got three old Rogue Trader female troopers and those and my female Commissars draw a good bit of attention on the tabletop. I've been thinking about fielding an all-female Veteran squad with my Catachan grenade launchers, Rogue Trader female troopers, Last Chancers, Tanith/Verghastites, and maybe a few other converted female models.

09-23-2009, 07:42 PM
Interestingly, outside of 40k, it seems like the majority of hobbyist miniatures are female sculpts.

09-23-2009, 07:53 PM
;) If they were mine I just could not sell them.
I always keep unusual models even if they dont always "fit" with the original Army now.
I would also love to see more femail IG models. Think of the number of females in the Gaunts Ghosts & the Valhallans in Caiphus Cain.
I had to resort to putting Lipstic on one of my Valhallan Officers to depict Sgt Jennit Sulla ( she was the one that became a famous General) would really like some Valhallan girl Troopers!

Commissar Lewis
09-24-2009, 12:44 AM
hey, great minds think alike Anubis.

Or anyone who's seen Aliens, which is where I got the name from.

On topic, I wish they would release more female models like the Catachan Grenade girl. I'd look for some on ebay, but damn the hobby's bankrupted as it is.