View Full Version : Homebrew Tyranids for consideration and comment

03-31-2012, 04:06 PM
I've been working on some custom pieces for my Hive Fleet, and thought I'd put up some pics. First is my Parasite of Mortrex:


It's made from a metal Ravener body with a Carnifex tail piece. The claws are from a Trygon, and the head is a metal old-school thing that came in a lot of gaunts I found on Ebay. I thought it had a nice, unique look for a unique 'nid. The wings are from the Vampire Counts Vargheist from WFB.

The paint scheme is consistent with the rest of Hive Fleet Belladonna--greens, black, and purple are the main colors, and I use neon yellow and green for highlighting and some of the spiky parts. That's part o' the fluff I made up for it.

The second is my custom Broodlord:

It's made from a metal Warrior body and legs with the current style rending claws. I added the genestealer scything talons. The head is from a lot of heads I got for doing my Ymgarl genestealers. The color scheme is a merger of my regular and Ymgarl 'stealers, with the idea being that the Broodlord is just a more evolved form of Belladonna's genestealer strain.

03-31-2012, 04:46 PM
It's very busy- I really like the head on the brood lord though.