View Full Version : Forgeworld Open Day 2012 - Master News Thread

03-30-2012, 04:26 PM
This is the placeholder thread folks.

All news and photos get uploaded here from the Nottingham event.

04-01-2012, 02:53 AM
not sure if this counts as news, but the queue for sales goes out of the front door of warhammer world and half way round the building. And warhammer world doesn't usually open for another 10 mins!

04-01-2012, 03:58 AM
Some titbits harvested from Warseer:
Warhammer Forge, note the new squig thing.

Empire mounts for wolf rats?! Edit: Nevermind, just characters behind the wolves hehe.

Some 'Preyton' monster thing:

Chaos Dorf Kdaai Fireborn:

Some text:

Right spotted....

Stromeagle Indeed a resin plastic hybrid
Mk iv assault troops
New CC termis upgrades hammers and claws
New termi combi/heavy weapons
New apothecarys - these are absolutely gorgeous
New IG 'A10' attack flyer
Land Raider Spartan


04-01-2012, 04:02 AM
IG Fighter plane thing:

Storm Beagle:

Zone Mortalis display board:

Nice diorama thing:

Pictures all courtesy of Minudra on Warseer, by the way.

04-01-2012, 04:09 AM
All these pics and I'm still in the queue! Only about 20 people ahead of me now though, then I'll get on with asking questions

04-01-2012, 04:15 AM
Yes there are some pictures of the queue to get in, too. Rather impressive.

Squig, not cute enough to be a proper squig in my opinion:

Bran Redmaw:

Land Raider Spartan, this is new, yes? I've lost track of the Land Raider variants after number thirty...:

04-01-2012, 04:58 AM
Magma Dragon WIP, so cute:

Preyton again:

04-01-2012, 05:05 AM
Apparently, Tau win at Zone Mortalis. Nothing like being able to shoot someone as they charge you to buoy your spirits!

04-01-2012, 05:06 AM
Stormeagle doesn't look so great from that angle.

04-01-2012, 05:08 AM
Better picture of the Kdaii fireborn chaps:

04-01-2012, 05:36 AM
Apparently, Tau win at Zone Mortalis. Nothing like being able to shoot someone as they charge you to buoy your spirits!

Never mind...

04-01-2012, 06:25 AM
'nother picture of the IG flyer courtesy of philbrad2:

04-01-2012, 07:03 AM
I'm gonna guess from the look of it that the Preyton is a Warhammerised version of the Peryton, a classic fictional creature that combines the features of a stag and a bird. They are well known in D&D (where they also added in bat wings to the mix).

Wikipedia article here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peryton

04-01-2012, 07:16 AM
Yup, it's possible Preyton was even a typo, it wouldn't be the first time. :rolleyes: I've made a thread in the WFB section for Warhammer Forge stuff, as we've seen everything all we lack now are reports form the seminar/Q&A etc.

04-01-2012, 07:21 AM
Just out of the q&a session. Tons to type up, so will wait to find a comfy seat, think I got everyone's question s answered though :D

04-01-2012, 07:25 AM
Type faster, man, lives are at stake!:p

04-01-2012, 07:38 AM
Just out of the q&a session. Tons to type up, so will wait to find a comfy seat, think I got everyone's question s answered though :D

Considering how many questions you had to ask, that's pretty impressive. :eek: Looking forward to reading the answers.

04-01-2012, 08:01 AM
SotonShades, sorry for this very late question but did you hear anything about new stuffs for Elysian IG?

04-01-2012, 08:09 AM
I do appologise. The kayboard on my net book is pretty -*Censored by authroity of the Inquisition*- so do please forgive typos, missing space etc. Also, I'm trying to type quick so I can finish before my Fat Bloke arrives (anyone who's eaten at Bugman's knows why...)

Where to beggin?

The Warlock Titan. Sorry eldargirl, but they won't be upgrading your beloved Phantom until the next time they do a major Eldar book (I'll explain when that is likely to be in a bit).

You want terrain kits? Blake Spence is working on them. He's the gentleman you can thank for the Zone Mortalis boards. Mostly going to be working on Realm of Battle Boards and more expansions for ZM, but other stand alone pieces are planned. Race specific RoB sections are planned, for most armies in 40k AND Fantasy! Could be a while before we see them though. This will include proper Cityfight terrain, possibly trenches in the future and linking pieces between RoB sections and ZM modules, such as stairs/subway entrances.

04-01-2012, 08:16 AM
Bran Redmaw model: seems legit.

04-01-2012, 08:17 AM
Ah well I didn't expect the Warlock titan any time soon, at least they still have plans for it (unlike the Warlord which judging from some recent facebook responses has gone back to the 'it would be cool to do some day' part of FWs list). Gives my time to finish painting my other Phantom.:rolleyes:

Race specific terrain for all races, now that is exciting. I'd love to see a FW webway assembly or something.

04-01-2012, 08:18 AM
SotonShades, sorry for this very late question but did you hear anything about new stuffs for Elysian IG?

Yep. I'm afraid there are no plans to revisit them at the moment, or any other IG regiments or previously pulished lists. There are a few kits from previous books in the pipeline, most notably Bran Redmaw, but for the most part what is out is out. Apart from whomeveer gets in to IA12. Speaking of which;

IA12 is Minotaur Space Marines Vs Necrons. Focus is on sectorwide conflict rather than specific system/planet, so will incorporate IG and probably other races as well. Looking at a facet of Imperial war we haven't really seen before.

To go with the book expect a BIG expansion of FW's Necron range. I have seen Minotaur shoulder pads. Simon Eagen wants to work on helmets, torsos and backpack bits as well (in fact that is where the 2 Minotaur characteers came from).

Speaking of conversion bits, new style Terminators WILL be getting full set of weapon options, possibly including some more esoteric ideas (graviton gun perhaps?) and Assault Terminator options. Assault Termies were on display in Will Hayes's Case.

04-01-2012, 08:21 AM
Wow, big change from Minnotaurs vs Tzeentch cultists and Marines then. It would be nice if Eldar got a look in, what with them being the Necrons Special Friends.

04-01-2012, 08:22 AM
To go with the book expect a BIG expansion of FW's Necron range.

I think I just felt something completely inappropriate in response to this news.

EDIT: Also, race-specific terrain sounds good.
I'd like a chance to get those Tyranid Spore Chimneys again, at decent prices.
ROB board sections for 'Nids or Necrons would be cool, too.

04-01-2012, 08:27 AM
There are also stirings within the studio for doing Chapter specific Contermptors, similar to their current range of Dreadnoughts. Nothing officially started yet, but it is something various designers said they wanted to work on.

Similar story for Iron Hands but less so. As for Mk VIII armour, the Errent pattern... No real interest I'm afraid. Maybe if their is enough demand for it, but designers are doubtful it would be different enough from the plastic kits to be worth doing.

During the Q&A session, a question was raised regarding some SM chapters getting certain equipment and other not (such as the Thunderfire Cannon). Chaos Marines were also mentioned. Basicly, GW & FW want to keep some disparity between the MEQ lists based on the way they are supposed to play, so not all equipment will go to everyone. This includes chaos not getting a Caestus Assault Ram.

04-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Minotaurs will probably appear in several unlinked books, with an overal unfolding mystery about them. The Tzeentch/penal colony stuff will most likely be IA13 now (possibly with a Fantasy Book inbetween) and will most likely cover a Tzeenchian Cult across several legions and renegade space mainres.

No plans for any further Enforcers/Arbities rekeases. In fact, a point was made that if you see it as a show only model, it is probably because they don't feel it would work as an army. Same goes for Primarch models, but for a slightly different reason.

No plans to release any more models for Badab characters, whichwas why such detailed descriptions were given, to give you chance to convert them.

Next fantasy book is most likely going to be a campaign between Orcs and Goblins and the Emprire; the Third Battle for Blackfire Pass.

There are fairly well developed ideas for the next 3 or 4 IA story lines. In fact the DE one is having to be rewritten because it is currently too Grim-Dark and bleak for 40k!

Speaking of which, Adeptus Mechanicus MAY appear in the next 2-3 books. Not certain, and probably more as part of a faction than as a force in their own right. They really want to do Knight Titans, but will be a while away yet.

I still have a few more pages of notes to type up, but i need to finish my rapidly cooling chips and collect my painting comp entry in the next few mins. Will carry on when i can

04-01-2012, 08:42 AM
Bah, no such thing as too bleak and grimdark where Dark Eldar are concerned. Did they give any idea of time frame as to when we might see the Empire vs Greenskins and Dark Eldar books? I mean by the sounds of it the DE book would be IA14 at the earliest which could be late 2013, but the Empire book could be this year given Monstrous Arcanum is finished.

04-01-2012, 08:45 AM
did anybody get pictures of the space marine riding a tethered up jet powered shark that i can only assume was the april fool's day treat?

04-01-2012, 08:50 AM
Would you mind i I posted these to Warseer, Mr Shades?

04-01-2012, 08:55 AM
To me the biggest dissapoint is them pushing Tzeentch back a book, just to squeeze in Necrons while they're popular.

It sets the book developments back a way, meaning future releases will be later, and it just means other armies have to wait even longer (why do Necrons get a book? They've only been "out" for half a year, DE are coming up on 2 and a bit years)

Also does news of Minotaurs showing up in more FW books suggest that the FW chapter has moved on from the Scorpions?

04-01-2012, 09:20 AM
It is rather nifty:

04-01-2012, 09:54 AM
Feel free to post to warseer. it'd be nice for it to go the other way for a change. I will try to coalate a fuller, proper report this evening though, so you may want to wait for that (unless you're happy to do that for me!)

Right, more tidbits!

Several people asked about a bulk land pod for the Thunderhawk Transporter. Again, it's another case of "something we'd like to do, but have no plans or concepts for it yet.

For those of you who aren't so pleased with the WD SoB codex... well, FW haven't got that on their radar yet, but really want to do a War of Faith style IA book, with Sister and lots of screaming fanatics. Earliest would be several years down the pipeline though.

Some points were raised about Blakc Library and FW cross-overs. Basic reply was that they love to draw inspiration from each other, but neither party wants to do any tie-ins because it screws with their creative freedom. Specifically, can you imagine how a BL author would feel if one of his favourite characters to write had a bullet put in the back of his head by a FW writer?

Hopefully they will be putting a new one out every year or year and a half. Most likely the next one will be a Fantasy release. That said, it was doubtful they would be releasing and more hobby supplies such as their weathering powders any time soon.

Despite the release of so many older marks of armour and relic style vehicles/weaspon, FW will not be doing any pre/heresy stuff any time soon. To do a book would essentially mean SM vs SM, and would be such a big project it would be very very difficult to manage around doing other releases. They also don't feel it would work too well along the lines of the game set in the 41st millenium, so wouldnt work with/against 41st millennium codicies. Afterall, the great crusade was humanity expanding across the whole galaxy in a few hundred years, wipining out all but a handful of sentient xenos races.

FW also apologised for dropping a lot of their older scenery kits recently, particularly the old trench system. Basically comes down to not being able to constantly stock enough, with terrain beaing some of the worst selling stuff and too expensive to manufacture for what they can reasonably expect to sell it at. The old foam bits were also too damagable. Hopefully the new hollow terrain casting methods will mean they can stock and create a much greater variety (as I've already mentioned.)

FW want to convert more of the deamon engines and superheavies from epic in to 40k sclae. however, simply blowing up the old models is not a realistic option, so they would need to be completely redesigned, probably keeping little more than the original name. they also pointed out that scale ratios in epic do not work in 40k. mostly, especially on tall models such as titans, they are too short! And the taller the model, the worse this difference is (so my warlord at 40+ inches isnt too far off what they should be)

The FW design team want to keep IG using tracked vehicles, grinding forwards, rather than wheels like trrop trucks or bikes. Don't expect to see too many exceptions like the tauros for the elysians. They will only do it where it makes sense for a regiemtn in their books.

FW won't be doing any Fellblades for the Space Marines. They dont feel it fits with 40k since the reorganisation of the Legions to chapters. There was however talk of doing weapons packs, such as 10 combi-meltas for example only, that would be popular. Similar to the Chapterhouse kits. No firm confirmation on this though.

As they've pointed out before, FW have very few links with the main design studio, so theyk now nothing of 6th Ed and how their stuff will integrate. As far as FW are concerned, anything stamped with the 40k approved logo is balanced enough for regular games, but always ask your opponant (no reason to say no, but...) They haven't even had a chance to get a hold of the new paints yet (so I had to tell Phil what they were like!) Similarly, there is no connection between the FW Demigryphs and the new empirs plastics as far as the FW team are aware.

FW are happy with the rate at which they put out books. They want to cover all the race before they cover any again (though expect Imperials to be in all books, quite possibly mostly Minotaurs for the next few), so we are now expecting Necrons in IA12, Tzeentch later (prob IA13) then DE and Slaanesh before anyone else gets re-done. Necrons are in very early concept phase, so will be a while before we get out hand on them, but there are all ready plans afoot for a BIG kit for Orks when they come round again. They will almost certainly get either a Bomma or a Gargant. Quite possibly both.

Right, that is about it from me. BTW I love the Imperial Avenger. Wonderful looking aircraft, much nicer than the Lightnings or Thunderbolt (and I have a few of those) but I'm still not keen on the Storm Eagle.

Did we all ready know about the longer base Land Raider that is similar to the original scratch built one, or am I imagineing that? Either way, that looks pretty awesome too!

I do have a couple more notes to deciphere, but I think they are more clarifications on the points I've all ready made. Feel free to ask me questions if anything is unclear and I'll try to dredge up what I can from my memory.

Roving report Sotonshades, from under the anvil in Bugman's bar, for BoLS News.

04-01-2012, 10:04 AM
Thanks a lot Sotonshades for this report and all the interesting news from FW.

04-01-2012, 10:06 AM
Thanks Mr Shades.:)

Never been too keen on the idea of BL/FW crossovers. I would like to see FW do some models of BL characters though, that would be nice. I'd kill for Edar Skomorowski to do an Ulrika the Vampire.

04-01-2012, 10:16 AM
Thanks Mr Shades.:)

Never been too keen on the idea of BL/FW crossovers. I would like to see FW do some models of BL characters though, that would be nice. I'd kill for Edar Skomorowski to do an Ulrika the Vampire.

I'm afraid they won't do a character unless they can put it into a book. If they are putting it into a book, they need to have control over how a character acts and behaves in the background. Pain in the -*Censored by His most glorious Inquisition*- so it'll almost certainly never happen. Same reason Uriel Ventris won't ever make it into Codex Space Marines I presume.

04-01-2012, 10:19 AM
Oh I know it is just a dream, it's just as far as I would want to see them go with BL characters. But as you say they won't make models without a book, and they won't put them in their books, it won't happen.:rolleyes:

04-01-2012, 10:34 AM
Yeah FW or GW to do some of the characters from the novels would be very welcome. At some point in the future I'd love for FW to do a Warhammer book themed around Nagash as frankly I think they could do him justice far better than GW could. Another good subject for a book would be for them to take the old War of the Beard articles from WD and expand upon them.

04-01-2012, 11:25 AM
Thanks SotonShades. You the man. What a truly awesome job. I hope you don't mind me posting them on my blog. With full credit to you of course!



04-01-2012, 12:17 PM
Great work SotonShades. I think you have pretty much answered all my questions. Cheers buddy.

04-01-2012, 12:55 PM
Feel free to repost and reblog to your heart's content!

Of course, FW studio have a very fluid work ethic, so all of this could change over night or not come to pass at all. Pinch of salt and all that :)

04-01-2012, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the news digest SotonShades! I was able to attend and see the models, but my seven year-old was too fidgety to stay around for Q&A with the Designers.

04-01-2012, 03:21 PM
Land Raider Spartan, this is new, yes? I've lost track of the Land Raider variants after number thirty...:

No, it's not new. The Spartan was the first variant that could carry Terminators.

Mind you, Forge World have up-gunned it considerably.

04-01-2012, 03:55 PM
No, it's not new. The Spartan was the first variant that could carry Terminators.

Mind you, Forge World have up-gunned it considerably.

This thing is MONSTER long! Phil had the original old model with it, and the comparison is staggering. Really nice feel, with a modern twist on the classic.

04-01-2012, 04:08 PM
The shark rider is fake for April Foolīs or itīs real??

04-01-2012, 04:35 PM

04-01-2012, 04:39 PM

04-01-2012, 04:41 PM

04-01-2012, 04:42 PM

04-02-2012, 12:06 AM
Man am I seeing that right the storm eagle holds 20 models???? SWEET.

04-02-2012, 12:21 AM
The Preyton & K'daai look amazing.

Bran Redmaw is pretty sweet too.

04-02-2012, 01:07 AM
Some DE specific stuff from Shadowshard at the Dark City:

Hello Ladies,

Back from my fact finding mission at WH world today, it was a bit of a marine fest really, very little indeed to report on anything solid.

However I do have a couple of things for you.

DE wont be in the next IA as thats already set, possibly the one after or the one after that, Alan did say he had done some stuff towards it already.

I said we would all very much like a t hawk sized ish or bigger galleon/barge pirate ship thingy to fill our 'titan' slot, he said that was one thing they would probably look at and that also (he seemed quite keen on this idea) an extra large talos-like Heamo construct. Sounds pretty ace to me, but as I feel it is important that we have some nice big toys but I think we need something kabalite first an foremost, hell they could do a variant on the barge for Coven too (slave cages, autopsies etc)

I also explained that the Tantalus is utter garbage, Alan was surprised he said (and I quote) "well it was carving things up in test games" I said I don't see how thats possible unless ther testers can roll 5's on demand ? I also explained the the douche canoe does it better and is significantly smaller and does not mount "pulse dissonance projectors" and blades.

He kinda muttered something about looking at it so I guess its possible it could see a review for the eventual IA DE book, two things folks, FW will need your feedback if it is to improve and not just "it's gash make it better" I personally will be sending an email explaining the problems with it and offering solutions with explanations, I'll prob do up another data sheet, last time I snet them one of these and an email things DID get changed, some of my ideas made it into print on the phantom so things can be changed and fed back on , at least where FW is concerned.

Also I noticed today the 'original' Tantalus had two Dark lance mounts which we never got in the end, is not like dark lances are teh b0rk3n, wonder why ?

Ok so this next bit is pretty big.

Will (Phantom Titan) Hayes was completely down with the idea of a DE super heavy barge/ship, he even told me about some of his ideas for it , he was very enthusiastic, in fact apparently he had made a start on it, but no one could agree on how it should be and became a bit of a committee / too many Chefs affair and he has put it aside currently with no plans to pick it up at any point, he said it was too big a project to realistically do in his own time, so he/FW could really do with a shove to get it on the boil again as it is technically 'dropped' at the moment,

They should just let Will/Jes get on with it , there is literally no way it could go wrong with them on it.

Talima suggested hitting up the FB page and seeing what the response was like, I think we should defo do that and also I think an open letter from the Dark city to Will/FW would maybe help get the project of life support, remember just because Alan does rules does not guarantee we will see model for it any time in the next ten years....

I'm happy to deal with the letter, I'll have a word with sky about getting a poll up so we can essentially collate the opinion of the entire DE community here into one easy to ingest result, Ill forward that along with the open letter.

Lastly and it's a pretty loose rumor really, but Simon Egan seemed fairly enthusiastic when I asked if he would be doing DE models anytime soon, there are no plans but I think he would really like to, if the Shadow Spectres are anything to go by I think any DE he does end up doing will be fething marvelous.
In the meantime expect to be spammed to death with marines marines and just for a change more marines.....

++Transmission Ends++

04-02-2012, 01:53 AM
I do have to agree. The Tantalus is garbage. A huge target thats no more durable than a Ravager, costs a fortune and is limited in scope?

The only good thing is you can take one as a Ded Transport instead of a slot. The only downside is the unit that has to be dedid with it is also a bit weak

04-02-2012, 03:05 AM
I forgot about the big DE galleon. I'm guessing Shadowshard went to the other Q&A session to me.

They did sound quite enthusiastic about the prospect of doing a bigger, more awe-inspiring DE superheavy.

04-02-2012, 03:21 AM
Might be worth noting the following ; They will do a Warlord Titan in the future (From Will Hayes)and they also said during the Q&A that there could be a Titan next year or the year after. They didn't say which Titan this will be , so not necessarily the warlord .

04-02-2012, 03:31 AM
So whats the word on necron stuff exactly?

04-02-2012, 05:10 AM
Some more info from Warseer:

Ok, additonal things that i discussed with the Forge World designers:

Mark Bedford:
- Currently working on command squad, (i seem to recall it will be mostly MkIV) with plumed helmets, cloaks, etc... Will include a captain, apthecary, champion, standard bearer as one would expect.
- Apothecarties designed to show the evolution of the apothecary specific kit.

Blake Spence:
- Working on more Zone Mortalis boards, diagonals and other more interesting specific boards.
- 'dressing' kits being worked on; so that'd be like 'engine room' 'medical-bay' 'command and control' etc, etc..
- 3D boards being considered/wanted, logistics still uncerain though. i.e. multiple levels.
- City Fight realm or battle boards being worked on, very nice progress. Will accommodate the GW 40k buildings.

Alan Bligh
- Imperial Armour 12 to be a 'snap shot' of a day in the Imperium, based around a predefined piece of space, sub-sector/system. It aims to show that the Imperium is torn apart by War, with multiple threats and conflicts in short periods of time. It endeavours to give a feel for how chaotic the universe really is.
- Necrons main protagonist.
- Minatours & Guard main Imperial assets, Minatours logical as fleet based and models/upgrade kits on the horizon.
- Orks likely involved.
- Consideration to other races such as Eldar/Dark Eldar and minor Chaos elements still in progres.
- Alan alson confirmed that the prison planet idea is not lost, and will feature in a future book with a Tzeentch cult (involving multiple warbands).

Simon Egan:
- Literally just finished the Minotaurs characters.
- Wants to do Torso's (terminator), storms shields (round and oval), thunder hammers.
- Wouldn't elaborate on current/next project.

Will Hayes:
- Had a fantastic dicsussion regard Power Armour; in that a Mark is defined by the chasis and systems, which is then clad in armour plate, so any mark could in theory have different aesthetics of armour plate over the defining systems and chasis. So mark doesn't neccessarily refer to aesthetic, but are characterised by it.
- Mk IV is the ultimate power armour, most advanced systems, etc.. So will be given a full suite of items; most of which we've seen. Infanty, Jump Infantry, Terminators, etc...
- New Boltgun, Bolt Pistol and Storm bolters coming out in the same style as the new termiantor storm bolters. however only the Boltguns will be an individual kit.
- Terminator Character Upgrade kit will feature all items shown, but not the terminators themselves.
- Intends to have a Terminator Assault Kit, which will likely be the Terminators + Lightning Claws + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shields.
- Chapter specific Contemptors on the cards at the moment.

Phil Stutcinskas:
- Land Raider Spartan likely to be capacity 20, Rapier Laser Destroyer Sponsons, assault vehicle, etc...

- - -

Thats all i can remember for now... hope it's of interest to some.

04-02-2012, 06:30 AM
Most of the differences between Petay1985's note and mine were bits I didn't quite get the chance to jot down/forgot. But I remember all those bits being mentioned :)

04-02-2012, 06:48 AM
Thanks a lot for your work, SotonShades!
I'm glad to hear they plan on creating new 40k related terrain pieces in the future! Especially excited about the race specific stuff! Looking forward to it :)

Kevon the beardless
04-02-2012, 06:55 AM
Is it just me or does this seem waaay underpriced? 225 for 20 person transport with decent weapons....

04-02-2012, 08:05 AM
Is it just me or does this seem waaay underpriced? 225 for 20 person transport with decent weapons....

Personally I feel its overpriced.

No more real offensive capability over a SR, Can't carry a dread, only 10 more dudes, and is still an AV12 fast skimmer.

Kevon the beardless
04-02-2012, 02:02 PM
But 20 guys means it can carry 10 termies. It can take essentially the same weapons as a raven but gets a nice large blast template and almost twice the capacity. Seems like the raven should be cheaper or thisore expensive...

04-02-2012, 04:27 PM
Stormraven has an effective transport capacity of 22, and is the only transport in the game that can carry 2 separate units. Quite a bit better then the Stormeagle.

the Stormeagle is also lacking ceramite plating.

04-02-2012, 04:44 PM
the Stormeagle is also lacking ceramite plating.
Actually, as far as I can tell from the picture of the rules, it does have Ceramite Plating. I think that's what appears under "Wargear" - so it comes with the base cost of the transport.

I'm still not sure it's worth the 225 points, though.

04-02-2012, 04:57 PM
It's 20 Models, not 22.

04-02-2012, 06:34 PM
It's 20 Models, not 22.

Stormraven has 12 inside + dreadnought (10 models). I'm no scientist, but 12+10 = 22 I'm pretty sure.

04-02-2012, 09:22 PM
Stormraven has 12 inside + dreadnought (10 models). I'm no scientist, but 12+10 = 22 I'm pretty sure.

I'm gonna ask this with the risk of being flamed but how does a dreadnought count as 10?

Archon Charybdis
04-02-2012, 09:25 PM
I'm gonna ask this with the risk of being flamed but how does a dreadnought count as 10?

Because in most instances where a walker can be transported it's treated as ten models towards the super-heavies overall capacity.

04-02-2012, 09:58 PM
Also it's 10 models for drop pod purposes.

04-03-2012, 01:40 AM
Still, for Deathwing its going to be nice getting Belial, A Chaplain, and an upgrade DW squad into combat on turn 2 rather than turn 3 or 4 (without having to resort the DW assault and having to stand around for a turn getting the snot shot out of you...unless you mishap and die).
However, the tables are really starting to get crowded with all these huge models gimping around each other, getting knocked over and/or brushed onto the floor by a casual passerby getting clothes caught at a bad moment.

04-03-2012, 06:58 AM
the tables are really starting to get crowded with all these huge models gimping around each other, getting knocked over and/or brushed onto the floor by a casual passerby getting clothes caught at a bad moment.

Slate tile basing. You can buy the tiles at any home improvement store's flooring department. Get a masonry cutting bit for your dremel then cut out a flying base sized oval for your planes.

Back before flying bases were released by GW, forgeworld sent all my nightwings with a regular skimmer base (har har har) and so I made flyer bases for them out of the 4"x4" slate tiles with brass rod for the altitude. The heavy base, combined with the brass rod that let the flyer flex if someone brushed by it makes it less prone to tipping over.

Of course they are apoc only fliers that can't be assaulted - for the SE, you'll need a proper GW flyer base, but you could always put the heavy slate overlay on it to give the base some weight to help with tipping.

04-03-2012, 01:50 PM
No, it's not new. The Spartan was the first variant that could carry Terminators.

Mind you, Forge World have up-gunned it considerably.

Correct, the original Spartan was a conversion in White Dwarf that doubled the transport capacity.

IIRC the fluff was the first Spartans were modification made for to assault a city where the route was blocked by plasma fires.

I wonder if FW is going to do a Sabre, a cannon armed Rhino variant, which was the companion article to the Spartan.

04-03-2012, 05:26 PM
Slate tile basing. You can buy the tiles at any home improvement store's flooring department. Get a masonry cutting bit for your dremel then cut out a flying base sized oval for your planes.

Back before flying bases were released by GW, forgeworld sent all my nightwings with a regular skimmer base (har har har) and so I made flyer bases for them out of the 4"x4" slate tiles with brass rod for the altitude. The heavy base, combined with the brass rod that let the flyer flex if someone brushed by it makes it less prone to tipping over.

Of course they are apoc only fliers that can't be assaulted - for the SE, you'll need a proper GW flyer base, but you could always put the heavy slate overlay on it to give the base some weight to help with tipping.

My friend got one of those skimmer bases with his Tau Tigershark. I was kinda hoping to get one with my Thunderhawk, but I didn't even get the new flying base :(

04-04-2012, 09:06 AM
My friend got one of those skimmer bases with his Tau Tigershark. I was kinda hoping to get one with my Thunderhawk, but I didn't even get the new flying base :(

I don't think the Thunderhawk would work on a "new" flying base.

My vampire didn't - and I didn't take any chances with it. Thats a 12"x12" tile with extra "bits" on the corners. I've stability tested it and found it not wanting. (It also completely breaks down. The rod unscrews from the base and is attached to the vamp with a giant magnet on the inside of the roof piece. Yes I carved a 1" diameter hole in the bottom of it)


04-04-2012, 06:22 PM
I know it wouldn't work, I just wanted a spare base :P

My Thunderhawk is on a 10mm steal tube welded to a 8x8 1mm steal plate. Extremely light, and has no stability issues at all.

I also put a 10mm hole through my thunderhawk and a big-*** magnet in the top of it :P

04-11-2012, 11:57 AM
Here's a link to a video of the 2012 Forgeworld Open Day Q&A session.


04-12-2012, 08:02 PM

am I only one enthralled by those marines?

04-12-2012, 09:51 PM
I confess myself severely disappointed. Nothing for the Tau... why am I surprised?

04-12-2012, 10:15 PM
am I only one enthralled by those marines?

They came out last year.


04-13-2012, 08:08 AM
BTW< what the heck is a graviton gun?

04-13-2012, 11:28 AM
small blast, forces a strength test or take a wound and then becomes difficult terrain until the players next shooting phase. kinda fun