View Full Version : chapter creator

commissar camenzuli
03-30-2012, 04:25 PM
using various name generators, i have named my chapter this: Nemesis Saints as chapter name. Nemuruo as planet name. suggestions anyone???

commissar camenzuli
03-30-2012, 04:28 PM
only meant to post this once!!!

03-30-2012, 04:49 PM
I'm not sure what sort of suggestions you're looking for, but personally I don't find that 'Nemesis Saints' rolls off the tongue that well, owing to the first and second word beginning and ending with 's', respectively.

commissar camenzuli
03-30-2012, 04:52 PM
suggestions of other names. i have tried ork hunters and he'stans heroes

03-30-2012, 06:39 PM
Well what's your chapter 'about'?

What's a general feel for their character?

Which Primarch do they venerate, if any?

How religious are they?

Which method of warfare do they prefer?

Which codex do you intend to use for them?

All of these could feed into finding a good name for a custom chapter. :)

03-30-2012, 06:56 PM
the problem is that you're not giving us much to work with. Some things that might help:

1. Which marine codex are you going to use?
2. Color choices
3. Shoulder Emblem
4. Chapter wide personality traits
5. Chapter home world culture

A memorable space marine chapter is more than just a name. Even just a simple background can make it stand out.

commissar camenzuli
03-31-2012, 02:09 AM
the problem is that you're not giving us much to work with. Some things that might help:

1. Which marine codex are you going to use?
2. Color choices
3. Shoulder Emblem
4. Chapter wide personality traits
5. Chapter home world culture

A memorable space marine chapter is more than just a name. Even just a simple background can make it stand out.

1:the basic marine codex
2:knarloc green
3:one primarch of my own creation
4:they take trophys of dead enemys
5:very religeous to the emperor and kill all taints of

03-31-2012, 08:13 AM
I think that Kawauso is right--it has to reflect their character.

The color and the idea of taking trophies is pretty evocative. Maybe you could use something that focuses on that, and how they are relentlessly pursuing chaos and heresy; something like Void Hunters, Void Stalkers, Chaos Hunters, Demon Hunters, etc.

Or, alternately, something that keys on their devotion to the Emperor and relentless pursuit of the enemy: The Emperor's Hounds, or (more metaphorically) The Sun Dogs.

Those are just my thoughts. Hope you find something you like.

03-31-2012, 11:36 AM
Well if they're daemon hunters, they sort of have a codex tailor made for that purpose.

Emperor's Hounds or Sun Dogs is a good name. Hearkens to American Marines being called Devil Dogs.

03-31-2012, 03:22 PM
I'm still pretty new to 40K, didn't know that Daemon Hunters already had a book of their own (didn't recall seeing them in the 5th edition rules--are they from a prior edition?).

I also didn't know the US Marines were called Devil Dogs, but that is a pretty cool nickname as well.

Another way to go might be to have them named for some legendary leader, like the first Chapter Master. I'm thinking of "Rico's Roughnecks" from the Starship Troopers movie. They could be "(so-and-so)'s Raiders" or "(so-and-so)'s Guards" or something like that.

commissar camenzuli
03-31-2012, 03:38 PM
i love the idea of the emperors hounds! any othar ideas???

Spectral Dragon
03-31-2012, 04:40 PM
I'm still pretty new to 40K, didn't know that Daemon Hunters already had a book of their own (didn't recall seeing them in the 5th edition rules--are they from a prior edition?).

I also didn't know the US Marines were called Devil Dogs, but that is a pretty cool nickname as well.

Another way to go might be to have them named for some legendary leader, like the first Chapter Master. I'm thinking of "Rico's Roughnecks" from the Starship Troopers movie. They could be "(so-and-so)'s Raiders" or "(so-and-so)'s Guards" or something like that.
They are called Grey Knights. I highly suggest you take a look at their codex, you may find it more to your liking, although Grey Knights frown upon taking trophies. There are still individuals who do so.

03-31-2012, 06:23 PM
I think alot of the names suggested fit more with the Imperial guard- they have more of a rough and ready' feel.

For marines think Knights and heraldry, Biblical names, Romans and High Culture.

For instance when naming a marine regiment after a hero- The Emperors Children, The Sons of Orar, The Sons of Guilliman, Praetors of Orpheus, The Sons of Gideon, Venerators of Osiron all exist.

So The Saints of Nemesis could be quite cool, and suggests that 'Nemesis' is the founding hero. Maybe the first batch of marines whilst training before they were named were attacked by daemons and the chapter was saved by a force led by Brother-Captain Marcus Nemesis.

He'stans heroes sounds like it could be a nickname for a company of marines, but not formally a whole chapter. Same goes for ork hunters.

Alternatively- The Paladins of Nemuruo, The Cleansers (of Camenzuli) as an optional extra, Jade Clerics, The Redeemers of the Slain (who maybe believe that a damned soul is saved if slain by a hero of the Emperor- themselves, or maybe that by keeping a piece of the defeated enemy on them that it saves them because when the marine dies, he can present the souls of those he has killed for saving), The Saints Repentant, , Sanctifiers could all be options.

commissar camenzuli
04-01-2012, 12:02 AM
tah guys! i think i will go for the saints of nemesis!!!

04-01-2012, 12:30 AM
Awesome, glad you found one you really like!

We'll be looking forward to the pics of your squads once you get them done!

commissar camenzuli
04-01-2012, 05:25 AM
this is a squad online that looks like mine.