View Full Version : WD 388 Prices wrong

03-30-2012, 11:00 AM
So, I stumbled across this (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=21900016a) on the GW webiste. Looks like they have messed up some of the prices in April's forthcoming WD. No mention of which products or what the correct prices are, which is somewhat unhelpful. I'm also not sure if this is just the UK edition or affects international ones, but as a head's up it's probably best to check prices on your website if you intend to buy something, rather than shouting at the lackey in the store that something costs more than you were expecting.

Brass Scorpion
03-30-2012, 11:05 AM
It's almost not news in that White Dwarf prices are often wrong. In fact, they no longer put prices in the US edition probably because they so often changed them after WD went to print. In the past it was often a public relations nightmare for them because the prices on release were often higher than what they put in WD when they sent it to print months earlier.

03-30-2012, 11:07 AM
I'm not aware of any previous problems with the prices in UK WD, so maybe they have picked up a new American staff member who has cocked things up!

Brass Scorpion
03-30-2012, 11:19 AM
I'm not aware of any previous problems with the prices in UK WD, so maybe they have picked up a new American staff member who has cocked things up!
Really? People were posting on forums about the same problem very recently, maybe last month if I recall.

White Dwarf goes to print 3 months before any customer ever sees it. GW often changes their mind on pricing between magazine printing and model release dates, hence the "errors" in White Dwarf. Usually when they make such a change they decide to charge more than what they originally planned months earlier in WD, irritating their customers. They'd do well to stop putting prices in WD at all no matter which country's edition.

03-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Fair enough, I must have missed them then. I'm surprised they are changing prices so close to release date, but when have GW ever been predictable?

03-30-2012, 11:34 AM
I'm not aware of any previous problems with the prices in UK WD, so maybe they have picked up a new American staff member who has cocked things up!

Yeh have to say I have not noticed or heard of problems like this with UK WD before

03-30-2012, 11:37 AM
Really? People were posting on forums about the same problem very recently, maybe last month if I recall.

White Dwarf goes to print 3 months before any customer ever sees it. GW often changes their mind on pricing between magazine printing and model release dates, hence the "errors" in White Dwarf. Usually when they make such a change they decide to charge more than what they originally planned months earlier in WD, irritating their customers. They'd do well to stop putting prices in WD at all no matter which country's edition.

Or they can...you know...honor the price they print; or actually commit to a price.
Yes I know GW will never do this...just wishful thinkining:(

03-30-2012, 12:12 PM
Yeh have to say I have not noticed or heard of problems like this with UK WD before

Glad it wasn't just me that missed them then. I don't recall any notcies on the GW website in recent months and I don't use any other warhammer forums, so I'm taking Brass Scorpion's word for it that there were problems with UK prices in WD.

Brass Scorpion
03-30-2012, 12:14 PM
Back when they still put prices in US WD they were regular problems with release prices being different than what was in WD, which is I'm certain why they stopped putting prices on new release ads in US WD.

Then there was the most infamous incident, the Realm Of Battle Board. They raised ("corrected") the price TWICE on that before releasing it.

03-30-2012, 12:24 PM
Sounds like a real mess then, but like I said I think it is thankfully rare in the UK edition. They really should have a fixed price and stick to it or not bother putting prices in at all.

03-30-2012, 12:29 PM
I think GW US is just inept
Especially with news of cancelling both 'Ard Boyz and Throne of Skulls

Spectral Dragon
03-30-2012, 03:47 PM
In the US what they are doing is called false advertising, and is, in fact, illegal. You can demand they give you the prices that were in white dwarf.

03-30-2012, 03:49 PM
Pfff. Ard boyz was a great marketing scheme. I've seen a number of people buy models to get up to 2500 for 40k, or 3000 for Fantasy. They knew it was a tournament that they'd only play in once a year, but it still seemed worth it to pick up a couple boxes to play at that level.

03-30-2012, 04:32 PM
Ok, but what prices are long exactly?

03-30-2012, 06:56 PM
In the US what they are doing is called false advertising, and is, in fact, illegal. You can demand they give you the prices that were in white dwarf.

Not true, prices advertised are invitations for trade and can be different at checkout, Now selling a product A as a green shoe, going home and getting a red hat, thats false advertising.

03-30-2012, 07:38 PM
wait someone still reads white dwarf

03-31-2012, 05:36 AM
The prices for the new style plastic LOTR boxes were incorrect in the most recent edition of White Dwarf.

The LOTR plastics have been changed from 24 in a box to 12 in a box, and the new price essentially equates to an almost 30% price increase.

However the prices listed in WD were not the same as online, so I suspect it's more of the same.

There have also been some problems with these new boxes, as they are identical to the old ones, except that they should now say "contains 12 plastic figures", but some of them in fact say "contains 24 plastic figures" when they do in fact only contain 12.

This has meant that a lot of them have had to be sent back.

As far as I know nothing else has been affected, I believe it was only the LOTR stuff in the last White Dwarf, I haven't bought today's one so it will be interesting to see if there's any mistakes in there.

Forge World do this as well, some of there emails have more than one price from time to time, bit of a shambles really.