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View Full Version : Non-Battle Front Miniatures Allowed?

03-29-2012, 09:36 PM
I am thinkg of giving FOW a whirl and have a quick first question. Is the FOW culture like GW in that tournaments expect players to use BF miniatures only? Or can one typically play with Plastic Soldier Company or other 15mm miniatures?

I actually think the Plastic Soldier stuff might look a little better and it seems quite a bit less pricey.

03-30-2012, 01:40 AM
Zvezda also have good and cheap models. You may use any 15mm models of course must by WYSWIG

03-30-2012, 02:49 AM
You will find that the only place that "you can only use our figures" attitude prevails is GW. Historical Wargamers don't and won't put up with it and any sensible company (and that includes Battlefront) know and respect this.

03-30-2012, 06:59 AM
You will find that the only place that "you can only use our figures" attitude prevails is GW. Historical Wargamers don't and won't put up with it and any sensible company (and that includes Battlefront) know and respect this.

Just shows you how enslaved I've let myself get to GW's attitude.

We do use anything in Fure & Fury. Nice to hear FOW is the same way.

07-29-2012, 08:54 PM
My understanding is that in the majority of tournaments and such you'll be fine with non-BF models. My army is made up entirely of Old Glory models, simply because I can't afford the prices of BF. I have heard something about BF putting out an official ruling that you can only use their models at tournaments, but that could have just been a rumor.

07-29-2012, 09:58 PM
GW can only really enforce it in their own stores and magazines. They can't enforce the Citadel minis only rule in events or stores that are not GW property/space.

Most other games don't give a rat's patootie if you use other models or not. FOW is a generic scale that many others make/use, so I assume they know you're going to have a lot to draw upon. They only reason why most people stick to brand specific models for non-gw games is because there isn't an alternative for the msot part (Warmahordes really doesn't look the same if you have some other model as Stryker or Sorcha, and same with malifaux, although it's a tad more forgiving in that respect).

Once you get out of the mainstream GW culture (by that I mean, non-GW stores and non-GW run tournaments) you'll find that pretty much anything goes there too.

The basic gist -- If you like the model, bring it! (and by that, I don't just mean bring it with you, I mean BRING IT ON!!!!)

Wolf Lord Zig
07-30-2012, 06:40 AM
Actually I was looking at their website and there was an article on the bols main page that you have to use bf miniatures starting in the 2013 season of tournaments or you will not be allowed to play in them. Here is the link to the bf annoucment: http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=3380 the bols article I cannot find.

07-30-2012, 11:44 AM
And after hundreds of protests on the Battlefront forum, they backed down. This was only for "Official" Tournaments sponsored by BF anyway.

The rule is for the "Official" tournaments that your army must contain "Over 50% Battlefront models". Most have interpreted that means 51% although no explanation from BF is forthcoming yet on the exact meaning.

The rule does not include Scratch-builds, Aircraft, terrain pieces and any model that BF do not currently produce, so those are all OK.

Wolf Lord Zig
07-30-2012, 05:47 PM
Well I guess thats not too bad. I know for years they did not mind as much but was wondering if anything was really changed.

08-07-2012, 03:42 AM
One of the main pushes that got finally got me into FoW was being able to buy almost my entire army from plastic soldier and other companies as BF models tend to get expensive quick.

The only BF models in my 1750 army currently are my nebelwerfers. They're 200 pts in game, yet roughly 25% of my monetary expenses on my current FoW collection.

06-18-2013, 10:31 AM
Everything I've seen has been more of a "if you post pics on our website, they should be our minis", which I totally understand.

The other nice thing is that FoW tends to be fan run, so players are more understanding. You don't find GW-only stores, where everything has to be GW. That attitude is actually part of why I've turned my back on GW - I was told by a store employee that I couldn't play my army there because my minis were older out-of-print marines. He said "if we can't sell it off the shelf, you can't use it". Eff that.

08-04-2013, 01:30 PM
I am thinkg of giving FOW a whirl and have a quick first question. Is the FOW culture like GW in that tournaments expect players to use BF miniatures only? Or can one typically play with Plastic Soldier Company or other 15mm miniatures?

I actually think the Plastic Soldier stuff might look a little better and it seems quite a bit less pricey.

This is really funny. That is the first or second question I asked at the local hobby store when I bought the Open Fire set. Plastic Soldiers are just sooo much cheaper and look just fine. Much like everyone else has said, as long as they are accurate looking models, then we will be fine using them on the table top.