View Full Version : A 'Paint Slut' comments...

03-29-2012, 02:21 PM
Hi my name's Denzark, I'm a paint slut....

By which I mean I use whatever I need to get the job done - I robbed the expression off the GW paint impression thread. Here's my thoughts on new paints.

I started in 1990, and asked my master modeller Dad how to do this properly. I mentioned the acrylics that 'Eavy Metal was on about, he was rapidly a convert, due to water based and not all the white spirit rubbish of the enamels of his childhood.

So was taught how to base coat, use darker shade in the hollows/dips, and highlight the rises. Over the years this has become darker shade, badab black wash (or coloured wash if of a colour with a matching wash) and a drybrush of the colour I want.

I started using Humbrol, and still do use them, particularly the sprays as a base coat - ie Humbrol sea grey for my Wolves.

I have progressed via the venerable Space Marine Paint set to the current, where I use whatever I need.

the foundations particularly yellow based, were an advance in terms of painting over black etc. The washes such as Badab Black have made life easier. I now get the results I want.


Why the change? Or more specifically, why the change of shades/names? Yes I said shades - the conversion chart on the GW website is not exact, the local blackshirt also stated this quite specifically - 'They are not exactly the same shades, you won't tell the difference when it is in the middle of your army...'

This is just typical GW. The technology about the paint, the pigment, how it works, could be applied to almost any shade. So you could have saved the old shades, maybe as the layer 1 colours, and brought in the new colours as the layer 2.

This links into the price policy affecting product design. Back in the day, 'Eavy Metal used to champion a 4 phased painting style from base coated minis for your troops, to a double highlighted golden Demon standard.

Now you mix badab black, Ice Blue, Snotling Green and the blood of your firstborn in 1:6:4:1.73 recurring to get one colour: Result: More paint needed and sold if you are not a paint slut.

Now this base layer bollocks will mean you can't mid project carry on without mixing. You also will see more mixing ratios in White Dwarf.

Quite simply, they are gouging us over again - no matter what anyone says, with technology of paint being what it is, absolutely no excuse not to keep the old shades and names for continuity.

New effects good, new colours, bad.

Rant out.

03-29-2012, 03:22 PM
As long as the washes are the same I'll be happy, they are about the only thing I buy from them now. I did used to buy Skull white but I'm sure I can get a good white paint elsewhere if they've messed it up.

I have no intention of changing my "system" of painting and I'll certainly won't be putting 20 coats of paint on my models.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-29-2012, 03:24 PM
General scuttlebutt says that they changed paint-provider, so some changes in shade were hard to avoid. Come to think of it, they might not've even known the actual formula behind the previous paints.

03-29-2012, 04:45 PM
firstly the paints are amazing. really nice high quality where even the bases need very littler wartering, one coat white is very nice tho I can imagine a grey base with whte over will be interesting. There are far more colours and the range involves little reason to mix.

Also the paints are not by a new provider, GW have started producing them themselves.

Brass Scorpion
03-29-2012, 05:06 PM
As long as the washes are the same I'll be happy Prepare to be sad. Seriously, while some appear to be about the same I know of at least one for certain that is nothing like the current one: Asurmen Blue. The new blue wash is much, much darker, like a darker wash version of Fenris Grey paint, which makes it good for shading some of the darker blue paints and other effects, but if you liked Asurmen Blue because it let you turn white primer or paint or silver paint into a nice rich blue color, you'll have to look elsewhere than Drakenhoff Knightshade.

That said, I think GW expanding their paint range to have a lot more colors is long overdue and overall I welcome the change. As for 4-stage painting vs. multi-stage blending, that dynamic has always been there and I've been doing this hobby for more than 20 years too. As it always has been, it's just a matter of how much time you have and how big the project on which way you go on which models.

Lord Tothe
03-29-2012, 05:51 PM
Since I just started this hobby, and only have a few of the old paint pots, I'm not too upset about this change. If they had to change distributors behind the scenes as someone mentioned, that would explain why they re-released the entire lineup. I am curious to see what the differences are between the paints. If the paints are a bit thinner than before, that's fine by me. Some of the new stuff seems to be mostly gimmicks on the surface, but I'll withhold judgement.

03-29-2012, 06:25 PM
As I say, GW have started producing the entire range themselves.

03-29-2012, 07:17 PM
Which is a manufacturer change, GC.

03-30-2012, 12:28 AM
That was one insane paranoid rant right there. The new White Dwarf is packed full of colour guides and painting guides for new models, no mixing just ways to use the new colours, and the new system they talk about is how people paint anyway, base oat, wash to add shade, high light up and so on, they're just changing names to make it easier for beginners, to state that they're gouging is totally irrational. The new bases are incredible, go on like foundations and yet are bright and pop out rather than being muted, the layer colours are also great, the pictures online don't do them justice at all, some of them are so vivid and gorgeous, I was trollslayer orange yesterday and it looks so nice, miles ahead of any other orange.

As a "paint slut" you should be happy, GW have just created the best range of hobby paints out there. Now, if only they'd do a smoke wash like Vallejo ...

03-30-2012, 01:53 AM
As a "paint slut" you should be happy, GW have just created the best range of hobby paints out there.

Well, let's just wait until we have some first hand experience with the newish paints. Praising something before it manifests IRL is quite a gamble, just look at the rather mixed reception the glory that is finecast got. Before people got their greedy hands on the minis there was more goodwill and optimism around ...

I remain cautious in regard to gw-produced paint quality-wise . It is however lovely that there is no price hike involved or less paint per pot - gw is not above such things ;) though that might drive me to more Vallejo (eyedropper fetish)...

03-30-2012, 02:45 AM
That was one insane paranoid rant right there. The new White Dwarf is packed full of colour guides and painting guides for new models, no mixing just ways to use the new colours, and the new system they talk about is how people paint anyway, base oat, wash to add shade, high light up and so on, they're just changing names to make it easier for beginners, to state that they're gouging is totally irrational. The new bases are incredible, go on like foundations and yet are bright and pop out rather than being muted, the layer colours are also great, the pictures online don't do them justice at all, some of them are so vivid and gorgeous, I was trollslayer orange yesterday and it looks so nice, miles ahead of any other orange.

As a "paint slut" you should be happy, GW have just created the best range of hobby paints out there. Now, if only they'd do a smoke wash like Vallejo ...

I LIKE mixing paint.............

Lord Tothe
03-30-2012, 02:47 AM
Well, let's just wait until we have some first hand experience with the newish paints. Praising something before it manifests IRL is quite a gamble, just look at the rather mixed reception the glory that is finecast got. Before people got their greedy hands on the minis there was more goodwill and optimism around ...

I remain cautious in regard to gw-produced paint quality-wise . It is however lovely that there is no price hike involved or less paint per pot - gw is not above such things ;) though that might drive me to more Vallejo (eyedropper fetish)...

I started with the Army Painter starter kit, and added Vallejo and Reaper MSP bottles to expand it. That's the vast majority of my paint collection.

03-30-2012, 03:18 AM
Technically having seen the paints in action theres no doubt in my mind they are superior to the old ones, I'm a little concerned about the shelf life of some of them, but thats one we cant know about until the future. Is it irritating if shades are slightly different? Of course, but if the formula's really are as much an improvement as they seem on the face of it, I think it will be worth the irritation - and I'm a sticker for consistancy.

03-30-2012, 03:24 AM
That was one insane paranoid rant right there. The new White Dwarf is packed full of colour guides and painting guides for new models, no mixing just ways to use the new colours, and the new system they talk about is how people paint anyway, base oat, wash to add shade, high light up and so on, they're just changing names to make it easier for beginners, to state that they're gouging is totally irrational. The new bases are incredible, go on like foundations and yet are bright and pop out rather than being muted, the layer colours are also great, the pictures online don't do them justice at all, some of them are so vivid and gorgeous, I was trollslayer orange yesterday and it looks so nice, miles ahead of any other orange.

As a "paint slut" you should be happy, GW have just created the best range of hobby paints out there. Now, if only they'd do a smoke wash like Vallejo ...

Thank you for questioning my sanity. Just remember, only the insane have strength enough to prosper, only those that prosper truly judge what's sane.

Also, a GW store manager, and their own website, tells me the shades are not exactly the same. Now say I do want a shade exactly as my old one ones are, how do I get it without mixing?

The power of mind bullets?

And as these aren't on general release yet, how do you know it is the 'best' range? What if I think the best range has Ultramarine Blue and Boltgun Metal in it?


03-30-2012, 03:34 AM
To be fair to GW it isn't they that championed the ludicrous amounts of mixing and focus on technique over aesthetics painting styles. They started with the European painting scene and spread from there (getting into 'eavy metal when they started employing some of the better European painters). Coolminiornot is a far, far worse culprit than GW. It's just sad that GW models tend to look better in non-GW paint jobs because of it.

As to the new range, they aren't on general release but they are able to be previewed in any GW store. I have to say I've not heard anyone I know personally notice any difference in the washes/shades.

03-30-2012, 03:57 AM
Thank you for questioning my sanity. Just remember, only the insane have strength enough to prosper, only those that prosper truly judge what's sane.

Also, a GW store manager, and their own website, tells me the shades are not exactly the same. Now say I do want a shade exactly as my old one ones are, how do I get it without mixing?

The power of mind bullets?

And as these aren't on general release yet, how do you know it is the 'best' range? What if I think the best range has Ultramarine Blue and Boltgun Metal in it?


Worst possible time to loose my tiny violin :(

03-30-2012, 04:09 AM
Well, let's just wait until we have some first hand experience with the newish paints. Praising something before it manifests IRL is quite a gamble.

Go to GW store. test out paints.

Tried on Tuesday, and they are disgustingly good. Mephiston red is slightly darker than blood red, goes over a black undercoat perfectly in 1-2 coats.

03-30-2012, 04:31 AM
When I bought my Original Wargames Foundry Paint set (shade, standard highlight in each pack) with 144 20ml paints it cost me £85 and that was around 7 years ago.

03-30-2012, 04:53 AM
Personally Im not too fussed as long as the new equivalents for dark angels green, scorched brown and scab red are the same or near as damn it as these are my basic 3 that I build up on. Oh and badab black

03-30-2012, 10:02 AM
belloflostsouls is the reason I use a add blocker. every once in a while, like today, I surf a little without add-block, and I'm fine until I get to this site where my face gets smashed in. Thanks for ruining it for everyone.

03-30-2012, 10:08 AM
I'm the original "Paint Slut" from the other thread, and if you saw my paint rack, it's filled with Vallejo, Tamiya, P3, Reaper, and GW stuff. I use what covers the best/gives me the best colors for my stuff. Basically, I use whatever I think works the best for me. I realize what works for me won't wonrk for you, and I'm not saying you should paint like me. Far from it! At best, I'm an amateur painter, but I'm always looking for new techniques, styles, painting guides, etc.

The new GW Paint set isn't the largest out there. That tittle belongs to the Vallejo Model Line (over 220 different colors).

The textured paint looks very interesting to me, but I have plastic bowls full of sand/grit/basing material from GW and Woodland Scenic, as well as some personal mixes and stuff from some specialty places. I'm looking at those small paint pots, making an estimate and thinking one of those textured paint pots will probably cover about 10 25mm bases before it's empty. I'll stick to my white Elmer's Glue and basing stuff for now.

The Base Paints... unless they cover like the P3 line or Vallejo Model Color line, I won't be swapping over to those anytime soon. Except for Ceramite White. I'm hearing good things about that one, so I'm going to try that one at least. The Metalics- both the Base and Layer- have a pretty high bar to get over. Reaper MSP Metalics are the best in my opinion, with the new black label P3 metalics close behind. I have heard Tamiya makes a super pigmented, fine airbrush metalic that looks like a liquid metal even when dry- designed for airbrushes.

The Layers... the one thing that bothers me a bit about this range is the little blurb in US White Dwarf #387- "These paints have been designed to paint over basecoats and other layer paints whilst still leaving some of the underlying pigment showing, creating a huge variety of mid-tones and highlights" US White Dwarf #387; pg. 6; Apr 2012. Kinda sounds like GW is pushing the layering style of painting. I'm wondering how much these will lend themselves to wet blending and feathering, if at all? The great advantage of wet blending/feathering is the lack of many layers of paint. If done correctly, it's two two layers of paint mixed in a gradual line. Layering is just as valid, but it just takes more paint, more time, more colors, etc.

The Dry Line... not sure I'll ever use them honestly. I gave up on dry brushing a long, long time ago. I use it now, very sparingly. I can't see myself using these at all.

The Glaze Line- eh. I can get the same effect right now across almost the entire P3 range using the color of my choice and mixing medium. I'll probably try them as I'm on a wash/glaze kick right now.

I saved the best for last. The Shades. I really, really hope GW didn't monkey around too much with the old wash formula's from the old paint line. The GW Washes were the best thing to happen to the amateur painter like myself. Awesome, great, can't say enough good stuff about the GW Washes. Pure liquid talent in a paint pot. These I will definitely be purchasing for my paint rack.

If there was a local GW store around here in Alaska, I'd be in it trying these paints out. I'm always willing to try new things, and a new paint range? Heck yeah! I'll give it a try. Instead I have to rely on the experience of others and online forums. So like I said in the other thread, who here is an experienced painter and uses more then just GW paints, has used the new GW paint line, and what did you think? How did it compare to other paints you have used?

03-30-2012, 11:24 AM
Worst possible time to loose my tiny violin :(

I don't mind getting banter from you Cobber, its the sock puppet 17 posters who only came for the bitz army competition that get my juices flowing...;)

03-30-2012, 02:18 PM
When I saw "new line of paints", it remembered me another one "new line" a few years ago with the screwing lid. I thing we have been a lot screwed by the paint drying out quickly due to the bad design of the thing........
I will buy a few pots to make my mind (I am out of boltgun metal so I will give leadbelcher thing a go). I fall in love with vallejo not so long ago:D

03-30-2012, 03:27 PM
When I saw "new line of paints", it remembered me another one "new line" a few years ago with the screwing lid. I thing we have been a lot screwed by the paint drying out quickly due to the bad design of the thing........
I will buy a few pots to make my mind (I am out of boltgun metal so I will give leadbelcher thing a go). I fall in love with vallejo not so long ago:D

I feel the same way. The Vallejo dropper bottle is far superior to me, and I plan to continue buying everything but washes from them unless GW can REALLY impress me with the first few I try out.

03-30-2012, 03:34 PM
Go to GW store. test out paints.

Tried on Tuesday, and they are disgustingly good. Mephiston red is slightly darker than blood red, goes over a black undercoat perfectly in 1-2 coats.

Next week will see some serious painting on my part, since 2 doctor appointments will open a bit of afternoon time and over Easter will most likely be an orgy of paint and a much overdue one at that -- the hobbyist dilemma of wanting more stuff when you can reasonably paint :o.

I have just learnt the hard way over the years that having initially tested 4-6 products of a portfolio that contains hundreds of products often leads to crappy judgement. That's why I mentioned finecast, my first couple of them were okay but then... oh boy, I miss metal hard on some days.

Unless I have painted 2 squads worth of troops I decline to comment on the quality, though the name change is quite a mess. I see unnecessary confusion ahead for half-assed trademark reasons for marketing hobby supplies. I'm not aware of Chapterhouse threatening their paints :D