View Full Version : Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium News

Alpha Omega Protocol
03-29-2012, 01:13 PM

According to this latest article Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium is now single player with multi-player elements. I'm happy we still get the game, but sad it isn't an mmo.

03-29-2012, 01:19 PM
well at least it's still coming...

03-29-2012, 01:32 PM
i may be one of the few people who prefer it this way, hopefully this allows for more playable factions/classes/vehicles

plus i dont have time for an mmo , i barely have time to get on TOR

03-29-2012, 02:26 PM
I don't mind this change really, as I don't have the time to invest in an MMO and I prefer avoiding online interaction in games most of the time.

That being said, we still have no idea what the gameplay for this thing will be like, and that's the part I'm most interested/concerned about.

I'm assuming it would be keeping a lot of the player customization/RPG elements, hopefully...that much is exciting.
And perhaps the option to play other races will remain, which could be equally exciting.

This could wind up similar to a 40k Mass Effect, but with the option of taking either side (or multiple sides) in the same conflict(s)/setting(s).

Colonel Bindoff
03-29-2012, 02:34 PM
Good as space marine was, I'm very much hoping the plan is a single player RPG rather than TPS. There's so many ways that this game could go with that concept. Unfortunately as this is still so far in the future I'll probably have sired more children and have even less free time to make the most of it.

03-29-2012, 02:35 PM
I also read it here!!


03-29-2012, 03:08 PM
No surprise. MMO's, even "the big one" have been having trouble lately. I think the MMORPG fad is beginning to fade.

Limey El'Jonson
03-29-2012, 03:19 PM
I'll be thinking about friends of mine who either just got laid off from this project or who narrowly dodged the bullet.

118 people lost their jobs today. :(

03-29-2012, 03:28 PM
well at least it's still coming...

Indeed, whilst it would have been great to see an online mmo game set in the 40k universe I just don't think THQ were the company to do it. Despite how much I enjoy space marine.

Having said that I do also feel for the poor sods who have lost or are going to lose their jobs with the company.

Diagnosis Ninja
03-29-2012, 04:27 PM
Better ever than never.

03-29-2012, 04:37 PM
i just cant wait for space marine 2!!!! or a tau fire warrior reboot lol

03-29-2012, 04:49 PM
I'm not enthused. If the multi-player is something like Borderlands, with skills to learn and co-op games possible, cool. I might still get it. If it turns into Space Marine 2 - competitive deathmatch multi-player and single-player only, I'll give it a pass.

03-29-2012, 08:53 PM
Glad this didn't get scrapped a rpg style I think will do well, we already have 2 RTS(DoW1&2) 2 FPS(SM&fire warrior) I think I RPG kinda like mass effect/fable would be a good refreshing direction.

03-29-2012, 09:04 PM
Drat, was really jonesing for mmo.

03-29-2012, 10:33 PM
I think it wouldn't have done well as an MMO. As a single player game it will be amazing though.

Ebon Hand
03-29-2012, 10:40 PM
I have mixed feelings here... I was interested to see how it would have been as an MMO, but it's probably for the best seeing as I can't imagine being told "Initiate, your first task is to bring me 10 Ork skulls." Single player with multiplayer elements though? Do they mean like a co-op mode or like Space Marine with a pvp aspect?

03-29-2012, 11:25 PM
Sounds cool, however i feel like it'll turn into the old Dawn of War series, in which you have the different factions on one world/galaxy strip, fighting over the same piece of terrain over and over again. :(

If it has an actual deep storyline to it, with crossovers and multiple depths of intrigue and NOT like DOW 2 Retribution... Then I'm all for it, and can't wait to have a Waagh'in good time playin it.

03-30-2012, 12:11 AM
I wouldn't mind having a 40K RPG that's a bit more in-depth customization and gameplay than Space Marine did. Even though it's not an MMO I'm glad they haven't just scrapped the project.

03-30-2012, 02:13 AM
I just want Eldar to be playable, don't care if it is single player or multuplayer.

03-30-2012, 04:46 AM
Hope it becomes now Space Marine 2... and with the storyline continuing...

Dark Millenium, Inquisition, the destiny and fate of Titus...

03-30-2012, 06:52 AM
I'm not enthused. If the multi-player is something like Borderlands, with skills to learn and co-op games possible, cool. I might still get it. If it turns into Space Marine 2 - competitive deathmatch multi-player and single-player only, I'll give it a pass.

You do realize that Space Marine now has a co-op multiplayer mode and indeed, its quite fun.

03-30-2012, 08:55 AM
Hope it becomes now Space Marine 2... and with the storyline continuing...

Dark Millenium, Inquisition, the destiny and fate of Titus...

That's...not going to happen.

They've invested tons of time, money and resources into both games, so there's no need to invest more time and money into making DM into a SM sequel (as opposed to just turning it into a more traditional RPG instead of an MMO, which will likely save a -ton- of time and money in development costs). They would have to scrap a ton of DM material in order to do so and overhaul all of the art if they wanted the games to be consistent.

If SM gets a sequel, it will be done by Relic, who still has all the assets used in the creation of the first game.

03-30-2012, 10:03 AM
not being an MMO gives them a better chance to make a good game.

03-30-2012, 10:25 AM
I was looking forward to the MMO BUT I was not looking forward to the monthly fee so I'm okay with it. Sure hope the fit in the TAU as playable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-30-2012, 06:32 PM
You do realize that Space Marine now has a co-op multiplayer mode and indeed, its quite fun.

I'm aware. I should have specified that I mean co-op in the campaign, a la Borderlands, instead of the generic 'survive waves of orks' multiplayer in Space Marine.

03-30-2012, 09:05 PM
didn't they say they were making the DMO combat more like SM. it sounds like its now just off brand SM2

03-30-2012, 09:20 PM
I kinda feel like the single player option is all around best. If I want to play wit other folks, I can...Play 40K.

Alpha Omega Protocol
04-01-2012, 02:09 AM
didn't they say they were making the DMO combat more like SM. it sounds like its now just off brand SM2

I remember reading that too. They were planning to have the combat be like SM, but still have the rpg elements for main gameplay. Would have to search all the posts on Kotaku about DM to find out exactly, but pretty sure the only thing that would be like SM would be the combat.