View Full Version : Is Mephiston viable in 1500pts Blood Angels?

03-29-2012, 11:49 AM
Hi all,
First off, I love playing Mephiston as my HQ; but I've only put him in my 1750pt army at the least
I was wondering if I could make a semi-competitive to competitive army list built around Mephiston at the 1500 point level. Is it possible?
My preference is jumpers but I'd think razorspam would be the most cost effective in this situation

03-29-2012, 02:25 PM
My local club ran a tournament using rules alot like the new Zone Mortalis. Set in a space hulk, we were limited to 1000pts. I took Mephiston, 2 tactical squads with a priest in each and 5 termies with an assault cannon. In smaller point games, for me Mephistion seems to shine. There is a lot less weapons that could instant kill him and alot less troops that can bog him down. He can do a lot of damage.

03-29-2012, 02:36 PM
I thinks its possible, but I would use him in an mech list in order to hide him behind the vehicles, so he is protected till he jumps forward

03-29-2012, 02:51 PM
Agree with Jangoo, in my 2000 point list I run a land raider which is essentially a Mephiston delivery system so he can hide behind it
And vharing, I love the new Zone Mortalis rules but havent got a chance to actually play them yet; and yes...Mephiston is powerful :D

03-29-2012, 03:27 PM
His biggest problem isn't the size or make up of your army. The biggest problem is GKs.

His wings and probably a lot of his other powers are going to get shut down. And literally every unit his a pretty good shot of getting rid of him. Heck, it may not even take their whole army a single turn of shooting to get rid of him, even through his 2+.

If you can find ways to make him useful against GKs, then he is a stud against most other armies. And he's one of those things that the smaller the game the hard he is to deal with.

03-29-2012, 03:33 PM
GKs are a large problem but for this situation let's assume they're not in the picture.
No one in my FLGS plays Gks

03-29-2012, 03:44 PM
GKs are a large problem but for this situation let's assume they're not in the picture.
No one in my FLGS plays Gks

this sounds like heaven.

even as a old daemonhunter player i hate the new GK so damn much it isnt even funny.

i think at 1500 points however there are enough weapons to seriously give mephiston trouble. 1k is okay but 1.5k... thinking about my dark eldar and what i can field at that points i dont see much work he can do there.

03-29-2012, 03:47 PM
It is...unfortunately there's a ton of space marines and the biggest WAAC Space Wolves player...ever
The armies I mostly face are footslogging gunline vanilla marines (never had much of a problem with them), Vet Mech IG, a Black Templars player, and Space Wolves which I loathe

03-29-2012, 08:01 PM
He can do tons of damage in any list if he is used correctly.

Bottom line is it's your army. If you like taking Meph then take him. Let your oppenent worry about what to do against him.

03-30-2012, 03:35 PM
I echo what others have said. If he's a key part of your larger point armies, there's no reason not to put him in the lower point game if you can afford him. He's a beast if used right, but at his cost it can be pretty painful if he bites it to something stupid.