View Full Version : Best Way to Magnetize?

03-28-2012, 01:43 PM
So I would like to magnetize my hive tyrant. Unfortunately I have the metal model, and I'm not sure how to magnetize the arms. I have the magnets already and I'd like to make him fully modular so I can always use the same model, even in WYSIWYG matches.

Should I drill into the model?
Chop off part of the arm?

I'm just not sure where to start on it.

03-28-2012, 03:26 PM
At the risk of sounding obvious, have you looked on you tube or google for a tutorial on how to do that? Every time I've gone to magnetize something I've usually found a tutorial that at least gives me a starting point.

03-28-2012, 04:55 PM
Find small magnets, glue them into the sockets and round out with green stuff. FOr the arms, I strimmed the ball ends and glued magnets to them. Then Green stuffed to make sure it held. Works great, but 20 hours owrht or work.:eek:
Good luck

03-28-2012, 04:58 PM
I've seen a Hive Tyrant magnetised, and after the painful process of magnetizing two imperial Guard Chimeras I would offer the following advice: Make sure, 1) That your magnets can hold the weight of the metal limbs as they are very heavy and 2) Carve out holes for the magnets to fit in, quintuple-check polarities before you go anywhere near superglue.

03-28-2012, 09:29 PM
I've seen a Hive Tyrant magnetised, and after the painful process of magnetizing two imperial Guard Chimeras I would offer the following advice: Make sure, 1) That your magnets can hold the weight of the metal limbs as they are very heavy and 2) Carve out holes for the magnets to fit in, quintuple-check polarities before you go anywhere near superglue.

Those types of things is why I never tried to use magnets.

The Madman
03-29-2012, 04:39 AM
i used a dremal and drilled each arm socket out so the magnets would fit in his body, then clipped off the ball sockets and added magnets to the arms and used greenstuff to reshape the ball joint. getting through the metal takes a while but its worth it.

03-29-2012, 06:39 AM
Drill into one side and use greenstuff on the other side and fit them together. Drill at the small nipple that is made when the two pieces come apart afterwards and the fit should be spot on. I'd mark one ise oe each magnet where the poles meet up correctly and make sure that the marking shows when they are inserted into the piece to avoid messing the polarity up on them.

03-29-2012, 09:44 AM
At the risk of sounding obvious, have you looked on you tube or google for a tutorial on how to do that? Every time I've gone to magnetize something I've usually found a tutorial that at least gives me a starting point.

I have found some guides, but generally from people who have much better tools than I do.

This was mainly whether it was better to just glue the magnets as is to the body and cut off a lot of the arm in hopes of making a good arm, or if it was worth it to drill into the body to make it a good arm.