View Full Version : Impressions of the new paint range

03-28-2012, 09:04 AM
So, what with the biggest revamp of GWs paint range ever, I thought it might nice to have a thread for people to post their impression of it as they get some hands on experience. I realise they aren't actually on sale for another week yet, but you can test them out at any GW store.

I didn't get a great deal of time with the new paints, unfortunately, but I have to say I'm really impressed.

Base range: I tried Ceramite White and Screamer Pink, and I'm sold on the new base paints already. Ceramite White is worth any inconvenience alone, it will make painting white so much easier. Ditto for Screamer Pink and my pink Eldar helmets. One of my brothers tried Balthasar Gold and loved it, said painting gold should be much easier.

Layers: Basically the old colour range, perhaps a little thinner I'm not sure. More paints = good and the quality is consistently high so nothing but positive here.

Shades: The old washes, wonderful as always. I think Carroburg Crimson might make a very pretty ethereal pink over ceramite white or one of the pale greys.

Dry range: I tried Changelink Pink and the white, they went on well. I had a lot of trouble with the old GW colour paints sometimes being too thin/clear too drybrush easily with. These solve that issue neatly. Of course you can still drybrush with any paint you like.

Glaze: Didn't get to try any.

Texture: Tried Mourn Mountain snow with the white Dry paint over it for a snow base, came out rather well. A few patches of the fake snow for variation will be nice. I think the proportion of grit could be higher, I thnk I'll stick to using sand myself. I can see a use for these paints texturing smooth surfaces on terrain though, adding roughness to cliffs and walls and whatnot.

Technical: Liquid greenstuff, primer, medium and varnish. All fairly straightforward, the medium is a welcome addition but I didn't get to use it.

Gw have a paint conversion chart up here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=cat730002a&categoryId=6800002a&section=&aId=21600002a), in case people missed it. They also have a decent set of guides to painting various colours/army schemes with the new paints here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/paintChart.jsp?catId=cat820002a&rootCatGameStyle=). Some of them are very useful, others less so. I think the one for white is a bit overcomplicated, though it would get a nice result.

03-28-2012, 09:23 AM
Had a quick play with the new silver, and some green shade (I think) could have been a glaze, and it was ok, but nothing special, I'll certainly not be rushing out to replace my current stash of paint.

I did like the texture paint, I think I will definitely be adding some of that to my collection though.

03-28-2012, 10:01 AM
I'm all about texture...but if you want some textured paint, just go buy yourself a nice big container of one of the Liquitex or W&N (or equivalent) texture mediums (http://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-and-newton-galeria-texture-gel-mediums/)

You simply mix your paint with the texture medium you want, and then you can paint it on. Dries firm. Really great stuff, and a much, much better value than the texture paints will be. You should be able to find most at a Hobby Lobby or Michael's equivalent.

03-28-2012, 11:18 AM
Not really having any paint quite yet, I will likely be picking some up for myself in the near future when they go on sale.

03-28-2012, 11:41 AM
@ Eldargal: I'm getting ready to paint my Blood Angels and have a question - as far as the paint guides go, I assume you're supposed to use the paints, wash, etc. in the given order. Correct?

03-28-2012, 11:57 AM
The more paints the better! Though I am a little annoyed that a few months ago I got about eighty bucks worth of paint and now they have a load of better stuff out now.

03-28-2012, 12:29 PM
All I can say is, thank christ they added a conversion chart on the website...

03-28-2012, 12:55 PM
Not sure how I feel about this. I have a system down pat and this is bound to mess with it, however if the pot lids stay open now that'll be a huge plus..........

Colonel Kreitz
03-28-2012, 01:40 PM
So, what with the biggest revamp of GWs paint range ever, I thought it might nice to have a thread for people to post their impression of it as they get some hands on experience. I realise they aren't actually on sale for another week yet, but you can test them out at any GW store.

I didn't get a great deal of time with the new paints, unfortunately, but I have to say I'm really impressed.

Base range: I tried Ceramite White and Screamer Pink, and I'm sold on the new base paints already. Ceramite White is worth any inconvenience alone, it will make painting white so much easier. Ditto for Screamer Pink and my pink Eldar helmets. One of my brothers tried Balthasar Gold and loved it, said painting gold should be much easier.

Layers: Basically the old colour range, perhaps a little thinner I'm not sure. More paints = good and the quality is consistently high so nothing but positive here.

Shades: The old washes, wonderful as always. I think Carroburg Crimson might make a very pretty ethereal pink over ceramite white or one of the pale greys.

Dry range: I tried Changelink Pink and the white, they went on well. I had a lot of trouble with the old GW colour paints sometimes being too thin/clear too drybrush easily with. These solve that issue neatly. Of course you can still drybrush with any paint you like.

Glaze: Didn't get to try any.

Texture: Tried Mourn Mountain snow with the white Dry paint over it for a snow base, came out rather well. A few patches of the fake snow for variation will be nice. I think the proportion of grit could be higher, I thnk I'll stick to using sand myself. I can see a use for these paints texturing smooth surfaces on terrain though, adding roughness to cliffs and walls and whatnot.

Technical: Liquid greenstuff, primer, medium and varnish. All fairly straightforward, the medium is a welcome addition but I didn't get to use it.

Gw have a paint conversion chart up here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=cat730002a&categoryId=6800002a&section=&aId=21600002a), in case people missed it. They also have a decent set of guides to painting various colours/army schemes with the new paints here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/paintChart.jsp?catId=cat820002a&rootCatGameStyle=). Some of them are very useful, others less so. I think the one for white is a bit overcomplicated, though it would get a nice result.

1) I think the best things that GW has are the Foundations and washes (erm...Bases and Shades). I think the expansion of those two lines is the best part of all of this for that very reason. And yes...Ceramite white actually works. 3 coats to cover black, maximum, on large, flat surfaces.

2) Did you find that layers slightly thinner than the current paints? I felt that way, but I don't know whether or not that's just my imagination.

03-28-2012, 01:43 PM
How does the liquid greenstuff work? Has anyone tried it?

03-28-2012, 01:47 PM
The best paint GW did was the inks...
still not back though....

03-28-2012, 01:52 PM
The inks and skull white are about the only things I buy from GW now.

03-28-2012, 02:06 PM
All I can say is, thank christ they added a conversion chart on the website...
Just to be safe, you probobly want to download the .pdf of that conversion to your computer before it gets lost in the warp.


03-28-2012, 02:08 PM
The only negative thing about the new range is their adherence to the type of container. Otherwise everything about the paints themselves is pretty great from what I've experienced.

03-28-2012, 02:25 PM
I had the chance to try some of these paints and I can honestly they rock. The base colors go on smooth and not as thick as the foundations. All the others were impressive also. I can't wait until they come out.

03-28-2012, 02:41 PM
The paints seem really good, really tempted to spend money I saved from my loan on the mega set. even if it doesnt come with modelling stuff like the other mega sets

03-28-2012, 02:56 PM
I played with them today at my local GW, only customer in the shop so I had lots of time with them.
The base colours are amazing! The just completely cover any base without any fad, I compared mephiston red on black primed and a white primed and there was no difference.
The layers are very nice and much more consistent than the old ones.
The shades are equivalent to washes and work very well indeed.
The dry are my favourite of them all, I have always had problems with dry brushing and I used this and it worked perfect. Even colouration, and with it being so dry it didn't run or splatter where I didn't want it.
The glazes are very nice, I can see me using these to get some great lighting effects on my plasma weapons. They add some colouration of the glaze but its semi-transparent so as you build it up you can get a diffuse glow.

03-28-2012, 02:58 PM
Oh forgot, used the textured paint and that was nice, but I can't really see me using it, well maybe with the dry to do some weathering effect a la FW weathering powders.

Was also given little cards showing the colours and brief instructions to paint my armies using the new range of stuff, was sweet. They had cards covering everything....

03-28-2012, 03:52 PM
How does the liquid greenstuff work? Has anyone tried it?

Like high fill car primer spray in a brush on form. It's not green stuff by any stretch of the imagination but it is handy for filling minor blemishes. Watch out for shrinkage as it dries if you try to fill a large area, it's better to paint multiple thinner layers than to just gob it on.

03-28-2012, 04:40 PM
I have a pot, yes it seems to work fine.

As for the paints I am impressed with the base white seemed to cover over black well. I might have another go with the textured paints. I cant say i was impressed but maybe I should just glob it one.

Anyone know if the Lahmian Medium is the same as the stuff that came with the eavy metal paint brushes?

Ebon Hand
03-28-2012, 06:37 PM
Last time I sat down to paint I found an old chaos black that I had forgotten about. 6 months old? A year? Who knows. But it was bone dry. I'm totally switching to reapers and their dropper bottles.

03-28-2012, 08:07 PM
Basse white sounds amazing for my Dark Eldar. About the only thing I'm really looking forward to though. Base/foundation paints are the best part of the gw paint line.

03-28-2012, 08:41 PM
Count me among those who got the chance to test them at the local store and was pleasantly surprised.

I'm sure there's something that will be a downside, but the new bases definitely do the job of covering. Crossing my fingers that with the bases, historical problem colors will not be as much of a problem anymore.
The nice surprise is there's a brighter red base that covers better than mechrite red as far as I could tell.

The texture paints are definitely something I will use with old brushes. They almost need to be scooped on as you'll tend to get pigment and not the sand if you treat them like traditional paints. I don't feel they're a suitable replacement for weathering powders because they're coarser than I'd like for mud splatters and such, but do make bases a little easier. I prefer understated model bases with minimum of work so the model gets the attention anyway. I've usually used sand with several PVA treatments to hold it in place before base coating and drybrushing. This might cut some of the steps of that process down, so I'm happy to give them a try.

Shades are pretty much as advertised. I didn't really play with layers too much at the time.

One thing, at least the shades in the sample set were a different bottle top. It is a bit harder to get open, but stays open and closes more tightly. I don't know if that means the actual production pots will be these new ones across the board or what.

03-28-2012, 09:27 PM
Has anyone done a strait comparission to a new paint with the old paint, I've seen some photos where the colors don't exactly match up and I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this.

03-28-2012, 09:41 PM
Has anyone done a strait comparission to a new paint with the old paint, I've seen some photos where the colors don't exactly match up and I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this.

That's one downside: there's a number that ARE NOT matching. I know for a fact that there really is no mechrite red anymore. There's a base red (Khorne) darker and a base red (Mephiston) that is brighter, nothing at it's precise level though. (may not be 100% accurate on those names though).

Boltgun's replacement, leadbelcher, is also not exactly the same, although that's more because I think it's smoother with finer grained particles rather than a different colour value.

I think the results by themselves are much better from what I saw, but backwards compatibility is going to cause some folks pain. If there's good coverage with yellow over black, I will gladly give up backwards compatibility.

Speed Freek
03-29-2012, 07:23 AM
I played with them at GW last weekend.

I really liked the textured paint for the bases. Really looked good and very easy. Did 50 terminators in a couple hours.

I also really liked the coverage of the base coat ceramite white. I normally have to do multiple coats to get good coverage. The ceramite white covered in one coat.

03-29-2012, 09:27 AM
I'm kind of a painting slut- I use Reaper, Vallejo (model and game line), Tamiya (Airbrush line), GW, and the P3 line.

How do the new paints compare to them? I have no brand loyalty when it comes to paint. I use the best I can find for the job I want to do. Part of the problem is until recently, I hated mixing colors. Why mix GW Blood Red with some GW Kemri Brown when I can get the exact color I want in P3 Skorne Red? I loved using Reaper metallics for all the colors/effects they produced. Vallejo just has some great colors. P3 makes awesome base coat paints. Since P3 has reformulated the metaliccs (black label ones), they are just awesome! For the most part, I use GW metalics (Bolt Gun and Chainmail, but switching to P3 Pig Iron and Cold Steel) and GW Washes. Tamiya Airbrush line for, well, airbrushing. Add some "Airbrush Medium" and they are good to go. Everything else takes too much prep for me to get just the right consistency and mixture.

Best thing about GW Paint Line: GW Washes! It's like talent in a paint pot! :D They are like the best thing to happen to average quality painters like myself. I really, really hope they don't monkey around too much with the wash line. It was the best thing GW has done in a long time.

Right now, I can see myself getting the Ceramite White if it covers as a base coat so well. I use Vallejo Foundation White or P3 Menoth White for my white base coats.

03-29-2012, 01:24 PM
I'm kind of a painting slut- I use Reaper, Vallejo (model and game line), Tamiya (Airbrush line), GW, and the P3 line.

How do the new paints compare to them? I have no brand loyalty when it comes to paint. I use the best I can find for the job I want to do. Part of the problem is until recently, I hated mixing colors. Why mix GW Blood Red with some GW Kemri Brown when I can get the exact color I want in P3 Skorne Red? I loved using Reaper metallics for all the colors/effects they produced. Vallejo just has some great colors. P3 makes awesome base coat paints. Since P3 has reformulated the metaliccs (black label ones), they are just awesome! For the most part, I use GW metalics (Bolt Gun and Chainmail, but switching to P3 Pig Iron and Cold Steel) and GW Washes. Tamiya Airbrush line for, well, airbrushing. Add some "Airbrush Medium" and they are good to go. Everything else takes too much prep for me to get just the right consistency and mixture.

Best thing about GW Paint Line: GW Washes! It's like talent in a paint pot! :D They are like the best thing to happen to average quality painters like myself. I really, really hope they don't monkey around too much with the wash line. It was the best thing GW has done in a long time.

Right now, I can see myself getting the Ceramite White if it covers as a base coat so well. I use Vallejo Foundation White or P3 Menoth White for my white base coats.

Me too. I have ordered some of this white and the liquid greenstuff. TBH I used to be able to get fantastic white over black in two coats of skull white.

Your right about the washes though, best thing they ever did, hope they haven't changed.

03-30-2012, 09:42 AM
Yeah I pick and choose from every company. Like you guys I found the best end of the recent GW stuff was washes, so the fact that those are being expanded is good enough, and the glazes I like to hope might be a similar success.


03-31-2012, 08:29 AM
Until now I've been using mostly P3 paints, with exception of Badab Black & Devlan Mud washes and GW metallics. But there are some nice colours in there (Khorne Red, for example) that have no close representation in P3 range that I would like to use. So I'll definitely be picking some of them. As for backwards compatibility - most of my old GW paints are dry already ,so no big problem for me.