View Full Version : Kamui, new to BoLS

03-28-2012, 08:16 AM
Hello all,

I started gaming with D&D and Palladium when I was young. In 1991 I signed up to try a game of 40k at an annual gaming convention and enjoyed it so much that I bought a copy of Rogue Trader and went home to start recruiting friends. Eventually I picked up the Compendim and Compilation and my army transformed from a random pack of mercenaries to a DIY Marine chapter. I also started playing Eldar.

With second edition I continued with Eldar, and started playing my marines as Space Wolves. I also started Ork and Sisters of Battle armies.

When third edition was released I packed up my stuff. With college, a wife, and other activities I didn't have the time or money to buy and learn a new system. I graduated, got a job, had a kid, lived with the in-laws for a bit, then bought a house. Now that I had a basement of my own it felt like time to get back into things. As my freinds and I started digging out our old stuff we found out 4th was only weeks away. I bought a Battle for Mcragge box and have been playing since.

Now I'm a semi-regular at the 'local' gaming store (local meaning about an hour away) and I host games in my basement whenever I can. I play Orks, Eldar, and I'm working on a Space Wolves lost company/renegade chapter called the Reavers. I post my modelling projects and occasional random thoughts on Creative Twilight.

03-28-2012, 08:25 AM
Hi. Welcome to bols. I look forward to more of your posts here.