View Full Version : Greetings from the top of the world

03-26-2012, 06:17 PM
Well, not quite, but close enough that warhammer is a rare thing for me these days. I am a long time player, almost half my life now, and been hanging around this site for a while now. I always told myself I had enough forums to keep track of and so would just lurk around the outskirts, but who doesnt love a shopping spree, right?

Anyways, been playing IG since about 6 months into the game when I realized marines are boring, and dudes with guns and big tanks were the way to go. Over the years I have collected many of the armies for both 40k and Fantasy, but eventually settled myself down a few. Mainly an IG player up until recently, I have in the last year started a Night Lords army since I decided I could finally afford all the head and shoulder packs needed, and a few months back dusted off the Necrons for obvious reasons. Mainly Empire and Skaven are my poisons in Fantasy, although a Brettonian army slowly gathers strength on the side, waiting on that new book I just know is coming.

I would now like to add a shameless plug for why I deserve this win, being that as a teacher in a school that until 2 years ago had never heard of Warhammer, I now co-run an afternoon game session once a week, as well as weekly painting, with a friend who I convinced to come up and work with me so I could game from time to time. This money would go mainly to build up the Ork and SM armies our regulars use (we buy the models, they play and paint them) with things that just don't have the bang for buck we look for when buying since the school doesnt see this as an activity worth funding, so namely transports, fast attack choices, and special characters so they can start getting a real feel for the game without having to proxy. What is left of the money will go to a couple items for my empire since they get a release soon, as well as a couple of new terrain pieces for the kiddies to kill each other on.

So thats all, meant to post this first, but got sidetracked looking at all the threads already here. Glad to meet you all, and happy gaming. If I win I promise to add photos of the kids and their new models so you can take a look at the first of a new breed of Northern Canadian gamers.

03-27-2012, 12:40 AM
How North Canada are ya?

Are you "brrrr its cold" Saskatchewan north, or crazy insane "how do humans survive here" Nunavut north?

And Welcome!


03-27-2012, 10:51 AM
Latitude wise I am around Edmunston, except in Quebec, meaning I am an hour North West of the last French community before it is all reserves and trees lol. Actually I work on a reserve, which is why I am so far north, but I cant complain, good pay here or no pay back home, and we all know which one buys toys haha.