View Full Version : bfg models

03-26-2012, 04:13 PM
recommendations where to get them (online)? and what is an expected starting price for new army, rulebook, etc?

03-26-2012, 08:10 PM
GW does not allow other retails to sell them anymore so you either have to buy the models from them or used. I would keep your eye out on ebay. In the USA, a good sized Imperial Navy fleet is about $100 - $120.

Also, this game is quite cheap compared to other GW games. The rules are completely free (saving $$) and you can print out all the tokens you need.

FAQ 2010 Rules (https://docs.google.com/#folders/0Bw_dULEfC3rbYzUyNjQzZTAtMDZiMS00ZjRlLWJjNzMtYTE5Y mNjZjdjODQ1)

BFG:R (fan made revised version of the rules) (https://docs.google.com/#folders/0B1Nr32u9sF3EYWQxMjcxMmItMGU1MS00NzdlLTk1YTktZWQ2M mIwYjU2ZGUz)

If you are using Eldar, I would suggest using the rules HERE (http://www.tacticalwargames.net/archive/rules/gothic/geldarmms01.html) or the ones from BFG:R.